


#后摇 #数学摇滚
United Kingdom 英国


65daysofstatic的音乐被看作是新一代post rock的典范,甚至有人说他们是Mogwai和Aphex Twin的混合体。65daysofstatic非常擅长以一种逻辑、程式化以及数学概念的方式来编辑那些令歌迷无法喘息的厚重吉他音墙,高压下的电子碎拍加上采样所营造出的苍白冰冷机械化的冰冷世界。最令人刺激的是,在这种充充斥着绝望的氛围中,突兀呈现的他们简直就是原始动物,带来的是最纯粹的直觉与感触。同时,后摇一贯反差极大的旋律线,缓慢地于狂暴之间以最情绪化的狂野拉扯彼此,恐怖的是这种试图令人眩晕、持枪疯狂扫射的高压姿态,简直有如以几何倍数增长的细菌病毒散播传染,让每一个听到他们音乐的人燃烧起来。

JoeFro,Paul Wolinski和Iain Armstron受邀请为一部电影做配乐,这部名为65daysofstatic的电影讲述了全球电子通讯因为不明原因全面停摆65天,给地球带来了重大灾难和毁灭.遗憾的是,我们今天无法看到这部电影,因为种种原因,影片最终没有发行.或许是为了报复电影制作方放了他们的鸽子,上面提到的三个英国年轻人把65daysofstatic这个电影名拿来用做了他们乐队的名称,并由此展开了一段音乐历程.

65daysofstatic的音乐被看作是新一代post rock的典范,甚至有人说他们是Mogwai和Aphex Twin的混合体.65daysofstatic非常擅长以一种逻辑,程式化以及数学概念的方式来编辑那些令歌迷无法喘息的厚重吉他音墙,高压下的电子碎拍加上采样所营造出的苍白冰冷机械化的冰冷世界.最令人刺激的是,在这种充充斥着绝望的氛围中,突兀呈现的他们简直就是原始动物,带来的是最纯粹的直觉与感触.同时,后摇一贯反差极大的旋律线,缓慢于狂暴之间,以最情绪化的狂野拉扯彼此,恐怖的是这种试图令人眩晕,持枪疯狂扫射的高压姿态,简直有如以几何倍数增长的细菌病毒传染开来,让每一个听到他们音乐的人燃烧起来.


65daysofstatic (also known by the abbreviations 65dos, 65days, or simply 65) are an instrumental post-rock and math rock band from Sheffield, England, comprising Paul Wolinski, Joe Shrewsbury, Rob Jones and Simon Wright. The band has released four studio albums and a soundtrack: The Fall of Math, One Time for All Time, The Destruction of Small Ideas, We Were Exploding Anyway, and Silent Running, respectively. Their fifth studio album, Wild Light, will be released in September 2013.

Initially, the band interspersed heavy, progressive, guitar-driven instrumental sections with live drums and off-beat sampled drums akin to those of Aphex Twin, although since their second album they have developed their work to include keyboard parts.

Origin: Sheffield, England

Genres: Instrumental rock, post-rock, math rock, experimental rock, electronic

Years active: 2001–present

Associated acts: Polinski, Actionier, The Cure, Circle Takes The Square

Members: Joe Shrewsbury, Paul Wolinski, Rob Jones, Simon Wright

Past members: Feedle, Iain Armstrong, Gareth Hughes


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by Kenyon Hopkin

The Fall of Math Focusing on instrumental post-rock with live and electronic percussion, 65daysofstatic is based in Sheffield, England. The band, whose name originates from an unreleased John Carpenter film, formed in 2001 as a trio (Joe Shrewsbury, Paul Wolinski, and Iain Armstrong). Armstrong left in May 2003 and by the end of the year Rob Jones (drums) and Gareth Hughes (bass) were added. The band released three albums: The Fall of Math (2004), One Time for All Time (2005), and The Destruction of Small Ideas (2007). As of spring 2007, the lineup included Shrewsbury (guitar), Wolinski (guitar, programming), Jones (drums), and Simon Wright (bass, programming).

