


#新迷幻 #另类摇滚
United Kingdom 英国


The Verve在2008年发行了他们时隔多年重组后的新专辑《Forth》,紧接着好景不长,失而复得的乐队又解散了。成员Nick McCabe和Simon Jones走到了一起,组建了新乐队The Black Ships,并且于2009年开始活动。乐队成员最先开始由4名成员组成,分别是Nick McCabe,Simon Jones,Davide Rossi, Mig Schillace。其中Davide Rossi则是他们的老朋友了,曾与The Verve,Coldplay,Goldfrapp等艺人合作过。2008年时参与过The Verve的复出专辑《Forth》的制作, “Love Is Noise”和”Sit And Wonder”中的小提琴部分就是由Davide Rossi的电子小提琴完成。就这样4人组以Davide Rossi 为主唱,乐队以The Black Ships为名于2011年发行了首张EP《Kurofune》。到了2012年乐队与Amelia Tucker有了合作,并且在4月份将乐队名字改为Black Submarine。同时女主唱Amelia Tucker的加入,乐队Black Submarine也算是走向了正规,Davide Rossi与Amelia Tucker同时担任主唱。乐队的处女作《New Shores》听起来没有陌生感,并且曾经三位是The Verve的人。《New Shores》也算是吉他摇滚的迷幻盛宴,歌曲长度6分钟以上的占了一大半。开篇曲作为引导曲自然不必多说,紧着接的“Here So Rain”将你带入到Black Submarine规划的迷幻世界里,成了一首炫耀吉他技巧的歌曲。”Move Me a Mountain“出现让人意外,清脆的木吉他,Amelia Tucker原生态的演唱,与专辑前面歌曲渲染氛围格格不入,却又让人挑不出毛病。”Lover”是我觉得专辑中最为深情款款,情意浓浓的歌,Davide Rossi和Amelia Tucker俩人搭配的也好,一唱一合,打动人心。当听完整张专辑后,对于磨练出来的《New Shores》也就不那么的咄咄逼人,他们无需做到什么传世佳作,也无需证明他们的技艺有多么的娴熟,就听一份烟花一现,云烟缭绕,迷迷糊糊的过去得了。


Black Submarine, previously known as The Black Ships until mid 2012, are an English rock band formed in November 2008 by former Verve members Nick McCabe and Simon Jones, Coldplay/Goldfrapp collaborator Davide Rossi and drummer Mig Schillace.

Electric violinist Davide Rossi, who also featured on The Verve's 2008 reunion album Forth, shared the stage with the band at festivals including V and Glastonbury Festival. Drummer Mig Schillace, who has also worked with Portishead, was a collaborator of McCabe in previous musical incarnations such as 'Field Theory'. The band started rehearsing in Copenhagen before deciding on the band name in March/April 2009 and released their long awaited debut EP Kurofone in June 2011. The band also made their live debut in June 2011 at King's College Students Union in London, featuring a host of different vocalists including Amelia Tucker, David McKellar and Charley Bickers. The band also contributed a version of Rope Soul'd to the John Martyn tribute album "Johnny Boy Would Love This: A Tribute To John Martyn" released in August 2011. In April 2012 the band changed their name to "Black Submarine" following a dispute with a US band, a self published electronic duo, who trademarked the name in April 2011, 2 years after the band was formed.
