


United Kingdom 英国


Russell Watson的成功历程非常传奇。成名之前,Russell是英国西北部工业城市赛尔福德(Salford)的一位焊接工人, 他经常在酒吧和俱乐部里唱歌,并在当地电台的歌唱比赛中崭露头角。到伦敦后,他被Decca公司的工作人员发现,并与他签约,在经过短时期的歌唱训练后,他开始在各个剧院和演出中登台亮相,并作为特约嘉宾在Cliff Richard的音乐会上演唱歌曲。 Russell的声音清新健康,比流行歌手的音域更宽,而且富于变化。 这张《The Vioce》是他的首张专辑,其中的作品包括歌剧选段、民歌和流行乐作品。

Russell的意大利语并不十分流畅,但他迷人的男高音弥补了这一不足。“女人善变”(La donna e mobile)和“今夜无人入睡”(Nessun Dorma)是歌剧中的两首“流行&作品,Watson的演唱使人耳目一新,为歌曲注入了新的生命力。在流行乐作品里,基本上每一首歌曲都由他和另一位流行歌手共同演唱,形成了有趣的对比。前著名摇滚乐队Happy Mondays的领导者Shaun Ryder与Watson合唱了“Barcelona”, 使歌曲增添了一份幽默感。其它的流行作品还包括与Cleopatra Higgins合唱的“Someone Like You”,与Maire Brennan合唱的“Saylon dola” 以及Paul Simon的经典作品“Bridge Over Troubled Water”.“Caruso” 出自纪念著名男高音歌唱家Enrico Carus啲影片,Pavarotti、Bocelli都曾演唱过这首作品,与他们相比,Russell的演唱更加自然而富于激情。

by Greg Prato

Born in 1974, British tenor Russell Watson became an opera singer by freak occurrence. While he was regularly singing in bars and clubs in the Manchester and London suburbs, an owner of one such venue told Watson that he thought his voice was better suited for opera and requested that he learn Puccini's &Nessun Dorma,& which he did and promptly added to his set. Watson eventually signed with Decca Records, issuing his debut, entitled The Voice, in April of 2001. Nicknamed &the People's Tenor& (since he likes to chat with and seeks feedback from his fans), Watson seems poised to convert more than a few opera naysayers as he covers such contemporary compositions as Freddie Mercury's &Barcelona (Friends Until the End),& Ultravox's &Vienna,& and Simon & Garfunkel's &Bridge Over Troubled Water,& in addition to the standards.

