


United States of America 美国


拥有首张专辑就获得美国录音工业协会(RIAA),最高荣誉钻石奖(销售量达1千万张)的Matchbox Twenty,其中的风云人物,也是乐团里的灵魂要角,主唱Rob Thomas,曾获选为People杂志‘50名全球最美丽的人物’之一,也曾在1999年助阵Santana重新复出的首波单曲Smooth,帮Santana获得8项葛莱美奖,不仅替Santana缔造音乐事业高峰,更在乐界传为一段佳话,这位散发迷人气质乐坛才子,将在今年五月推出第一张个人大碟《Something to Be》,单飞不解散的Rob,势必为2005乐坛投下一颗大炸弹。

Rob的首支单曲Lonely no more,在专辑尚未发行前,这首歌在美国告示排行榜上,已经开出亮眼的成绩,在流行单曲榜拿下No.14,成人单曲榜 No.2的好成绩,除了首次出击的音乐大受好评之外,这支单曲的音乐录影带更是令人眼睛一亮,在这支花下重金拍摄的音乐录影带中,首先看见的是一改中长发颓废装扮的Rob,以削短发的全新形象,搭配镶有钉扣的蓝色丹宁布外套,及富有设计感的牛仔裤,Rob的新造型完全把他本来就有的那张天生俊美脸蛋,表现的更加出色,看过MV的人有人觉得他像都会版的魔戒弓箭手,有人觉得他像乖乖牌的阿姆。在整支MV中导演运用了电脑特效,让场景中的每样事物大玩变身的魔法,从舞池到卧室,从客厅到饭店,一幕幕的变化表达出现代速食爱情的无常,每个场景里的每样布景如窗户、壁砖、家具,也都来回变换,其中有一幕值得一提的是,在卧室的一幕场景,当Rob坐在卧室的床上时,在他身后有多名辣妹,就像回转寿司般,来回在Rob的床上翻天覆地大玩美女回转寿司。

Rob Thomas was the singer and principal songwriter for Matchbox Twenty, a Florida-based adult alternative combo that found success with a blend of '70s rock influences, slick hooks, and 1990s post-grunge crunch. The band broke through in 1996 with &Push& and never looked back, issuing single after single, scoring hits in various radio formats, and watching its debut LP, Yourself or Someone Like You, go platinum 12 times over in the U.S. Thomas himself won numerous songwriting awards as the scribe of such Matchbox hits as &Real World,& &If You're Gone,& &Bent,& and &Mad Season,& and parlayed that success into a career as a solo artist.

Rob Thomas was born February 14, 1972, on an Army base in Landstuhl, Germany. His parents divorced, and the ex-Army brat spent most of his childhood in South Carolina and Florida. He dropped out of high school at 17, and bounced around the South singing in pickup rock bands before landing in Orlando in 1993. There he helped form Tabitha's Secret, and the group had some regional success before Thomas, bassist Brian Yale, and drummer Paul Doucette left to form Matchbox Twenty with guitarists Adam Gaynor and Kyle Cook. Their debut, Yourself or Someone Like You, had gone five times platinum by 1998, and it established them as superstars even if Thomas wasn't individually well known.

That all changed with a song he co-wrote for the Carlos Santana album Supernatural. &Smooth& was ubiquitous in 1999, and it made Thomas a star. The track took home three Grammys including Song of the Year, and Thomas landed on People's &Most Beautiful People& list. He also married model Marisol Maldonado. Mad Season (2000) and More Than You Think You Are (2002) continued Matchbox Twenty's success, but after years of touring for both records, the bandmembers decided they needed a break, and Thomas used the hiatus to write and record his first solo album. When &Lonely No More& debuted in early 2005, its sleek and funky dance-pop sound was closer to Justin Timberlake than Matchbox, and it set up the April release of the chart-topper Something to Be.

