


#根源唱作人 #独立流行
Sweden 瑞典



中 文 名 你好,萨福里德

外 文 名 Hello Saferide

地    区 瑞典

类    别 乐队组合

主    创 Annika Norlin

发行时间 2006年03月06日


Hello Saferide是瑞典乐队组合,主唱Annika Norlin。

Hello Saferide 为瑞典本地乐队组合,组合队名是受一个公交司机的启发,Saferide指的是一个小镇。

主唱Annika Norlin,2008年瑞典格莱美奖(Grammis)最佳女艺人、最佳歌曲作者两项大奖获得者Annika Norlin在成为音乐人之前,还是著名的文艺女青年、影评人、音乐记者、电台节目主持人。如今巡演占用了Annika大部分的时间,但她依旧保持着在电台里的工作,主持一档并不那么商业的电台音乐节目,向听众介绍全世界最新的独立音乐。Annika从10岁开始写歌,写到2005年的时候已经有了好几百首,直到有一天她觉得好玩,就在朋友的卧室录了《高中跟踪狂》(Highschool Stalker)这首傻乎乎又有些歇斯底里的小情歌,并且放到了MySpace上。结果几个星期以后,一纸唱片约就飞到了她的桌上,从此由幕后走向台前。

另一位成员是日本和瑞典混血的音乐才女Maia Hirasawa,古灵精怪的漂亮大妞吹得一把好听的长笛,还有一把温柔又有力的好声音。她的个人单曲《我找到这个男孩》(And I Found This Boy)在2007年成为瑞典尽人皆知的流行单曲。2011年她发行个人专辑《På Engelska》。


专辑《Introducing... Hello Saferide》(2005)

单曲“Would You Let Me Play This EP 10 Times a Day?”(2006)

专辑《More Modern Short Stories From Hello Saferide》(2008)

专辑《The Fox, The Hunter and Hello Saferide》(2014)

专辑《Hey Ho》(2014)

单曲“Dad Told Me”(2015)

Life and career

Hello Saferide is a Swedish twee pop band fronted by songwriter Annika Norlin. According to Norlin's MySpace, the stage name "Hello Saferide" was "inspired by an intelligent bus driver in a drug-addicted small town, don't ask." The Swedish-language version of the band's biography identifies the town as Willimantic, Connecticut.

Based on the Internet success of the song "Highschool Stalker," Hello Saferide was signed to Razzia Records in 2005.

In 2007, Norlin released a Swedish-language album under the band name Säkert! (a phrase that means "Yeah, right!", but also "Safe"). The album won her two Grammis awards in 2008, for best female pop act and best lyrics. It was announced that she was chosen by Matt Groening to perform at the edition of the All Tomorrow's Parties festival he was curating in May 2010 in Minehead, England.

Annika Norlin is a journalist, and has worked for several newspapers in Sweden. She has also hosted different radio shows at Sveriges Radio P3.

The Fox, The Hunter and Hello Saferide was released in 2014.

Studio album Hey Ho was released on October 2014.

Single “Dad Told Me”was released on January 2015.

