by Linda WoodsJohn Southworth (which is undoubtedly his stage name taken from the Saint) has music in his blood. His father, Peter Shelley, was a major figure in the glam scene of 1970s England, and was also the A&R man who brought the world King Crimson. John Southworth's musical personality is very far from the progressive rock and glam rock of his father - he performs a unique brand of pop that transcends both time and space, bringing together influences as wide ranging as Lou Reed, Bert Bacarach and Bertol Brecht. His two albums, Mars Pennsylvania and the 1999 follow up, Sedona Arizona contain unique and catchy songs that are a musical travelogue through the history of modern pop. The transplanted Englishman now calls Canada his home, where he performs on a regular basis as well as making his mark on legendary American venues like CBGB's, The Knitting Factory and at the Brooklyn Academy of Music where he performed before the opening of the Lou Reed/Robert Wilson pop opera, Time Rocker. Dubbed Mr. Eclectic, don't expect to hear anything average or ordinary from this truly original artist.