


#合唱团 #声乐 #教堂音乐 #西方古典
Germany 德国


德国汉诺威男声合唱团被誉为全欧洲演绎巴洛克时期到古今最出色的合唱团之一。该合唱团由当时23岁就读于法兰克福最早期的音乐学院的音乐系学生海因茨-亨尼希教授(Heinz Hennig)成立于1950年。他在报纸上刊登广告,将一群广受尊敬和推崇的实力歌手招至麾下,这就是汉诺威男声合唱团的雏形。1950年至2001年期间,海因茨-亨尼希教授一直担任汉诺威男声合唱团的指挥,到2001年底,指挥一职由现任著名的耶尔格-布赖丁教授 -- Prof. J-rg Breiding 接任。时隔60年后,该团在全球男声合唱团界始终处于领先地位。


作为历史悠久的著名音乐团体,汉诺威男声合唱团演绎的曲目广泛,从文艺复兴的合唱作品到现代音乐,既有合唱交响类曲目也有无伴奏的歌曲,无不展示着其娴熟的技巧及深厚的艺术底蕴。特别是演绎著名音乐“西方音乐之父”巴赫的作品,汉诺威男声合唱团更是远远超过其他合唱团。与奥地利古乐音乐演奏家、指挥家莱昂哈特(Leonhardt)合作录制的巴赫合唱作品,以及与当今古乐权威之一的库普兰指挥(Ton Koopman)下的阿姆斯特丹巴洛克管弦乐队合作录制的布克斯特胡德合唱曲“布克斯特胡德:康塔塔”(Buxtehude Cantatas)即是明证。

合唱团录制的舒茨(Schütz )作品唱片集,更是为如何演绎音乐作品树立了全新标准。所有唱片均获法国评论家奖即 “法国音叉唱片奖 -- Diapason D’or”;“1648年的宗教合唱圣乐Geistliche Chormusik” 获得由德国唱片协会颁发的“德国唱片大奖--Deutschen Schallplattenpreis”, 现称“德国回声大奖-- ECHO” 的荣誉大奖。

It all starts in 1950 with a newspaper advertisement of the then 23-year old music student, Heinz Hennig, announcing briefly and precisely the entrance audition for a boy's choir, which until that date did not even exist. The venture pays off. Without much ado Heinz Hennig manages to arouse the curiosity of a respectable group of capable singers for his vision. The initial casting of the KNABENCHOR HANNOVER is complete and so an old Hannover choir tradition going back to the &Königlich hannoverschen Hof- und Schlosskirchenchor& of the 19th Century to the boy's choir of the late gothic Marktkirche and Latin school is continued.

In order to stir up a little whirl of excitement about the new highlight show piece symbol for the Landeshauptstadt Hannover from the very first day Heinz Hennig commissions a new composition immediately afterwards from his young friend and composer Alfred Koerppen : &Virgilius, der Magier von Rom&. A Youth opera, which has its extremely successful premiere in Frankfurt/M. at the first German Singer Festival after the 2nd World War.

More than five decades have rolled by since then. The KNABENCHOR HANNOVER – since the beginning of 2002 under the conductorship of Jörg Breiding – is still not a boarding school choir and yet, despite this particular situation, is still firmly anchored among the international top-ranking choirs of its genre. Its repertoire ranges from Renaissance choral works to present day compositions and embraces both choral symphonic works as well as compositions taken from A-cappella-literature. In particular with ensembles of Ancient Music the KNABENCHOR HANNOVER ranks far beyond the borders of Germany among the most sought after choirs. Bach Cantata recordings with the Leonhardt Consort vouch for this as well as recordings of the Buxtehude Cantatas with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra under Ton Koopman. The Schütz-CD's under the conductorship of Heinz Hennig set interpretation standards. All recordings have been awarded the French critique prize Diapason D'or; the &Geistliche Chormusik 1648& received the Deutscher Schallplattenpreis.

Together with the CD-recordings and radio broadcasts regular concerts and festivals at home and abroad have formed part of the choir's agenda for decades now. Tours to countries all over the world have on repeated occasions won the singers from Hannover praise and recognition.
