


#新杰克摇摆乐 #都市音乐
United States of America 美国



Naturally7 他们7个人来自纽约,2003年出道发行第一张专辑What is it,所有专辑的歌完全没有用到任何真实的乐器,所有的人声,乐器,包括打击乐器全部用人声来演唱,其中收录了与德国天后Sarah Connor一起合作的

Naturally 7绝对不是昙花1现的组合 团队成立在纽约却在德国发展 凭着扎实的基本功以美声清唱赢得了极大喝彩 我从MUSIC IS THE KEY开始关注这个组合 俗话说:人多力量大 N7以其独有的和声征服了大片的歌迷 首张专集歌曲全由人声录制 没有用到任何乐器 我1向偏爱组合的歌 第2张专集着实让我大饱耳福 流畅的旋律 而主音的男低音并不会让人觉得甜到腻 准确的来说READY II FLY是第4张了(圣诞专集不算在内) 依然继承了第2张的风格 唯一的新意可能是部分曲目添加了RAP 而绝大部分听起来更象是福音乐 .


2000 Non-Fiction

2004 What Is It?

2004 Christmas It's a Love

Naturally 7 came into being in 1999 in their home city of New York. Seeking to revolutionize the a cappella music genre, the seven vocalists not only created beautiful harmonies, but broke new ground by creating the rhythm tracks (including guitar, drum, bass, and horn sounds) with their voices alone. Calling their new approach to instrument-free music "vocal play," the band wowed audiences all over the States, leaving concert-goers in disbelief. Witnessing their hard-hitting live performances and hearing the band's full-bodied sound on their independently released debut, Non-Fiction, caused record execs and fans alike to consistently ask one question, which ultimately became their major-label debut record's title. What Is It? was released in 2003, featuring the single "Music Is the Key" with Sarah Connor. The song became a significant hit throughout Europe, which quickly became the group's home base. Naturally 7's members (Garfield Buckley, Rod Eldridge, Warren Thomas, Jamal Reed, N'glish, Dwight Stewart, and Armand Hutton) first toured all over Germany, later taking the stage in neighboring nations like Austria, Switzerland, France, and Hungary, to name a few. Record sales continued to rise as their fan base grew. Their third original release, Ready II Fly, was met with almost instant success, appearing on R&B charts all over the continent. Naturally 7 maintain a strong presence on European charts while shifting significant attention to the U.S. market in hopes of enjoying similar success on their native soil.
