中 文 名 凯莉·斯威
外 文 名 Kelly Sweet
别 名 甜心凯莉
国 籍 Cape Cod, Massachusetts, United States
出 生 地 Cape Cod, Massachusetts
出生日期 1988年3月29日
职 业 歌手
经纪公司 Razor&Tie
代表作品 We Are One,Dream On,Raincoat,Ready For Love,YOU AND I
音乐风格 Pop,Vocal
凯莉·斯威(Kelly Sweet ),1988年3月29日出生于Cape Cod, Massachusetts,是美国歌坛新人。
随着首专《We Are One》的成功,逐渐进入大众视野,2014年1月14日发行个人全新单曲《In The Air Tonight》。2015年1月19日ITunes上架Kelly Sweet助阵Kevin Wild第二首单曲《Fire & Ice》。
Kelly Sweet 是美国歌坛新人,有些像早期的Mariah Carey,她嗓音的可塑性被誉为媲美诺拉琼斯Norah Jones、乔许葛洛班Josh Groban、蒂朵Dido等一线天王天后,被视为是新生代接班人。如水晶般锋芒不可掩盖的嗓音与优秀的语言(英、法、意大利)能力,让她的音乐曲风能轻易来回于流行与跨界之间。Kelly Sweet的出现是这样的浑然天成将声音、美貌、才华集结於一身。听她唱歌彷若没有距离,却似与亲密好友谈心!
Kelly自小在爵士钢琴手爸爸的音乐耳濡目染与艺术家妈妈的拉拔下长大,年仅3岁在吟唱〈I Will Always Love You〉而展露歌唱天份,她七岁时开始跟教练学习唱歌,12岁开始尝试写词,14岁时为Kenny Loggins肯尼罗根斯(电影捍卫战士《Top Gun》主题曲〈Danger Zone〉原唱)的演唱会暖场。之后,妈妈将她的一张demo CD寄给洛杉矶湖人队L.A Lakers;进而受邀为湖人队球赛演唱美国国歌高达三场比赛。并于2006年十月时发行了EP,并在Paul Simon 的巡回演唱会负责开场,还于纽约大都会(New York Mets)及圣路易红雀(Saint Louis Cardinals)的冠亚军赛演唱国歌.。
Kelly Sweet 刚刚18岁时已经演出过500多场音乐会,因她的风格适合各年龄,以至场场爆满,虽然很年轻但经验老到能说几国的语言,所以以她惊人的水平赢得了观众和很多嗓音媲美Norah Jones的超级女声Kelly Sweet(2007-06-14) 你对这样的感觉一定不陌生,因为只要是人都曾有过一种奇妙的感觉自背脊向颈椎流窜终至脑门。包含、感动、暖意、悸?等种种复杂的感受,在体内流窜、遍布全身。
一切发生的是这样的自然,Kelly Sweet的出现不是唱片公司有计划地炒作新秀与力捧偶像明星;因为她的天赋与才华使她没有选择而注定绽放光芒。
千里马终需伯乐慧眼视英雄。在经历大大小小的表演历练之後,2004年Kelly Sweet遇见曾为乔许葛洛班Josh Groban、席琳迪翁Celin Dion制作音乐的葛莱美奖级天王制作人-Mark Portmann,她的演艺生涯始进入一个最重要的转捩点。Kelly Sweet为个人首张处女专辑《We Are One》所灌录的第一首歌便是摇滚天团Aerosmith史密斯飞船的经典钻石单曲〈Dream On〉。从这首便得以听得Kelly Sweet的天然嗓音毫不费吹灰之力将这首摇滚国歌转化成人人听得暖意盎然且充满灵气的抒情大热单曲。
关於这首歌的小插曲便是在洛杉矶录制期间正逢Kelly Sweet的父亲远在波士顿接受化疗,挂念父亲甚深的她更是将无限思绪藉由这首歌表露无遗,令人听得不由自主感同身受。此外专辑收录脍炙人口的主打歌Raincoat、翻唱神鬼战士《The Gladiator》主题曲〈Now We Are Free〉,〈Caresse Sur L`Ocean〉《放牛班的春天》。Kelly Sweet的首张专辑并非一般排行榜流行专辑。音乐上企图打造一个全方位的音乐概念-多语言演唱的诠释(11岁时曾受古典音乐训练),音乐旋律上古典与爵士色彩兼容;更有来自小时候父亲对她爵士启蒙的影响。这是一张充满情感旅程的音乐专辑!
Kelly Sweet (born March 29, 1988) is an American electropop singer-songwriter currently living in Los Angeles, CA.
Kelly Sweet was born in Cape Cod, Massachusetts on March 29, 1988, to pianist Jeffrey Howard Sweet (March 17, 1954 – June 4, 2012) and artist Candace Lynn Sweet (February 2, 1951 – December 16, 2011). Born into a musical household, Sweet was raised on the jazz standards that were part of her father's repertoire. Soon after she could walk, Sweet learned musical notes with her father's help. Her first public performance followed when she was 4 years old at the Cape Cod Conservatory.
At the age of 7, following the divorce of her parents, Sweet and her mother moved to Kanab, Utah. Sweet began working regularly with a vocal coach and honed her skills as a performer by singing at state fairs, county festivals, and community theaters. In the summers of 2000 and 2001, Sweet studied musical theater at Interlochen Center for the Arts Summer Arts Camp in northern Michigan. Sweet and her mother eventually went on the road for two years, traveling back and forth between Kanab, Las Vegas and Los Angeles in search of performance opportunities. After hearing the 14-year-old Sweet's demo CD, the Los Angeles Lakers booked her to sing the National Anthem on three occasions.
In July, 2006, Sweet was featured in a USA Today article on up-and-coming "serious female singers."
In October, 2006, Sweet released an EP from which the songs We Are One and Ready For Love have been used on episodes of two daytime dramas, the NBC TV series Passions and the ABC TV series One Life to Live, respectively. We Are One was also featured on the NBC series Las Vegas in the spring of 2007.
Sweet opened for Paul Simon on tour in July and October, 2006, and her debut album, We Are One, was released by the Razor and Tie label on March 6, 2007. Sweet was the highest-charting indie label artist at the AC format in 2007 with airplay audience well exceeding 80 million.
Remixes for Sweet's song We Are One were done by Dave Audé, Radioactive Sandwich, Matt Piso, and Electronathon. Her cover of the Aerosmith classic Dream On was #1 for six weeks in a row on the FMQB AC Chart.
Sweet's father succumbed to a yearslong battle with cancer in 2011. Less than a year later, Sweet's mother, also battling cancer, passed on as well.
In August 2012, Sweet's second album Ashes Of My Paradise was released through Japan Victor Company (JVC). In January 2013, she announced an upcoming EP, Sirens.
In January 2014, Kelly self-released a remake of the Phil Collins classic "In The Air Tonight", and it was licensed by NBC Television for the promo adverts for their new show called "Believe". In February 2015 the track was licensed for another NBC promo, this time for the Mark Burnett-produced A.D. The Bible Continues. The remix returns in the 'monsters are coming' tv spot for the television series Gotham.