


Hungary 匈牙利


匈牙利小提琴家Edvin Marton(埃德文·马顿),从他的演奏风格看,和近两年大红大紫的克罗地亚钢琴家Maksim,还有前几年走红的陈美、Bond等是一个类型的,而且外形也挺俊朗潇洒,音乐风格趋于古典改编、电子融合,显而易见,他的市场主要面向年轻人。

出生于前苏联乌克兰的Edvin Marton有着匈牙利裔的血统,他认定自己成为音乐家是宿命的选择。尽管自小小年纪起就曾经在国际上获得多次小提琴演奏的奖项,在经过了古典、爵士等多种音乐尝试之后,他清楚的意识到他的音乐只能是他自己的表达,Edvin毫不犹豫地将自己的音乐带上了融合与跨界的自由之路,正是因为他音乐里独特的细腻演奏与奔放的激情,他的演奏似乎是被冰上的舞者所偏爱,曾经数次被选用为花样滑冰的比赛用曲,其中就有2006年都灵冬奥会男单冠军普鲁申科、双人冠军托特米娅尼娜/马里宁,两届世锦赛男单冠军兰比尔也是他的作品演绎者之一,他还因为作品对体育界的杰出贡献获得了2006的的运动艾美奖,如今他与诸多出色的花样滑冰选手合作组成了一个名叫“Kings On Ice”的表演团在欧洲巡演,颇受欢迎。

Alternating between pop and classics the newest, sensational album Stradivarius includes Tosca Fantasy and Romeo and Juliet which was played by Edvin at the Torino 2006 Olympic Games. His performance with figure skating Gold Medal Winners Evgeni Plushenko, Tatiana Totmianina and Maxim Marinin fascinated more than 500 million viewers in front of the television screens. Thanks to this performance Edvin Marton could be the first Hungarian to recieve the Emmy Award for the best composition of the year in May 2006 in New York. The album is named after Antonio Stradivarius treasure violin that Edvin plays. The value of the violin is appr. 4 million dollars.

Edvin Marton is one of the few performers from Hungary who was able to establish himself as an artist and personality on a world-wide level during the past years. He conquered the hearts of audiences on all continents. Feeling the pulse of our time, composing by himself combination of modern beats and violin, his music reached nearly all countries in the world. After winning the Golden Violin Award he was signed to Sony- BMG. The thoughtful optimist has always processed his impressions in his own songs. At the age of 25 he writes Art on Ice- a track also composed by himself.This music is so popular that more than 280 million people watch him on TV to perform on the ice with Figure Skating World Champion Evgeny Plushenko. They became friends and created a fascinating show production called Kings on Ice. Performed with celebrities like Seal, Zucchero or Supertramp, jumped on stage with Gloria Gaynor for an improvised encore, toured in Germany, Switzerland, Middle East and much more. Like no other artist Edvin Marton understands how to link up people of different cultures and ages. His music and his personality are capable of moving people of all kind of different nations, generations and societies in a very positive way. There are only 8 Stradivarius violins in the world such quality. Most of them are in museums. The sound is so soft that after listening to it even the Princess of Brunei was amazed and invited him to Dubai. 2006 is a very impressive year of creating the new show - Stradivarius Concert

Show with Monte Carlo Orchestra. The orchestra of 5 girls is traveling the world with Edvin. The show contains a unique combination of specialy programmed light together with remixed classics as Vivaldi Storm, Tosca Fantasy, Rio Carneval, Love in Venice, Ibiza, Godfather, Hungarian Rhapsody, Paganini 5 and much more.

