中 文 名 马修·连恩
外 文 名 Matthew Lien
别 名 Matthew Carl Lien
出 生 地 圣地亚哥
出生日期 1965年5月10日
职 业 歌手,作曲家
代表作品 水世纪,美丽新世界,狼,驯鹿宣言
居 住 地 加拿大 育空
身 高 188cm
马修·连恩(Matthew Lien)是一位出生于圣地亚哥、寄居于加拿大、却又因为热爱大自然而四海漂泊的歌手和作曲家,也是一位热衷环保事业并用音乐来唤起人们环保意识的艺术家。从《狼》的推出到《驯鹿宣言》,无一不充满人类对身边最忠实的朋友——动物的关爱。
1994年,Matthew凭借单曲"BleedingWolves"拿到了极光奖“最佳原创音乐奖”,1995年,他又获得极光奖四项提名,并拿到“杰出音乐创作奖”和“音乐类杰出个人奖”,可谓硕果累累。Matthew并不光做自己的音乐,1993年,他担任专辑《LouiseProfeit-LeBlanc》(原住民故事)的制作人,同年他还制作了北极及加拿大运动会专辑《LifeCycle》。1994年,为《YukonGold》(育空之金)配乐制作等。 1997年,已经名扬天下的Matthew来到中国,探访东方文化的神韵。这一年,他与中国音乐家们共同探讨音乐,还研究了一些他过去从未听过的东方古乐器。散发神秘魅力的古乐器令他如痴如醉,并迅速把这些成果运用到他的新专辑《Confluence》(汇流)中去。中国乐器的造型简单,取材于大自然,有着宽广的音域、动人的音色。Matthew灵感突发,把他原本陌生的亚洲乐器与已经烂熟于胸的西方乐器巧妙融合,令《Confluence》相当特别。《Confluence》完全摒除了电子合成乐器,而是用大量的东西方乐器营造出最真实的画面。Matthew用中国二胡与提琴呼应,用中国唢呐与萨克斯风搭配,用箫与爱尔兰笛应和,用琵琶与班纠琴融合,搭配出天衣无缝的整体效果。《Confluence》的录音工程浩大,有多达50多人参与录音,最后还由混音大师BernieGrundman进行制作,使之成为Matthew音乐生涯里的又一高峰。
Life and career
Matthew Carl Lien (born 10 May 1965 in San Diego, California) is a Yukon, Canada based world music singer-songwriter and producer. His primary lyrical and musical focus is on environmental and cultural themes.
During his childhood in San Diego, Lien would visit his father at Dezadeash Lake, Yukon each summer, eventually moving there when he was 16.
Lien taught himself to play piano when he was 10 years old, and later learned how to record and produce music in high school and afterwards.
He also taught himself to score for contemporary, traditional folk, and classical musicians by asking friends for help and working long hours alone.
As recording was an expensive undertaking for the independent Lien, he would work at various jobs in California or in the Yukon, until he saved enough money, and then record three songs at a time in San Diego studios.
The first song he ever formally recorded was in a recording studio at San Diego Senior High School. The song, called "Kecia's Song," was inspired by the death of his friend and classmate, Kecia Cummings.
After high school, he recorded three more songs at Hit Single recording studio, with a classic rock band "Down To Earth" for which he was lead singer and keyboardist.
He later recorded his own solo material in San Diego recording studios, at Mix Masters recording studios, where he received a certificate in Advanced Engineering, and at Steve Vaus Productions where he met recording engineer Michael W. Harris.
As Lien's recordings became more advanced, with numerous musicians and layers of diverse instrumentation, he eventually required more advanced studios with automation, such as Lyonshare and The Complex in Hollywood, California.
Preferring his native San Diego to Los Angeles, he discovered Signature Sound recording studios in San Diego, California, which is owned by his friend and musician/producer Luis Arteaga whom he met earlier at Mix Masters, where he recorded most of his albums to date, with the exception of his Hybrid SACD "Arctic Refuge" which was recorded at Bryan Adams' Warehouse Studio in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Lien's first international release, "Bleeding Wolves," was released in southeast Asia by independent record distributor Wind Music of Taiwan. The non-pop album became a sensation, rapidly achieving multi-platinum status in Taiwan, and having sold millions of copies on the piracy market in China.
He now has a fan base of millions in Taiwan and China, where he is known for his environmental music and his work with aboriginal and traditional cultures. His profile in Taiwan is such that he has received government appointments and is sought for commercial endorsements.
Album ‘Orchid Island’ won Western Canadian Music Award for Best World Album in 2011.And also he won Golden Melody Award for Best Album Producer in the same year.
Album ‘8000’ was released in September 2014.