Bob Katsionis,或许你真的不熟悉!但是这位响当当的大师,是你绝对不容错过的!这是一位来自希腊的键盘大师,吉他大师,键盘是他的生命!深受前梦剧院键盘手 Kevin Moore, Jens Johansson 和键盘传奇人物 Keith Emerson(The Nice, ELP)的影响,曾经为了争取更多参与乐团演出机会,全心苦练即兴演出能力,Bob Katsionis至今已成为希腊最佳键盘手之一。
Bob Katsionis特地研习古典管风琴的演奏(含有脚键盘)、现代爵士乐、音乐理论、古典乐的和声进行、西洋音乐史等课程,已经取得音乐学士学位的BOB认为,学习这些音乐课程,提昇了他对音乐的看法,并且帮助他能够更深一层的去解读音乐和分析音乐,演奏对他来说,再也不只是追求速弹和花俏的即兴而已。Firewind的当家键盘就是Bob Katsionis,还有Imaginery,还有解散的Nightfall等等超过15支乐队都有他的身影!
Babis "Bob" Katsionis (Greek: Μπάμπης Κατσιώνης), born on February 17, 1977 in Athens, Greece, is the keyboard player for the heavy metal/power metal band Firewind. Bob has appeared in various small-time bands over the years (most of them projects he developed himself) before gaining more recognition with the likes of Firewind and Imaginery. He started playing keyboards when he was 10 years old and 4 years later began learning guitar. Bob cites Kevin Moore, Jens Johansson and Keith Emerson as his main keyboard influences. As well as playing keyboards, Bob is also a seven string guitar player and has played both instruments in his various bands - when Firewind play live he performs in a dual role as keyboard player or rhythm guitarist (or both), depending on the individual song. He uses a standard six string guitar in these circumstances. Bob also has an instrumental solo project - so far two albums have been released. The style of music is jazzy neo-classical/progressive metal.