


#新浪潮 #学院摇滚 #合成器流行 #文雅流行 #艺术流行
United Kingdom 英国


Tears For Fears是英国College Rock(学院摇滚)、New Wave(新浪潮)、Pop/Rock(流行/摇滚)等风格的一只乐队,组建时间在1981年。在1983年首张专辑《The Hurting》全世界的销量几乎达到了100万张后,1985年第二张专辑《Songs From The Big Chairs》销量也高达900多万张。

乐队成立于英格兰南部的巴斯市,两位创始成员为 Roland Orzabal 和 Curt Smith,他们早在孩童时就已相识,两人均来自破碎的家庭,儿时的痛苦经历一直是他们心中的抹不去的阴影。在70年代末期他们曾经在一支叫 Graduate 的乐队里待过,该乐队仅在1978年出版过一张不成功的专辑《Acting My Age》后就宣告解散。1981年,Polygram 公司听了 Tears For Fears 的样带(包括两首歌曲)后就同他俩签订了合同。但是这两首单曲发行之后并不成功,直到1982年10月,乐队的第3首单曲, 忧伤的 "Mad World" 才把乐队带入了排行榜。随后该乐队又推出了两首排行榜前5名歌曲,1983年发行的首张专辑《The Hurting》全世界的销量几乎达到了100万张,专辑主要讲述的是 Roland Orzabal 和 Curt Smith 不幸的童年时代。乐队这时加入了鼓手 Manny Elias 和键盘手Ian Stanley,但是 Roland Orzabal 和 Curt Smith 仍然吸引了所有投向该乐队的目光。至今该专辑的全球销售量已经达到300万张。

乐队真正的成功在1985年,他们当年推出的第二张专辑《Songs From The Big Chairs》销量高达900万张,这令乐队乐队知道了什么是世界范围的成功,专辑中包括3首世界知名的经典歌曲 "Mothers Talk", "Shout" 和在全球主要排行榜上都曾先后登上榜首的 "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" 。与灰色的首张专辑相比,新专辑中色彩明亮了许多,不再走单一的 Synth-Pop 路线,Rock成份大大增加,同时还加入了大量的 Soul 音乐成份。他们那时髦漂亮的 Music Videos 更是在 MTV 台中大播特播。 但是《Songs From The Big Chairs》的成功却令乐队感到了巨大的压力,在这种成功的压力下,Tears For Fears 的两位成员感到了前所未有的紧迫感,他们坦言:“所有的人都认为我们的演唱事业一帆风顺,但是我们自己却并不这样想,我们相信要想创新就必须打破以前的模式,我们将设法使人们忘记我们,然后再重新开始”。在马不停蹄的巡回演出之后,乐队成员之间关系紧张,Tears For Fears 陷入了前所未有的困境。Curt Smith 马上携妻子到郊外隐居,而 Roland Orzabal 发现自己不能放下工作,就开始为新专辑写歌,但写歌的进程并不顺利,好在 Curt Smith 常常回来鼓励 Roland Orzabal ,并帮助他一起完成歌曲的创作。专辑的录制专辑过程同样也不顺利,前前后后换过四位制作人,七个录音棚,为了能达到更好的混音效果,出版日期拖延了好几次,总之一切都为了完美。1989年,Tears For Fears 的第三张专辑《The Seeds Of Love》出版了。无论从哪方面来说,《The Seeds Of Love》 都是一张经典专辑,更使 Tears For Fears 达到了艺术上的巅峰。专辑中有着强烈的政治意识,乐队痛恨缺乏人性的物质社会,所以要播撒 “seeds of love”,“和平与爱”是专辑的主题。尽管专辑的艺术性很强,专辑的销量还是达到了500万,单曲 "Sowing the Seeds of Love" 在美国达到Top 2的位置。

Tears For Fears 以一系列优异的成绩走过了八十年代,但九十年代却是一道门槛,特别是那些对80年代的那些乐队来说。1992年,唱片公司为乐队推出了1982年-1992年十年的精选专辑《Tears Roll Down (Greatest Hits 82-92)》。而 Roland Orzabal 和 Curt Smith 之间总是进行着激烈的争吵,导致 Curt Smith 在1992年离开 Tears For Fears,开始自己的独唱生涯。

“出了张精选辑就解散”!难道就是这支优秀的乐队的九十年代的结局?!不会的,Roland Orzabal 并未让乐队就这样消失。1993年,由他一人独支的 Tears For Fears 推出了乐队的第四张专辑《Elemental》。《Elemental》是 Roland Orzabal 与全新的音乐人合作的结晶,他一人完成了大部分 歌曲的创作、主唱了所有的歌曲,参与专辑的制作。专辑中有着鲜明的九十年代风格,依然延续了 Tears For Fears 的灵秀之气、理想主义和丰富的内涵,论水准,决不输与以前的任何一张专辑,其中的单曲 "Break It Down Again" 成为当代成人榜上的热门歌曲。只是一个人的 Tears For Fears 变得愈加自我,听众层也越来越小,专辑的反响已难于当年相提并论,在美国仅达到金唱片(50万)的销量。同年,Curt Smith 也以各人的名义推出了一张专辑《Soul On Board》,这是一张充满了忧郁的流行歌曲专辑,但论音乐水准,已难于 Roland Orzabal 一人独支的 Tears For Fears 相提并论。

仅仅过了两年的时间,Tears For Fears 又推出了新专辑《Raoul And The Kings Of Spain》(相对于前两张四年才一出的专辑,用“仅仅”两字并不过分)。此时乐队已改投 SONY 旗下的 EPIC 唱片公司, Roland Orzabal 依然是乐队的唯一成员。新专辑相对于乐队前几张专辑让人觉得喧闹了许多,但 Tears For Fears 最优秀的传统并未丢失。尽管《Raoul And The Kings Of Spain》是一张优秀的专辑 ,但一听专辑的名字你就会觉得她与90年代格格不入,这是一张曲高和寡的专辑,Tears For Fears 特有的高贵、华丽已在潮流之外,这次却以失败告终。Curt Smith 也没闲着,他组建了自己的新乐队 Mayfield,1998年,该乐队在 Curt Smith 自己的厂牌 Zerodisc 下推出首张同名专辑。2000年,Curt Smith 推出专辑《Aeroplane》,《Aeroplane》有两个版本,在美国以外的版本有14首歌,在美国则是一张收有6首歌的EP。

1996年,乐队的旧东家 Polygram 公司推出了一张 Tears For Fears 的精选专辑《Saturnine Martial & Lunatic》,里面收录了乐队从1983年到1993年以来的B面歌曲,当我们自慰式的买来以后,发现他的B面歌曲也不比A面歌曲差,这决不是一张骗钱之作。我们似乎又找回了当年听《The Seeds Of Love》时的感觉。时间真的太残酷了。不过我们依然在等待 Tears For Fears 的下一张优秀的专辑,尽管她可能已在潮流之外。人们总是说:“大浪淘沙,留下的才是黄金”,可问题是大浪究竟何时才来!

Tears for Fears were always more ambitious than the average synth pop group. From the beginning, the duo of Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith were tackling big subjects -- their very name derived from Arthur Janov's primal scream therapy, and his theories were evident throughout their debut, The Hurting. Driven by catchy, infectious synth pop, The Hurting became a big hit in their native England, setting the stage for international stardom with their second album, 1985's Songs From the Big Chair. On the strength of the singles "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" and "Shout," the record became a major hit, establishing the duo as one of the leading acts of the second generation of MTV stars. Instead of quickly recording a follow-up, Tears for Fears labored over their third album, the psychedelic and jazz-rock-tinged The Seeds of Love. While the album was a big hit, it was the end of an era instead of a new beginning. Smith left the group early in the '90s, and Orzabal continued with Tears for Fears, pursuing more sophisticated and pretentious directions to a smaller audience.

Orzabal and Smith met as children in Bath, England. Both boys came from broken homes, and Smith was leaning toward juvenile delinquency. Orzabal, however, turned toward books, eventually discovering Arthur Janov's primal scream therapy, a way of confronting childhood fears that John Lennon embraced after the Beatles disbanded. Orzabal turned Smith on to Janov, but before the duo explored this theory further, they formed the ska revival band Graduate in the late '70s. After releasing a handful of singles, including "Elvis Should Play Ska," Graduate dissolved in the early '80s, and the duo went on to form Tears for Fears, a synth pop outfit directly inspired by Janov's writings.

Riding in on the tail end of new wave and new romantic, Tears for Fears -- which featured musical contributions from former Graduate keyboardist Ian Stanley on early albums -- landed a record contract with Polygram in 1982. The following year, the band released its debut, The Hurting, which became a major hit in Britain, generating no less than three Top Five hit singles. Two years later, the group released Songs From the Big Chair, which demonstrated a more streamlined and soul-influenced sound. Songs From the Big Chair became a huge hit in America, rocketing to the top of the charts on the strength of the singles "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" and "Shout," which both hit number one, and the number three "Head Over Heels," which were all supported by clever, stylish videos that received heavy MTV airplay.

Instead of quickly following Songs From the Big Chair with a new record, Tears for Fears labored over their new record, eventually delivering the layered, Beatlesque The Seeds of Love in 1989. Featuring soulful vocals from Oleta Adams, who dominated the hit "Woman in Chains," the album became a hit, reaching number eight, while the single "Sowing the Seeds of Love" reached number two in the U.S. Again, Tears for Fears spent several years working on the follow-up to Seeds of Love, during which time they released the collection Tears Roll Down: Greatest Hits 82-92. Smith and Orzabal began to quarrel heavily, and Smith left the group in 1992, making Tears for Fears' 1993 comeback Elemental essentially a solo record from Orzabal. On the strength of the adult contemporary hit "Break It Down Again," Elemental became a modest hit, reaching gold status in the U.S., yet was hardly up to the group's previous levels. Smith, meanwhile, released a solo album in 1993, Soul on Board, which went ignored. Orzabal returned with another Tears for Fears album, Raoul and the Kings of Spain, in 1995, which failed to make much of an impact. In late 1996, the group released a rarities collection. In 2004, Orzabal reunited with Smith for the colorful and Beatlesque Everybody Loves a Happy Ending, their first collaboration in over a decade.

