


#现代古典 #室内乐 #重奏 #西方古典
Germany 德国


柏林爱乐十二把大提琴创立于一九七四年,隶属于举世知名的柏林爱乐管弦乐团,利用柏林爱乐休团时排练和演出。从一九七四年以来,他们就成为举世最知名且罕见的大提琴室内乐团。睽违四年,在零六年的「天使之舞」专辑后,这个乐团终于 再次推出全新专辑「花都巴黎」,把一系列和法国有关的音乐,改编成供大提琴乐团演奏,呈现一个浪漫又神秘的音乐之都。

柏林爱乐管弦乐团大提琴家十二人合奏团(Die 12 Cellisten der Berliner Philharmoniker) 德国室内乐团。1972年创建于柏林。由柏林爱乐管弦乐团大提琴组的十二位演奏家组成。常首次演出新作。演奏技巧高超,音乐性强,具有现代气息。当1974年柏林爱乐的十二把大提琴于萨尔斯堡的莫札特音乐厅、首度以这样的组合登台——立刻让包括卡拉扬在内的听众感到无比的惊喜,因为这是前所未有的大提琴音乐表现方式、几乎是一种全新的音响美学。之后柏林爱乐的十二把大提琴(德国人昵称他们为Die 12)成为全球乐坛的新宠。而他们兼具艺术兴味与通俗魅力的风格,更在后邋的数十年间不断地扩充成长。时至今日,"12"的成员随着柏林爱乐的人事更替,早已不同于二十六年前的组合、而成为年轻的新队伍,但是如同他们的首席:葛格?佛斯特所指称——「艺术观从未改变,而我们也以极广的曲目企图去开发新的观众群——」。两千年的春夏之交,柏林爱乐的十二把大提琴出现在南美、汉城、台北、香港、东京、以及伦敦的“逍遥音乐节”等地舞台,而他们热情的音乐航线却直飞充满异国情调的拉丁美洲包括巴西、阿根廷两地二十世纪最重要的音乐大师:魏亚罗伯斯皮亚佐拉的迷人杰作,在加上其它充满浪漫情调的相关主题虽然有点调皮地将getaway放进专辑名称,却是十二把大提琴以及所有他们的乐迷难得一见的、千禧音乐假期。

Die 12 Cellisten (mit vollem Namen auch Die 12 Cellisten der Berliner Philharmoniker) sind ein Cello-Ensemble aus Berlin, das aus den Mitgliedern der Cellogruppe der Berliner Philharmoniker besteht und vor allem moderne Musik spielt. Sie gehören zu den bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Kammermusik-Ensembles der Welt.

They are unique. Naturally, every symphony orchestra has its cello section. But nowhere else in the world have the deeper, larger strings joined together to form an independent ensemble - an orchestra within an orchestra - meeting with success after success. That is why every music lover knows immediately where the "12 Cellists" come from, even if they cannot name their orchestra. They are an institution.

They have played together since 1972, appearing as an ensemble, occasionally in Berlin, often elsewhere, and quite often traveling great distances. Even their premiere concert, with its evening-long program, took place not in Berlin, but instead in Tokyo, the Japanese capital, a city with which they are still closely associated.

The group's personnel has changed over the years; founders have entered retirement, and younger colleagues have also moved on. Continuity and renewal have formed a productive alliance in the history of the 12 Cellists - as you can hear for yourselves.
