


#梦幻流行 #噪音摇滚 #后朋克 #噪音流行 #自赏 #另类摇滚
Ireland 爱尔兰


80年代末至90年代,英国出现了纯粹以吉他噪音实验为目标的乐队与风格,并且获得了相当大的成功,在英国独立摇滚中可谓独树一帜。敏感的乐评人称这一类音乐风格为“自赏摇滚”(Shoe-gazing)。“自赏摇滚”这一名称很是贴切,既包涵了乐队的音乐风格,又暗示了乐队特立独行的生活态度。 My Bloody Valentine就是这类摇滚的代表人物。

My Bloody Valentine (我血淋淋的情人节)乐队的名字的灵感来自于导演George Mihalka在1981年拍摄的惊悚片《My Bloody Valentine》。My Bloody Valentine是一支anti-rock/art-pop/dream pop/Shoe-gazing/miasma风格乐队,最初由吉他手Kevin Shields,鼓手Colm O'Ciosoig,主唱Dave Conway,吉他手Bilinda Butcher 和键盘手Tina在爱尔兰的都柏林组成。在1985乐队回到伦敦之后,键盘手Tina离开乐队,而贝斯手Debbie Googe则在次年加入乐队,直到之后主唱Dave Conway由于身体和同kevin的关系不和原因离开乐队,My Bloody Valentine才最终固定为Kevin Shields,Colm O'Ciosoig,Debbie Googe ,Bilinda Butcher四名成员。

乐队在1985年由Tycoon公司出版了EP《This Is Your Bloody Valentine》,当时尚未成熟的My Bloody Valentine给人们带来的更多是一种歌特金属式的阴暗,这样的风格与他们成型后的音乐有着极大的反差。他们早期的这张专辑,也让人联想到了the birthday party和the jesus and mary chain甚至摇滚鼻祖the Velvet Underground。可以说,此时的My Bloody Valentine正在为他们的未来探索着方向。

1986年,他们转投Fever公司,出版了EP《Geek》,1987年又转入Kaledoscope Sound公司,出版了EP《The New Record by My Bloody Valentine 》,1988年乐队又转签到了Lazy 公司,并出版了单曲《Sunny Sundae Smile》。这张EP中,My Bloody Valentine首次采用了磨和吉他的技术表现出鲜明轻快而美丽的节奏,而接下来的两张EP《Strawberry Wine》和《Ecstasy》的的倍受好评让他们崭露头角。

在那张让他们声名大噪《Isn't Anything》专辑中,My Bloody Valentine向人们展示出了他们全新的曲风。由于原主唱Dave Conway离开乐队而兼任主唱的吉他手Bilinda Butcher自然的唱腔和模糊不清的唱词再配上金属撞击带来的嘈杂混乱的噪音,充满着一种空灵缥缈的美感。这张带有一点迷幻色彩专辑的巨大成功,为My Bloody Valentine不可思议地增加了众多拥趸,并且让乐队受到了Sire/Warner这样的国际音乐公司的瞩目。

1989年初,他们的两张EP《Feed Me With Your Kiss》《You Made Me Realise》出版,作为乐队上张专辑的延续。与此同时,一些My Bloody Valentine风格的乐队相继出现,而乐队则转向在录音室工作,并出版了EP《Glider》。1990年,乐队出版EP《Tremolo》,进入全英TOP 40。

1991年,Sire公司斥巨资出版了My Bloody Valentine充满传奇色彩的Shoe-gazing的代表作《Loveless》。也正是这张专辑让Ambient开始风行,专辑中的代表曲目《Only Shallow》《Soon》《Sometimes》(这个大家应该很熟悉了,电影《迷失东京》的背景音乐)《Loome》,折射出My Bloody Valentine音乐的华丽。不同与迷幻摇滚的醉生梦死飘飘欲仙,My Bloody Valentine在阴郁的曲调和嘈杂的混音下Kevin Shields认为自己其实是在表达一种积极乐观的态度。

《Loveless》发行之后,My Bloody Valentine再次转入录音室,此后逐渐淡出乐坛。My Bloody Valentine和更多Shoegaze风格乐队,影响了其后British indie rock的发展。这其中的一些乐队如90年代风靡英伦的radiohead的音乐里,也能找到一些My Bloody Valentine的音乐元素。

2008年,My Bloody Valentine复出,举办多场演唱会。

Like the Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, and the Jesus & Mary Chain before them, My Bloody Valentine redefined what noise meant within the context of pop songwriting. Led by guitarist Kevin Shields, the group released several EPs in the mid-80s before recording the era-defining Isnt Anything in 1988, a record that merged lilting, ethereal melodies of the Cocteau Twins with crushingly loud, shimmering distortion. Though My Bloody Valentine rejected rock & roll conventions, they didnt subscribe to the precious tendencies of anti-rock art-pop bands. Instead, they rode crashing waves of white noise to unpredictable conclusions, particularly since their noise wasnt paralyzing like the typical avant-garde noise rock band: it was translucent, glimmering, and beautiful. Shields was a perfectionist, especially when it came to recording, as much of My Bloody Valentines sound was conceived within the studio itself. Nevertheless, the band was known as a formidable live act, even though they rarely moved, or even looked at the audience, while they were on-stage. Their notorious lack of movement was branded shoegazing by the British music press, and soon there were legions of other shoegazers — Ride, Lush, the Boo Radleys, Chapterhouse, Slowdive — that, along with the rolling dance-influenced Madchester scene, dominated British indie rock of the late 80s and early 90s. As shoegazing reached its peak in 1991, My Bloody Valentine released Loveless, which broke new sonic ground and was hailed as a masterpiece. Though the band was poised for a popular breakthrough, it disappeared into the studio and didnt emerge over the next five years, leaving behind a legacy that proved profoundly influential in the direction of 90s alternative rock.

Born in Queens, New York, Kevin Shields family moved to Dubin, Ireland, when he was six years old. In his teens, he became obsessed with pop music, eventually playing in Complex with his childhood friend Colm OCiosoig. In 1984, Shields and OCiosoig formed My Bloody Valentine with vocalist Dave Conway and keyboardist Tina, taking their name from a slasher horror film. The group relocated to Berlin, where they released the Birthday Party-influenced EP This Is Your Bloody Valentine on the Tycoon label in 1985 to little notice. The following year, the band moved to London, where they added bassist Debbie Googe. By the summer, they had signed to Fever and had released the EP Geek!, which again was ignored. Later that year, the group moved to Kaledoscope Sound, releasing The New Record by My Bloody Valentine EP, which illustrated a Jesus & Mary Chain influence. The following year, the band moved to the Primitives Lazy Records, releasing Sunny Sundae Smile early in the year. That EP was the first My Bloody Valentine record to mesh airy melodies with grinding guitars, but the two EPs that followed in 1987 — Strawberry Wine and Ecstasy — were more focused and acclaimed. Conway left the band by the end of the year and was replaced by vocalist/guitarist Bilinda Butcher, whose breathy vocals fit the groups evolving sound more appropriately.

My Bloody Valentines new sound coalesced with the groups first full-fledged album, 1988s Isnt Anything. Released on Creation Records, Isnt Anything was greeted with enthusiastic reviews in the U.K. music press and the bands following increased dramatically by the end of the year; in fact, their reputation had become large enough to attract the attention of Sire/Warner Bros. in the U.S., who became the groups American label. Two other EPs, Feed Me With Your Kiss and You Made Me Realise, were also quite popular, and by the beginning of 1989, bands that based their sound on My Bloody Valentines droning swirl began to appear. The group retreated to the studio in 1989 to record its follow-up, which meant that only one EP, Glider, was released during that year. By the spring of 1990, it was becoming clear that the follow-up to Isnt Anything wouldnt be appearing anytime soon, and reports about Shields growing perfectionism began to circulate in the U.K. weekly music press. Soon, it became apparent that the bands lengthy recording sessions were crippling Creation Records, but the groups audience was still passionate despite the inactivity: the Tremolo EP was released at the end of 1990 to considerable acclaim, and managed to climb into the U.K. Top 40.

When My Bloody Valentines second album, Loveless, finally appeared in late 1991, it was greeted with uniformly excellent reviews and it became a hit within the U.K., reaching number 24 on the charts. In America, the group made significant inroads, particularly by supporting Dinosaur Jr. Despite the bands acclaim and growing audience, Loveless didnt sell in numbers to recoup its reported 500,000 dollar recording cost and Creation dropped the band from their label roster; Creation wouldnt fully recover until 1994, when they signed Oasis. My Bloody Valentine signed with Island and entered the studio at the end of 1992 to record a new album. In 1993, the group contributed a James Bond cover to a charity compilation.

And then...nothing happened.

Shields built a home studio with his Island advance and reportedly completed two separate albums, but scrapped them both. Often, the studio ran into technological problems. Between 1993 and 1997, both Googe and OCiosoig left the band, leaving only Shields and Butcher; after driving a cab for about a year, Googe formed Snowpony in 1996. There were signs that My Bloody Valentine were emerging from hiding in 1996, when the group contributed to the Wire tribute album Whore and Shields played on Experimental Audio Researchs Beyond the Pale. Still, no new My Bloody Valentine material appeared.

