


#重金属 #民谣金属 #中世纪民谣金属
Germany 德国


锁甲、风铃、竖琴这些早已从中古的城堡庭院中消逝的事物而今又在众多重金属音乐节中复活了。德国的IN EXTREMO独力实现了这种复兴。Das letzte Einhorn ,Thomas der Münzer ,Die Lutter ,Rainer Morgenstern ,Dr. Pyrmonte Flex, der Biegsame ,Yellow Pfeiffer这七位狂野游牧民族的勇士从虚空中再现,由各自不同的音乐气质中树立起他们共同的信仰,并如炼金术士般将各自的嗜好与才华混合、重铸。创造出一种空前绝后的音乐。他们掀起了一场音乐的圣战,且所向披靡。好战,黑暗,决不妥协。身穿皮质铠甲,操着竖琴、风笛、钟铃、古双簧管和更多如NYCKELHARPA(一种16弦的听起来象一整个小提琴管弦乐队的提琴)等未知乐器并将其与电吉他,爵士鼓等ROCK乐器交相辉映的武士们在舞台上放浪狂吠。

by Jason Birchmeier

In Extremo are a popular German folk-metal band known for their medieval themes, instruments, and lyrics. Their music incorporates a standard heavy metal lineup of vocals, guitar, bass, and drums, in addition to medieval folk instruments, primarily bagpipes. Their songs are both originals and traditionals, the latter often in medieval languages such as Latin or archaic dialects of German. Furthermore, the bandmembers dress in medieval fashion and present themselves under alias names. Founded in 1995 in Berlin and formed over the course of the next two years, the band is comprised of Das Letzte Einhorn (born Michael Robert Rhein; vocals), Der Lange (Sebastian Oliver Lange; guitar), Die Lutter (Kay Lutter; bass), Der Morgenstern (Reiner Morgenstern; drums), Dr. Pymonte (André Strugala; bagpipes), Flex der Biegsame (Marco Ernst-Felix Zorzytzky; bagpipes), and Yellow Pfeiffer (Boris Pfeiffer; bagpipes); former members include Die Rote Füchsin (Conny Fuchs; bagpipes; 1995-1996), Thomas der Münzer (Thomas Mund; guitar; 1995-1999), and Sen Pusterbalg (bagpipes; 1995-1997). In Extremo made their recording debut in 1997 with the five-track single Der Galgen, followed by the full-length album debut Gold (aka In Extremo Gold; reissued with bonus tracks in 2006). Subsequent albums include Hameln (1998), Weckt die Toten! (1998), Die Verrückten Sind in der Stadt (1998), Verehrt und Angespien (1999), Sünder Ohne Zügel (2001), Live 2002 (2002), 7 (2003), Mein Rasend Herz (2005), Raue Spree 2005 (2006), Kein Blick Zurück (2006), and Sängerkrieg (2008). Among these album releases, 7, Mein Rasend Herz, and Raue Spree 2005 were Top Five hits on the German albums chart. The band also scored a series of modestly successful hit singles, most notably the Top 40 hits &Küss Mich& (2003) and &Nur Ihr Allein& (2005).

