


#硬摇滚 #垃圾摇滚
United States of America 美国


不久前,著名的另类/硬摇滚乐队Stone Temple Pilots发行了他们的新专辑“Shangri-La Dee Da”,这钩起了乐迷们对20世纪90年代另类摇滚的怀念。所以,现在我们就来回顾一下Stone Temple Pilots乐队的发展历程。

当Stone Temple Pilots乐队第一次登上摇滚舞台上时,不少人都以为著名GRUNGE乐队Pearl Jam的主唱Eddie Vedder剪去长发,并且又组建了一支新乐队呢。Stone Temple Pilots的主音歌手Scott Weiland不仅相貌、举止与Eddie Vedder相似,而且他的嗓音与Eddie Vedder更加相似。90年代初,当GRUNGE摇滚不仅限于在西雅图存在,而在全美国甚至世界范围内发展的时候,Scott Weiland不甘于被视为别人的克隆物,而希望以全新的、属于自己的形象存在于摇滚乐坛。

乐队的创立者是贝司手Robert Deleo和主唱Scott Weiland。据说,他们曾经与同一个女人约会,而意外认识的。虽然他们最终的关系是情敌,但这丝毫没有抹杀他们在音乐上的共同点,很快他们便成为了朋友,并且决定组建一支乐队。鼓手Eric Kretz首先加入了乐队,因此只空缺一个吉他手的位置。不久,吉他手的位置由贝司手Robert Deleo的弟弟Dean Deleo填补了。乐队首次演出的时间是1990年,地点在洛杉矶。当时他们以“Mighty Joe Young”作为乐队的名字。由于后来得知这个名字已被某个艺人用来作为艺名了,乐队从一个叫做S.T.P.的石油商品的商标得到灵感,于是把S.T.P.这三个字母都扩充为一个单词,于是就得到了乐队的新名字——Stone Temple Pilots。

Stone Temple Pilots最欣赏的乐队是著名的布鲁斯金属乐队——Led Zepplin。在音乐风格上,除了受到Led Zepplin的影响外,Kiss、Aerosmith等乐队的风格也是他们音乐的根源。Stone Temple Pilots是一支结合了重型、嘈杂的吉他音效和粗鲁无理的PUNK式态度,并且带有鲜明GRUNGE风格的乐队。

1992年,乐队的首张专辑“Core”由ATLANTIC唱片公司发行。这其中包括一些热门歌曲,如“Plush”就是一首家喻户晓的作品。这张专辑的销量达到了300万张。这张专辑可以说让乐队在摇滚乐坛名声大振,而且有不少大牌乐队都来邀请他们一起演出。Stone Temple Pilots曾参加了著名速度金属乐队Megadeth的巡演。另外,老牌摇滚乐队Aerosmith曾邀请Stone Temple Pilots为他们的巡演暖场,但遭到Stone Temple Pilots莫名其妙地拒绝,而他们却甘心为名气、资历都小得多的乐队The Butthole Surfers演出。这在乐坛引起一片哗然。

两年之后的1994年,又一张成功的作品问世了,这张专辑的名字叫“Purple”首周进榜就是冠军。这张专辑同样也售出了300万张,在商业上又取得了佳绩,而且使得Stone Temple Pilots跨入了摇滚红星的行列。曾经以为他们模仿Pearl Jam的人们,通过他们的前两张出色的作品,也能够清楚地认识到两支乐队的差别了。因此,Stone Temple Pilots的风格也得以在乐坛确立了。

然而好运并没有维持太长时间,随后,麻烦开始不断地找上门来,尤其是主唱Scott Weiland。他染上了毒瘾而不能自拔,他也因此蹲过监狱、出入过戒毒所。这一系列麻烦使他不暇与对友一起着手准备新专辑,因此他们发行第三张专辑的计划一再地推迟。

最终新作“Tiny Music... Songs From The Vatican Giftshop”在1996年发行了,最高名次是第四位。就在这期间,Scott Weiland还是不断地出入戒毒所。这样乐队就不能如期举行为宣传新专辑的巡演。这也使新作的销量大打折扣,但仍然成“白金唱片”。其实,新专辑的水准高于前两张,而且手法更加多样、更有个性。他摆脱了乐队一贯的套路,比前两张专辑的气氛轻松、随便,是一张出色的另类专辑。此专辑发行后,乐队开始沉寂,而Scott Weiland也专心地戒毒。乐队的其他三名成员也曾找过一名年轻的歌手,临时组建过一支叫做Talk Show的乐队,也发行过一张唱片。这一切都比较随便,对乐队的意义并不大。

1999年,Stone Temple Pilots终于重返乐坛了,此时Scott Weiland的戒毒工作基本完成了,四位乐手一起又奉献给歌迷一张全新专辑,名叫。这的确是乐队的第四张专辑,仍然由著名制作人Brendan O'Brien制作。应该客观地说,这张作品没有给人们带来什么惊喜,在风格上没有什么突破,流行性、可听性也只是一般。

2001年,Stone Temple Pilots又发行了一张名为“Shangri-La Dee Da”,但其在乐坛上的影响早已不能与20世纪90年代相提并论了。

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

Stone Temple Pilots were able to make alternative rock into stadium rock; naturally, they became the most critically despised band of their era. Accused by many critics of being nothing more than rip-off artists, pilfering from Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains, the band nevertheless became major stars in 1993. And the influences of those bands are apparent in their music, but Stone Temple Pilots do manage to change things around a bit. STP are more concerned with tight song structure and riffs than punk rage. Their closest antecedents are not the Sex Pistols or Hüsker Dü; instead the band resembles arena rock acts from the 70s — its popular hard rock that sounds good on the radio and in concert. No matter what the critics might say, Stone Temple Pilots have undeniably catchy riffs and production; theres a reason why over three million people bought their debut album, Core, and why their second album, Purple, shot to number one when it was released.

Following the success of Purple and its accompanying tour, the band took some time off, during which the groups lead singer, Scott Weiland, developed a heroin addiction. In the spring of 1995, he was arrested for possession of heroin and cocaine, and was sentenced to a rehabilitation program. Following his completion of the program, Stone Temple Pilots recorded their third album. Released in the spring of 1996, Tiny Music...Songs From the Vatican Gift Shop, entered the charts at number four. Shortly after its release, Stone Temple Pilots announced that Weiland had relapsed and entered a drug rehabilitation facility, thereby canceling the groups plans for a summer tour. Weilands drug problems and the groups inability to support Tiny Music with a tour meant that the album couldnt replicate the success of its predecessors — by the end of the summer, it had fallen out the Top 50 and had stalled at platinum, which was considerably less than what the groups two previous albums achieved.

Still battling his personal demons, Weiland recorded a 1998 solo album, 12 Bar Blues, while the remaining members of STP recruited vocalist Dave Coutts to record a self-titled LP under the name Talk Show. To the surprise of many onlookers, Stone Temple Pilots then reunited, although shortly after completing 1999s No. 4 Weiland was sentenced to a year in a Los Angeles county jail for violating his probation stemming from an earlier conviction for heroin possession. A newly rejuvenated Stone Temple Pilots and a sober Weiland emerged stronger than ever during the new millennium. The band got back to basics on Shangri-La Dee Da, released in summer 2001. Two years later, STP issued the ambitious greatest-hits package Thank You. The audio-only edition featured 15 tracks — 13 hits spanning the groups entire career, an acoustic version of Plush dating from 1992, and the new track All in the Suit That You Wear. Thank You also appeared in a CD/DVD format that included three hours of videos, live performances, and behind-the-scenes footage.

