


#新世纪音乐 #氛围流行
Germany 德国



中 文 名 英格玛

外 文 名 Enigma

首    脑 迈克尔•克利图(Michael Cretu)

来    源 希腊文

国    籍 德国

类    型 组合

代表作品 Sadeness Part I




这位躲藏在“谜”背后的男人叫迈克尔·克里图(Michael Cretu),是位天才的音乐家和制作人。在过去的8年中,克里图一直在西班牙的1伊维萨岛上过着几乎与世隔绝的生活,然而他却与妻子合作,妻子桑德拉(Sandra)任歌手创造了一个流行音乐的新时代。在其他的商业性的宣传中,你实在难以找出如此英、法、拉丁语交融的圣歌、超现实主义的笛声、女人的浓重呼吸声以及永远无法琢磨到的音源。到1997年为止,“谜”共出版了3张专辑(不包括重新混音版本),每一张都是可圈可点的佳作,并已成为德国流行音乐史的魂宝。所以尽管克里图拒绝掌声和荣誉以及别人给“谜”下的风格上的定义,可是他已经没有理由抱怨什么了。


“谜”中的另一个主角,克里图的妻子桑德拉,在所有“谜”唱片中的女声演唱都由她来负责完成。这一对夫妻搭档堪称是流行音乐的典范。桑德拉全名桑德拉·劳尔(Sandra Lauer),1962年5月18日出生。12岁时,她就推出了个人单曲《我的朋友安迪》(Andy,Mein Frund)。16岁时,她与两个女孩组成了“阿拉伯风格”(Arabesque)演唱组,在当时的日本非常走红。

1985年,桑德拉开始了单飞生涯,在Virgin唱片公司旗下推出了专辑《漫长的演奏》(THE LONG PLAY),并开始与克里图合作,推出了《永恒的爱》(EVERLASTING LOVE)等专辑。1990年在“谜”推出首张专辑之前,她还推出了热门专辑《黄色油画》(PAINTINGS IN YELLOW)。当时公司正在着手制作的《公元前2000年》中需要一个唱法文的女声。Virgin唱片公司的老板理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)决定由桑德拉来扮演这个角色。于是“谜”的历史诞生了,在这之后,虽然桑德拉在丈夫的协助下还出过3张专辑,但影响力明显不如“谜”。

从欧洲流行音乐中解脱出来,克里图开始着手于自己最喜爱的音乐:概念性的,如“平克·弗洛伊德(PINK FLOYD)或“是”(YES)这种类型的。他说:“我总是喜欢这样的音乐,但是我不再购买他们的唱片,所以我必须做自己的唱片。

克里图在他的音乐中用上了两种截然不同的并不时髦的声音——秘鲁风格的排箫和修道士唱和格里历圣歌旋律,而洒脱、懒散的迪斯科节拍是他的匠心独运。这也是当时“谜”彻头彻尾的独创性中最吸引人的地方。1990年10月,“谜”首支单曲“Sadeness Part I”首先推出,这首歌成为他们最著名的热门单曲。紧接着推出的专辑《公元前2000年》(MCMXC a.D)成为德国有史以来卖得最好的专辑,一共销售了1200万张,在41个国家登上了专辑排行榜冠军,并在美国排行榜200中停留了5年之久。在90年代流行音乐稳步前进的时候,谁也没想到“谜”居然没有追随标准成功的流行规则,而运用了笛子和中世纪圣歌的咏唱和电吉他、铜管等现代乐器,传达着现代人的气息、情感和能量。这张专辑中的经典歌曲如《我的过错》(MeaCulpa)、《欲望的原则》(Principles Of Lust)、《信仰之河》(The Rivers Of -Belief)都非常出色。另外一个值得赞扬的是《公元前2000年》中采取了高超的录、混音技术。所有的音轨自然地互相流入,而立体声和低音的运用是完美的。将《公元前2000年》放在一个发烧音响系统中,释放出来的大量低音使人惊叹不止并为之痴迷。在1991年的时候,《公元前2000年》推出一个“限量版本”,增加了4首曲目,不过都是在原来专辑歌曲的基础上重新互相混音并延长而长,所以这张唱片从开头到结尾有一气呵成的感觉。限量版唱片的封面设计与原先几乎相同,但是用一种灰暗的绿背景代替了原来的黑色。总的来说,《公元前2000年》是90年代流行音乐史上的一张杰作,它对音乐具有高度的独创性且一次次地营造了一种独一无二的氛围。到目前为止,这种声音和氛围的只有被另一位艺术家成功地模仿并改进过,就是Delerium和他们的专辑《语义空间》(SEMANTIC SPACES)。而大多数人尝试这样的音乐都失败了。

1993年,“谜”的第2张专辑《变换的十字架》(The CROSS OF CHANGES)推出。由于第1张专辑的成功。第2张专辑还未正式推出便已得到140万张的预订单。这张专辑不仅拥有了上一张《公元前2000年》的气质,而且是一个进化。它的封面设计非常有味道:是一个黑色的圆以及一个具有人特点的机器物走在前头,画线看上去模糊不清。


在《变换的十字架》中诞生了两首热门歌曲:《真正的眼睛》(The Eyes of Truth)和《回到纯真》(Return to Innocence)。特别是《回到纯真年代》涉及了更多交响乐的成份,它明显倾向于带着现代节奏的拉普人圣歌的歌曲结构。作为一种合唱,这首歌使人感到幸福和愉快,其中的一个理由是“谜”已经将兴趣的触角伸到了古老的北欧音乐文化。拉普人就是生活在挪威、瑞典、芬兰和俄罗斯北部的居民。这首歌曲音乐录影带的成功更是使得它成为世界范围内的一首热门单曲。


1996年11月25日,Virgin唱片公司首次在全球同步发行“谜”的最新专辑《国王死了,国王万岁!》(Le Roi Est Mort,Vive Le Roi!)。第1首单曲便是《冥界之外》(Beyond the Invisible)。新专辑与以前相比不仅气氛有所不同,而且鼓的音色更加平和,出现新少数民族声音——从祖鲁人到拉脱维亚人,被评论界誉为肯定是目前为止“谜”是一元化的专辑。


Enigma is a German new age musical project formed in 1990 by Michael Cretu, David Fairstein and Frank Peterson. The Romanian-born Cretu conceived the Enigma project while working in Germany, but based his recording studio A.R.T. Studios in Ibiza, Spain, from the early 1990s until May 2009, where he has recorded all of Enigma's studio releases to date. Cretu is both the composer and the producer of the project. His former wife, pop singer Sandra, often provided vocals on Enigma tracks. Jens Gad co-arranged and played guitar on three of the Enigma albums.

From the late 1970s onward, Michael Cretu already had his own music career on his hands and apart from some collaboration efforts with several other musicians, he also produced his wife's albums. Before Enigma, he released a number of albums under his own name, but none of them sold particularly well. Cretu revealed in an interview that he believed that his ideas were running out at that point.

In December 1990, after eight months of preparation, Cretu released Enigma's debut album, ‘MCMXC a.D.’, which received over 57 platinum awards worldwide, and topped the charts in 41 countries, directly becoming the most successful Virgin Records act during that time.

Before the album was released, Cretu was cautious of the response towards the upcoming album, decided to forgo mentioning his and most of the personnel's real names and credited himself as Curly M.C., while the album sleeve contained little information about the background of the project, furthering the mystery about the creators of the album and leading to speculation whether Enigma was a band, a person or a group.

In 1993, Cretu composed "Carly's Song" ("Age of Loneliness" in the album and video releases) and "Carly's Loneliness" for the soundtrack of the motion picture Sliver.

In the same year, ‘The Cross of Changes ‘was released. It sold 6 million copies in a year, and also attracted lawsuits over the issue of sampling from other music sources.

In 1996, ‘Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!’ (French for "The King is dead. Long live the King!") was released.

The 2000 release of ‘The Screen Behind the Mirror’ included samples from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana on four tracks on the album. This time the Gregorian chants were toned down tremendously, although Shakuhachi flutes and other traditional Enigma signatures remain. Only "Gravity of Love" and "Push the Limits" were released as singles from the album. Ruth-Ann Boyle (from the band Olive) and Andru Donalds mark their first appearances on the Enigma project.

In 2001, Cretu released a new single called "Turn Around" together with ‘Love Sensuality Devotion: The Greatest Hits’ and ‘Love Sensuality Devotion: The Remix Collection’ to end what he considers to be the first chapter of Enigma. A light show was held at the Munich Planetarium in conjunction of the release of the compilation albums.

2003's ‘Voyageur’ saw a change of direction for the project, with most of the prominent Enigma signature elements (the ethnic and Gregorian chants, the Shakuhachi flutes) no longer employed.

On 28 August 2005, Enigma's management Crocodile Music announced the release of "Hello and Welcome" as a single. It was released in Germany on 10 March 2006.

On 26 September 2006, Enigma's sixth album ‘A posteriori ‘ was released worldwide, containing a new version of "Hello and Welcome" and the new song "Goodbye, Milky Way".

In late March 2007, a private lounge remix album version of ‘A posteriori’ was released on the iTunes Music Store.

On 19 September 2008, Enigma's seventh album ‘Seven Lives Many Faces’ was released worldwide. The lead single, "Seven Lives", is a fusion of modern and classical elements.

‘The Platinum Collection’, a 3-CD compilation, was released on 27 November 2009 in Germany, and on 9 February 2010 worldwide.

On 5 October 2010, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the first album ‘MCMXC a.D.’, The "Enigma's Social Song" project began.

The final mix of the single named "MMX The Social Song" was released on 15 December 2010.It became the first song ever created for and by the fans via the internet.

In 2015, Cretu announced on Enigma's Facebook page that he had begun recording Enigma's eighth studio album.

On January 2016, Cretu announced the new album would be released in autumn.

