


Japan 日本


SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS是一支具有爆发性的日本爵士乐队,由六位音乐家组成。这个团队的核心是心跳搏动的现场表演。SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS将最高水准的音乐才能技巧与最酷的声音与氛围结合起来。他们的爵士是包含着爵士味道与纯粹演兴的一种风格,并时常保持在沸腾点。

每位成员都拥有着他们独有的天赋及个人观点。2001年,在东京一个俱乐部活动中,这六位小伙初次相遇,并改变了命运。这家东京俱乐部一直是由DJ播放音乐,直到SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS来到,才转变为现场即兴表演,以先锋的姿态打破了传统表演的模式。外国人把他们玩的音乐称为“club jazz”(俱乐部式的爵士),而他们自己则称其为“death jazz”(死亡爵士)。同时SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS也因演奏出了颠覆传统的独具创造性的爵士体裁而逐渐获得承认。他们说:“我们常常有种感觉:在爵士的世界里有一条不成文的规则,那就是乐师只关注自己的演奏技术,而听众坐在那就能直接明了地欣赏,像传递者与接收者的关系。我们想要脱离这种方式,创造出听众与演奏者之间更多互动交流的令人兴奋的爵士。”Shacho,这支爵士乐队里的重要人物,在唤起听众的激情方面起到了举足轻重的作用。

SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS is an explosive Japanese jazz band, comprised of six musicians; Shacho (agitator, spirit), Tabu zombie (trumpet), Motoharu (sax), Josei (piano), Akita Goldman (bass) and Midorin (drums).At its core, the group is about giving pulsating live performances. SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS combine the highest musicianship with the coolest of cool sounds and atmosphere. Their brand of jazz is rough around the edges, unadulterated entertainment and constantly kept at boiling point.

Each member brings his own unique talent and perspective. They originally met at a club event in Tokyo in 2001. The Tokyo club scene was dominated by DJs until SOIL & "PIMP" SESSIONS arrived, breaking the mold as live pioneers. Calling their music “DEATH JAZZ”, they gained recognition for performing an original form of aggressive alternative jazz. The band comments; “We always felt that in the world of jazz, there was an unwritten rule that the musicians were to concentrate on their techniques and the audience were simply there to admire, like a transmitter/ receiver relationship. We wanted to break away from that and create exciting jazz with far more interaction between the players and the audience”. Shacho, who holds a rather unusual title in a jazz band as “the agitator”, plays a key role in this by stirring and stimulating the audience.
