一个5人乐团,他们只在68年发行过这一张专辑,而这张当日被人忽视的唱片现在却成了乐迷收藏的罕品,后来于2003年被Rev-Ola重新发行成CD。专辑里迷人的瞬间比比皆是,A Beginning Dream在懒散的夏日风铃中拌着吉它和女声哼唱款款行来,后来在You Didn't Have To Be So Nice里又用上了这段和弦,小巧玲珑的呼应设计;Rene De Marie代表了彼时典型的bossa nova流行曲,女主音Barbara Baines是类似Karen Carpenter等easy listening女歌手的温润音色,唱这种休闲松弛风格的音乐自然妥帖,还有Without Him,Today It's You等,都是这种入耳即溶的带着Brazilian jazz风味的悦耳soft pop;Walk On By乃翻唱当时炙手可热的流行歌曲拍档Burt Bacharach/Hal David的经典作品,里面的哇音analog键盘音色真是很60年代;而仅以器乐曲出现的How Insensitive在bossa nova轻摆之外还带出一些东瀛味;不光如此,碟尾的作品像Get Together则是带上Psych Pop色彩的表演,结束曲T.J. Blues更是一长段夸张的即兴jazz乐,显示了乐队多方面的野心,这一切都被年轻的Triste Janero轻松纯熟地融合进他们的音乐里,凡此种种,都令这张惊鸿一现的唱片成了流行音乐史上的另一颗值得深潜采摘的沧海遗珠。
by Richie Unterberger
From Dallas, the late-'60s quintet Triste Janero played rather out-of-fashion easy listening vocal music that skirted both the softest border of pop/rock, and the breezy, Brazilian vocal pop-jazz by the likes of Sergio Mendes. Their 1969 single, "Rene de Marie," was a hit in Dallas, and they made an obscure album for the White Whale label that year. The group broke up in 1970 or 1971, around the same time White Whale was folding, with keyboardist Cass Moore going on to play with Dallas country singer Sami Jo Cole.