by Rob TheakstonAs one half of the groundbreaking IDM duo Blectum from Blechdom, Blevin Blectum (aka Bevin Kelley) began her electronic production career at Mills College, where she partnered with Kevin Blechdom (aka Kristin Erikson) to form and develop their unique project. After several award-winning releases, the two went their separate ways and Blectum released her first solo effort, Talon Slalom, in 2002. Currently, she is a member of the audiovisual band Sagan alongside fellow experimental producers Lesser and Wobbly. Her latest release, Magic Maple, was issued in 2004 on both Bleakhouse and Praemedia. She is also the sister of Kelley Polar (aka Mike Kelley), founder and chief musician in the post-disco Kelley Polar Quartet.