


#当代民谣 #独立流行 #另类唱作人
France 法国


别 名 SoKo出 生 地 法国(France),波尔多(Bordeaux)Soko,全名Stéphanie Sokolinski,中文名为斯蒂芬妮·索科琳斯基。是法国的女歌手、演员。以个人歌曲《I'll Kill Her》而出名。Soko出生在Bordeaux(波尔多,法国西南部港市),她的绰号叫做“soko” 。在她16岁的时候离开家,退学并搬到巴黎的Eva St Paul学习了一年,并开始她的表演学习。后来她有重新转到过各种不同学校,但很快就对此感到厌倦。接着她的身影就出现在了一些法国小片里,她也开始写歌。2007年,Soko以一首《I'll kill her》在丹麦出名,著名的音乐频道The Black Boy Scouts也开始报道关于她和她的歌,那首歌在音乐试听排行榜上排名第一。那首歌在澳大利亚也很出名,也在“Triple”(澳大利亚著名音乐频道)报道过。7月发行专辑《Live Compilation》。2015年发行专辑《My Dreams Dictate My Reality》。Life and careerSokolinski was born in Bordeaux (Occitania), France from a Polish father and a French-Italian mother. She has used the nickname Soko as long as she can remember.Soko left home at 16, quit school and moved to Paris to start acting class with Eva Saint-Paul where she studied for one year; she then resumed her education at several different schools, but quickly became tired of it and dropped out. She later appeared in several French films and began to write songs.Sokolinski has self-released one EP ‘Not Sokute’, and collaborated with The Go! Team and Cornershop, the latter on a song called "Something Makes You Feel Like". She has her own record label called Babycat Records and is signed to Because Music in France.In 2011, she wrote a song and featured in the animated short film ‘Mourir Auprès De Toi’, which was co-written and directed by Spike Jonze.In 2014, Soko's song "We Might Be Dead by Tomorrow" was featured in Tatia Pilieva's short video "First Kiss". She was also one of the video's twenty subjects. After "First Kiss" went viral on YouTube, the song debuted at number 9 in the Billboard Hot 100 and number 1 on Billboard's Streaming Songs chart.Her second studio album, ‘My Dreams Dictate My Reality’ was released in March 2015, its first single "Who Wears the Pants??" was released on January 7. The ‘Sonic Seducer’ wrote that the album was darker than the previous releases and called it a "female version of early The Cure discs."She appeared in 2016 films ‘The Dancer’ and ‘The Stopover’.

