


#原声 #电影原声
France 法国



中 文 名 亚历山大•迪斯普拉特

外 文 名 Alexandre Desplat

国    籍 法国

出 生 地 法国巴黎

出生日期 1961年8月23日

职    业 电影配乐家

主要成就 第87届奥斯卡金像奖最佳配乐(《布达佩斯大饭店》)


亚历山大•迪斯普拉特(Alexandre Desplat),1961年8月23日生于法国巴黎。母亲为希腊人、父亲为法国人,两人相遇于加州柏克莱大学,后于旧金山完婚,定居于法国。迪斯普拉特五岁时开始学习钢琴,后来改学小号与长笛。由于热爱音乐与电影,于是决定以电影配乐家为终身职志。1985年完成第一部作品《Ki Lo Sa》,至2007年已经为100部电视及电影创作过配乐。

2000年迪斯普拉特以《路辛的棋局The Luzhin Defence》开始受到美国市场的瞩目。

2003年以《戴珍珠耳环的少女》(Girl with a Pearl Earring)获得金球奖的提名。之后,与好莱坞的合作更为紧密,作品包括《灵异缘未了》(Birth,2004)、《爱你爱到快抓狂》(Upside of Anger,2005)、《终极人质》(Hostage,2005)、《情圣卡萨诺瓦》(Casanova,2005)、《谍对谍》(Syriana,2005,金球奖配乐提名)、《猜心》(或译《面纱》The Painted Veil,2006,第64届金球奖获得最佳原创音乐奖),以及广受好评的《黛妃与女皇》(The Queen,2006,金像奖配乐提名)。其他著名的作品还包括《我心遗忘的节奏》(De battre mon cœur s'est arrêté)。他为好莱坞带进不少欧洲配乐的创作思惟,并灌注深度与优雅的成份,配乐大师的地位已然奠立。


《暮光之城2 新月》的一首钢琴曲配乐:《New Moon》(新月)由Alexandre Desplat演奏的钢琴曲,钢琴那唯美的,奇特的气氛,和整部电影相得益彰。和男主人公那苍白的脸,和电影里淡淡的,青色的天空都很搭配。

同时Alexandre Desplat也是《暮光之城》和《新月》两部电影的负责人。


2015年11月1日,在洛杉矶举行的第19届好莱坞电影奖上,凭借 《丹麦女孩》&《妇女参政论者》获得最佳配乐。

Alexandre Desplat is a French film composer.He has won one Academy Award for his soundtrack to the film The Grand Budapest Hotel,and received seven additional Academy Award nominations,seven BAFTA nominations (winning two), seven Golden Globe Award nominations (winning one),and six Grammy nominations (winning two).

Desplat has worked on a variety of Hollywood films, including independent and commercial successes like The Queen, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Part 2, The King's Speech, Moonrise Kingdom, Argo, Rise of the Guardians, Zero Dark Thirty, Godzilla, The Imitation Game, and Unbroken.

In June 2013, Desplat's first Concerto for Flute & Orchestra premiered in France with flautist Jean Ferrandis and the Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire conducted by John Axelrod. His Trois Etudes for piano originally written for pianist Lang Lang had its U.S. premiere in October 2013 played by pianist Gloria Cheng. He received a sixth Oscar nomination for his score to Philomena, which marked his fourth collaboration with director Stephen Frears.

On 23 June 2014, it was announced that Desplat would head the jury at the 71st Venice International Film Festival.He wrote five major scores during 2014, with The Grand Budapest Hotel winning him his first Academy Award.His score for The Imitation Game was also nominated, and his win therefore marked the first time a composer had won against another of their own scores since John Williams won for Star Wars (beating Close Encounters of the Third Kind) in 1978, and only the seventh time overall (Alfred Newman, Bernard Herrmann, Max Steiner, Miklos Rozsa and Johnny Green are the only other composers to achieve this).

