


Spain 西班牙


今年48岁出身西班牙南方贫穷建筑工人家庭的他生活并不富裕,音乐与歌唱却是他少不了的动力。青少年时期的他经常与友人搭公车到巴塞隆纳去混Pub认识英国女孩,这时他爱上了Bossa Nova,并且开始违背家里要他成为一个会计的意愿--他想当DJ。于是他离开家人,逃往外海一座名叫Ibiza的小岛,从一个服务生做起,如今他已经是名扬世界的Chill-Out DJ,甚至有人称他是Chill-Out的精神领袖,而他所驻场的Cafe Del Mar,也成为指标性的地名,连同Cafe Del Mar推出的选辑,在这几年简直引发了不可思议的音乐与渡假效应,全球每年慕名而去的观光客难以估计,而Jose Padilla的野心并不只于此,除了伴随日落气氛而选曲的招牌DJ Set之外,他更尝试起创作自己的音乐。98年他便发表了《Souvenir》,而一直到2001,他才终于又推出全新的个人创作专辑《Navigator》,以身边友人故事为灵感来源,每一段乐章都宛如一段小故事般,将地中海的音乐精髓,混融著环境音乐与平克佛洛依德式的迷幻调性,还有清灵的电气节拍与律动的放客,并邀来近年风格趋缓的英国个性黑人Seal,与前Acid Jazz大团Brand New Heavies女主唱 N'Dea Davenport跨刀献声 ,转出一首首美妙如斯,情境盎然的作品。

如果你还是觉得电子舞曲都是那些冰冷轰闹的玩意的话,该是听听Jose Padilla的时候了!

José Padilla (fl. since 1970s) is a Spanish disc jockey and producer of ambient music. He is best known for his work as DJ in the Café del Mar bar in the island of Ibiza, and is considered responsible for popularizing electronic chill-out music.

Born in Barcelona, Padilla moved to Ibiza in 1975, taking up the DJ residency at Cafe del Mar in 1991. In 1994, he compiled the first Cafe del Mar album for the React label. The series is now in its 16th volume and has spun off several related compilations, as well as leading to the creating of the bar's own eponymous label. Padilla selected tracks for the first six, as well as the 20th Anniversary commemorative release.

While several tracks of Padilla's appeared in his various compilations, it wasn't until 1998 he released his first album, Souvenir, on label Mercury Records. The CD featured collaborations with several chill-out musicians, including Lenny Ibizarre and Paco Fernández. His second album, Navigator, was released in 2001.

Padilla continues to be the resident DJ at Cafe del Mar, but is also touring around the world. However, he has recently released a new compilation series, unrelated to Cafe del Mar, called Bella Musica.

