


Spain 西班牙


Mónica Naranjo,原名(Mónica Naranjo Carrasco)出生在西班牙的Figueres.她是西班牙最著名的歌星之一,拥有超过800万的全球专辑销量.令人惊叹.

Mónica很小就开始从事音乐事业,Cristobal Sansano是她的第一任制作人.在与Sony Music签约后,1994年录制了首张同名大碟"Mónica Naranjo",这张作品里汇集了多首脍炙人口的热门歌曲"Sola, Solo Se Vive Una Vez, El Amor Coloca, and Oyeme. Igualitly "Supernatural" , "Fuego de pasión"和" Llorando bajo la lluvia",也让她提名 "Eres Awards".

1995年11月,Mónica在墨西哥城剧院的演出中获得了前所未有的成功,通过她的流行知名度,第2张大碟"Palabra de Mujer"成功推出,这张作品是个经典,在美国本土,拉丁美洲以及西班牙成功卖出超过200百万张的销量,这要感谢专辑中的经典单曲"Desátame, Tú y Yo Volvemos al Amor, Pantera en Libertad, Entender el Amor, 以及Empiezo a Recordarte.是它们让第2张大碟如此卖座.

2000年,她发行了第3张专辑"Minage",一张对意大利巨星天后Mina Mazzini致敬的作品.在当年的采访中,Mónica说道:"大家都在期待这可以成为又一张"Palabra de Mujer",但它不单是张经典唱片,而是我想让世界知道我对音乐的狂热,全球还有很多优秀的歌手艺人值得相当多的关注,比如说我的偶像Mina Mazzini"

2001年Mónica发行了又一张新专辑"Chicas Malas",在制作人方面十分强大,包括Diane Warren, Gregg Alexander, John Reid, Sam Watters等等.但销量却异常失望,在首年只售出17万张,在西班牙歌手生涯中无非是个超低的结果.这张舞曲元素的作品并没有像大家期望那样有个好成绩.

2003年,受到歌迷期盼的Mónica决定尝试录制"Chicas Malas"和"Bad Girls"的英语版本.以之来扩大国际市场,在线销量达到5万张,当然这张作品也没有太成功,但单曲 "I Ain't Gonna Cry"在一定程度上扩大了欧洲市场的知名度.

2005年,经过一段长时间的休息,Mónica带回来一个很受欢迎的专辑"Colección Privada",获得相当大的反响虽然只包含一首新歌"Enamorada de Ti"但为她的音乐事业带来不少起色.

她的最新单曲" Europa "官方公布发行日期于2008年2月29日,一发行就在西班牙音乐下载榜拿下冠军位置.新专辑"Tarantula"也将在4月发行.

Mónica Naranjo的声音可以用震撼与激情爆发力来概括,这个外表妩媚妖娆的女人,唱起歌来你根本想象不到她的最高音可以到达哪个阶段.仿佛是无止境的呐喊,会让你全身神经紧绷,心跳加速.当然最近听了不少专辑,选择这张来发也是有原因的,因为风格独特,由电子迷幻又带些Dance,Pop,Rock,New age的多元素组成,听起来十分悦耳.最出彩依旧是Mónica Naranjo无低线的High Key,也许刚开始是旋律缓慢的低音区吟唱可下一秒Mónica就像换了一个人一样马上将音域提高到一个不可触及的地方,实在令人惊叹,西班牙本土的特色音乐也会带给你不同的听觉感受!好好分享吧

Known for her powerful voice and bold expressiveness, Mónica Naranjo is a Latin pop singer/songwriter from Spain whose popularity extends from Europe to the Americas. Her music is dynamic, often leaning toward cutting-edge dance music. Her popularity peaked in the late '90s with the release of Palabra de Mujer (1997), though she has retained a hardcore following over time, even after taking years off between albums, as was the case with Tarántula (2008), her first album of all-original material in seven years.

Born on May 23, 1974, in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain, Naranjo made her recording debut at a young age, releasing Monica Naranjo in 1994 on Sony. Produced by Cristóbal Sansano, the self-titled album proved popular in Latin America as well as Europe, spawning a series of hit singles including "El Amor Coloca," "Sola," and "Sólo Se Vive una Vez." The follow-up album Palabra de Mujer (1997) was an even greater success, particularly in Spain. Again produced by Cristóbal Sansano, Palabra de Mujer spawned another round of hit singles including "Desátame," "Pantera en Libertad," "Las Campanas del Amor," and "Entender el Amor."

Naranjo's third album, Minage (2000), marked a change in her career trajectory. Following two multi-million-selling international smash hit albums, the singer/songwriter released a decidedly uncommercial album, a full-fledged tribute to Italian diva Mina Mazzini. While her record label wasn't especially pleased with her decision to release such an album, just as some of her fans weren't thrilled with her turn away from commercial pop, Minage still sold over a million copies worldwide, spawned a few hits, most notably "Sobreviviré," and remains a favorite of many fans.

In contrast to Minage, Chicas Malas (2001), Naranjo's fourth album, is a dance-pop album through and through. Her most collaborative effort to date, it includes the singles "Chicas Malas," "Sacrificio," "No Voy a Llorar," and "Ain't Better Like This." An English-language version, Bad Girls, was released in 2003. After a couple more years, Colección Privada (2005), a greatest-hits collection featuring a new single, "Enamorada de Ti," was released. Not until 2008, a long seven years since Chicas Malas, her last album of all-original material, did Naranjo release her next album, Tarántula. Led by the smash hit comeback single "Europa," Tarántula was an all-around success, topping the Spanish charts and garnering acclaim from fans as well as critics.
