


Russia 俄罗斯


Didula 出生于 Grodno——白俄罗斯一个有着美丽建筑和富有音乐传统的城市,在五岁时从母亲那里得到了他的的第一把吉他,随后展现出超凡的兴趣和天赋,这为他的成功走出了第一步。

在成长过程中,Didula 先作为吉他手加入俄罗斯人声和器乐乐队 Alije Zori,而后为舞蹈团体 Belj Rossi 担当声音制作人,伴随 Belj Rossi 的不断发展壮大,Didula逐渐精通音响仪器和音乐制作。Belj Rossi 同时为 Didula 提供了大量接触国外音乐人和音乐传统的机会,在此期间,他广泛接触各种欧洲音乐元素,并在西班牙对 Flaminco 产生了浓厚的兴趣。随后,在参与一些电视节目后,Didula 提升了他的影响力,决定到莫斯科继续他的音乐事业。

在莫斯科,Didula有了一个学生兼合作者 Sergey Kulishenko ,并结识了天才的演奏家和制作人 May Lian,他们建立了自己的家庭录音室。在与几个厂牌短暂的接触和合作后,Didula 对自己的音乐路线作了调整,他最终加盟到 NOX Music 旗下。第一张专辑在适当的准备和广告后诞生,Didula 通过一个名为 Antropology 的电视节目对自己的音乐作了更多的介绍和演示,大幅度提升了专辑知名度,迅速红遍俄罗斯。而后,更多富于创造性的年轻艺人加入到这个全方位的音乐项目中,Didula 的风格获得了巨大的成功。

Didula was born in Grodno, a picturesque town in Belarus with inspiring architecture and a rich tradition in music.

Didula's mother gave him his first guitar when he was five. The instrument sparked an intense passion that started with wistful strumming in the yard and turned into to bursts of experimental creativity involving homemade amplifiers, and eventually, formal guitar lessons.

But his thirst for musical experimentation never left him.

His inspiration came from the world around him. Concerts, wedding bands, street performers... He observed them all with a keen eye -- and a hungry ear – helping him broaden his perspectives on the craft. Soon, he made lifelong friends that also liked to play the guitar, and his life would never be the same.

In High School, Didula joined the group Scarlet Dawn as a guitarist. Led by Nikolay Khitrik, the band played restaurants and eventually concerts. Later, he joined the folk dance group White Dew. Honing his skills as a sound engineer, he toured Spain, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, France, and Germany.

Didula went on to compete on a popular Belarusian talent competition on television. With the help of Dima Kurakulovym and composer Oleg Eliseenkov, he passed the preliminaries and made it all the way to the gala concert.

Building on his TV success, he returned to the screen on &Slavic Bazaar,& a televised music festival broadcast in all CIS (former USSR) nations as well as Poland, the Baltic States and Bulgaria. Even after moving to Moscow, &Slavic Bazaar& remains a tradition for Didula. Things quickly took off from there, including participating in Dmitry Dibrova's popular &Anthropology& television show.

After becoming a fixture on TV, Didula's career soared to new heights.

Didula collaborated with Bryan Adams for the film &House of Fools.& His album credits include &Legend& (2004), &Cave City Inkerman& (2006), &Color Dreams& (2006) and &Aroma& (2010). In 2008, he released the musical ary &Dear Six Strings& (2008) about his self-titled group.

Today, Didula is one of the most popular touring and instrumental groups in Russia. They perform over 150 sold-out concerts every year, ranging from intimate venues to the biggest stages in the world, including the State Kremlin Palace.
