1949年11月9日出生于德国柏林,先是当过一名鼓手,后来去做了水手在纽约呆了一些年。返回德国后,他于1986年发行了代表作“Love Spy”。同年发行了第一张专辑:“Dance Control”。一年后年发行了第二张专辑:“Let's Start Now”,获得巨大成功。象许多DISCO艺术家一样,Mike Mareen也为别人制作专辑,比如的ITALO-DISCO明星Dj's Project的"Birthday Girl"等。成就了ITALO-DISCO了一段传奇。
Mike Mareen was born in post-war Berlin, West Germany and grew up in Lüneburg. His first musical success was with the band Cemetery Institution who played at Hamburg's Star-Club. Mareen later became a merchant sailor, a job which eventually took him to New York City where he played with several American groups. Upon his return to Europe, Mareen became involved with the production of Italo Disco records. During the 1980s, he had some considerable success, with frequent television appearances in Germany and Eastern Europe. His biggest hits were 'Dancing In The Dark' (1985) and 'Love Spy' (1986).