


United Kingdom 英国



中 文 名 艾丝•卡拉

外 文 名 Escala

实    质 乐团

人    数 4

唱    片《ESCALA》


Escala(艾丝•卡拉)乐团由四位才艺女生组成,这四个才华洋溢,专注投入且训练有素的女生,都曾就读于伦敦著名的音乐学院,后来摇身成为技巧精辟的专业古典演奏家。英国超人气才艺选秀节目《Britain´s Got Talent》中,闯进2008年赛季最后决赛的弦乐四重奏组合ESCALA在2009年夏季以首张同名大碟《ESCALA》勇夺英国金榜亚军。

ESCALA乐团的首张同名大碟力邀制作过Pet Shop Boys、Seal、Cher等艺人/乐团的制作人Trevor Horn操刀制作,她们以大/中/小提琴的乐器组合重新演绎了荣获奥斯卡荣誉成就奖的意大利国宝音乐家Ennio Morricone风靡全球的电影音乐主题曲《Chi Mai》,“红磨坊”金球奖电影音乐家兼电音玩家Craig Armstrong的悠扬乐曲《Finding Beauty》,瑞士/意大利混血的电音DJ Robert Miles轰动全球的魅力舞曲《Children》,007系列电影《生死关头》主题曲《Live And Let Die》,跨界音乐组合Adiemus的韦尔斯古典音乐家Karl Jenkins获选为钻石公司DeBeers广告音乐的招牌作《Palladio》,澳洲电音时尚玩家Rob D为电影《黑客任务》所创作的插曲《Clubbed To Death》以及巴柏的《Adagio For Strings》与韩德尔的《Sarabande》等跨越流行摇滚、电音、舞曲、电影音乐、古典等类型音乐的代表作。ESCALA乐团同时还与前Guns N′ Roses吉他手Slash一起狂飙Led Zeppelin乐团的名曲《Kashmir》。




Victoria Lyon

Victoria Lyon是歌剧名伶,素有“瑞典夜莺”美称的Jenny Lind的玄孙。Victoria的五位手足都是学习音乐的,兄弟姐妹们一起组过家庭六重奏。后来她进入英国皇家音乐学院就读,并加入皇家爱乐管弦乐团,成为团中最年轻的乐手。

Chantal Leverton

Chantal Leverton从七岁开始学习音乐,在获得英国皇家音乐学院的奖学金前,曾经是著名的英国国家青少年管弦乐团的成员。13岁那年Chantal Leverton在英国三一音乐学院摘得“The Henry Wood”音乐奖(最有前途的弦乐演奏家)殊荣。此外,Chantal还曾与大师级的维也纳钢琴三重奏在威哥莫音乐厅同台演奏。

Helen Nash

Helen Nash是个大提琴手,她来自Cornwall,毕业于Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama主修大提琴。

Honor Watson

Honor Watson在7岁时学习小提琴,曾在大不列颠国家儿童管弦乐团演出。在学校期间,还在Bromley Youth Music Trust学习音乐,是交响室内乐团的一员。2012年她接替Izzy Judd。


Izzy Johnston

Izzy Johnston 拿全额奖学金进入英国皇家音乐学院的Izzy Johnston也来自地道的音乐家庭,双亲经营音乐学校。Izzy于2005年在皇家艾伯特演奏厅举行的古典音乐会中演奏《四季》,同时也在英国音乐剧天王麦可波尔2007年的演唱会中担任小提琴独奏。

Tasya Hodge

Tasya Hodge会说四国语言,Tasya Hodges出生于英国。从小就对音乐充满热情的她住在克罗埃西亚时开始学习大提琴。后来Tasya转赴英国萨里的曼纽茵音乐中学就读。接下来在著名的吉尔豪德音乐戏剧学校深造。期间,与伦敦管弦交响乐团共同演奏过三个月。2014年离开乐队。

Escala (formerly known as Scala) is an electronic string quartet, from London, England who rose to fame when they performed on and reached the final of the second series of ‘Britain's Got Talent’ on ITV1 in May 2008.

The quartet also features on "Louder than Words", from Pink Floyd's ‘The Endless River’ (2014).


Victoria Lyon

Lyon plays violin. She is the great-great-granddaughter of the Swedish opera singer Jenny Lind, went to Wells Cathedral School and graduated from the Royal College of Music before joining the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra where she was the youngest member.She has toured with Simply Red, and performed with Jeff Wayne on his ‘War of the Worlds’ Tour in 2006. She has also performed with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and the Philharmonia.

Honor Watson

Watson began playing the violin aged 7 and won a place in the National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain. Whilst at school, she continued her studies through the Bromley Youth Music Trust, leading both their Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, and taking part in six tours all over Europe. In her final year of school, Watson was a soloist in Bach’s double violin concerto in a performance at Birmingham Symphony Hall, which won The Outstanding Performance Award in The National Festival of Music for Youth. She continued her violin studies the following year at Trinity College of Music, where she led the TCM orchestra. Whilst at college, she recorded the soundtrack and appeared as an on-screen violinist for the Bafta award winning Channel 4 drama ‘Britz’. She also recorded for Alesha Dixon’s album, ‘The Alesha Show’. Watson graduated in 2009 and began leading a freelance career, playing with UK and international orchestras and ensembles. She has travelled to six continents to perform and work extensively as a session violinist. In January 2012, Watson joined Escala.

Chantal Abel (née Leverton)

Abel plays the viola. She was born in London and started to learn the violin when she was seven. After violin lessons at school, she studied at the Trinity College of Music in Greenwich for five years, where at the age of 13 years she won the "Henry Wood Prize for most promising string player". When she was 14, she played at Wigmore Hall, London in a masterclass with the Vienna Piano Trio.She was a member of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain. When she was 17, Abel switched from the violin to the viola following a recommendation from her music teacher. She then joined her music teacher at the Royal Academy of Music on Marylebone Road in London, where she won a scholarship. Before joining Escala, she was a member of Wild with Izzy Judd in 2005. She performed with Jeff Wayne on his ‘War of the Worlds’ Tour in 2006 and has also performed solo viola at the launch of the new Baldessarini Boutique in Dubai where she was featured in the Middle East ‘OK!’ magazine. She has also performed with Aled Jones and the boy band Blue.

Helen Nash

Helen Nash plays the cello, she comes from Cornwall, and studied cello at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. She has appeared at Kensington Palace, The Royal Albert Hall, O2 arena, The Royal Variety Performance 2012 and 2013, and others.

Former members

Izzy Judd (née Johnston)

Judd plays violin and comes from a family of professional musicians. Her parents run a music school in Hertfordshire and her three older brothers Rupert, Magnus and Guy are all musicians. She started playing the violin at the age of five and appeared in the musical Annie in a school production, playing the title role. She also played Fiddler in the musical Fiddler on the Roof. As a dancer she attended the Royal Ballet Summer School at White Lodge, Richmond Park. She studied the violin at the junior department of the Royal College of Music in London, and then at Chetham's School of Music in Manchester where she won the Ida Caroll String Prize. She then gained a full scholarship to the Royal College of Music where she studied with Howard Davis. She also spent two summers studying at prestigious music schools in the United States. Judd was a member of Wild with Chantal Abel in 2005. She performed an arrangement of the Four Seasons at the 2005 Proms with her brother Magnus, at the Royal Albert Hall. In 2007 she was a guest soloist with Michael Ball.

In 2005, she played in the strings section backing band McFly and the following year began dating McFly drummer Harry Judd. They eventually married on 21 December 2012.

On 27 December 2011, Escala announced on their homepage, that Judd had parted ways with the quartet, stating that she felt she could not commit to a relatively busy year. They held auditions for a new violinist in January. On 7 July 2012, Honor Watson was announced as her replacement.

Since leaving Escala, Judd has been involved in charity work, mainly through the Eyes Alight Appeal, which she and her family set up to raise funds for the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust. Her eldest brother Rupert suffered a serious brain injury in 1997 and his long rehabilitation process inspired them to set up the appeal to raise funds for long-term rehab programmes catering to brain injury patients such as Rupert.

In 2015, it was announced that Izzy and Harry were expecting their first child, due sometime in the new year 2016.

Nastasya "Tasya" Hodges

Hodges played the cello. Born in London, she is half-Croatian and spent her early life living in Croatia and Belgium. She returned to England when she won a scholarship to study at the Yehudi Menuhin School in Surrey. She then spent four years at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama where she won a prize to perform with the London Symphony Orchestra for three months. She graduated from the Guildhall in 2004. She has also performed with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain and performed with Jeff Wayne on his ‘War of the Worlds’ Tour in 2006 then toured with Take That in 2007. She has also recorded with the Arctic Monkeys and The Streets. She was a member of The Heritage Orchestra, who recorded their first album at Abbey Road Studios, which was released on 14 August 2006. She has also performed at the Montreux, and London Jazz Festivals. In 2014 she left the group to go to New York with her husband.






