


#原声 #电影原声 #电视原声
Italy 意大利


埃尼欧·莫里科内(意大利语:Ennio Morricone,1928年11月10日-2020年7月6日),意大利作曲家,生于罗马,曾为超过500部的电影电视写过配乐。2007年他获得奥斯卡终身成就奖,成为第二位获此殊荣的作曲家。他获得两次格莱美奖,两次金球奖,五次英国电影和电视艺术学院奖等多项音乐奖项。他配乐的著名影片有《狂沙十万里》、《战火浮生》、《美国往事》、《天堂电影院》及《哈姆雷特》等。配乐风格 Ennio的旋律由于乐思宽广,质朴流畅,极富歌唱性,而具有在一瞬间就渗透人心的强大感染力;他的配器由于构思独特,选材广泛,不落窠臼,而使观众闻而不忘,回味无穷;他的配乐手法由于体裁多样,富于独创性,而使电影音乐的语汇获得极大丰富,从而使听众(包括专业人士)的电影音乐思维大大拓宽。从早期大气的西部片到近期细腻的带有追忆性质的影片,各种风格无往不利。 职业生涯 Ennio Morricone也许是20世纪最著名也是最多产的电影配乐大师。在过去的几十年中,他参与过的电影配乐可能达到500部。虽然你可能想像到的音乐类型他都尝试过,虽然你所能想象到的所有类型的电影他都做过配乐,但他最着名的 "spaghetti Western"(意大利式西部片)风格却是为导演Sergio Leone制作的电影背景音乐而成名的。他的音乐涉及的领域出人意料地繁杂:古典、爵士、流行、摇滚、电子、先锋乐派、意大利民族音乐等等。 Morricone1928年10月11日出生于意大利罗马,父亲是一名小喇叭手,他在12岁时进入罗马的Santa Cecilia音乐学校学习音乐,不到两年的时间里,他突飞猛进地学完了4年的课程,甚至当时还有报道说这个神童6个月内就掌握了所有知识。不管报纸怎么说,在以极其优异的成绩毕业以前,他还有足够的时间和精力去学他所喜爱的另一门专业——小号。在60年代初投身电影界之前,莫里康奈一直致力于管弦乐和室内乐创作,也曾经在意大利国家广播网工作。六十年代早期,他开始接触电影,与一些意大利西部片导演合作过。但是,在与导演Sergio Leone合作之前,他一文不名。 1964年,Leone拍摄了他的第一个三部曲—“赏金三部曲”中的第一部《一把金币》(A Fistful of Dollars),Morricone在其中的精湛配乐让他一炮而红。1966拍摄了第二部:《为了多几块金币》(For A Few Dollars More)。电影音乐史上首次出现的粗砺、潇洒的小号主题和空寂、辽远、漫不经心的口哨独奏,令人耳目一新,给各国观众留下了深刻的印象。在这一系列的第三部作品——《地狱三镖客》(The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)中,一向富于求新和实验精神的作曲家又为影片配乐注入了勃勃生机和丰富的内涵。电影音乐史上又首次出现了甩鞭声、由男声合唱出的戏谑音效,以及加弱音器小号怪诞、调侃的音色。 意大利西部片的配乐也许仅仅是他事业中的一部分,但是在这个领域内他确实是最好的,同时由于他的创作给意大利西部片电影配乐带来的新意有目共睹。Morricone运用变化繁多的乐器和创作手段,通过音乐去铺陈剧情或者场景:犹太竖、走音的口琴、短笛、管风琴、古怪的口哨声、异常响亮的喇叭声、奇怪的战地歌声、甚至各种人声……这些构成了一个品牌,人们把他们的合作称为“Morricone-Leone制造”。Morricone的配乐结合了沧桑落漠的流浪口哨与口琴,孤高沉郁民谣吉他与电吉他,气质冷傲且戏剧张力十足的人声,箭拔弩张且杀气腾腾的铜管,塑造出独树一帜,气氛迷人的江湖色彩,这些音乐一出现几乎就能够立刻在观众脑海中,勾勒出红日黄沙中致命对决,对观察而言,也许还会浮现几个在金光布袋戏中叱咤风云的狠角色。 在与Sergio Leone继续合作的同时,Morricone也抽出时间制作其他电影配乐,比如超级经典的《阿尔及尔之战》(Battle of Algiers)、《烽火怪客》(Queimada!又名Burn!)。到了七十年代,Morricone的名字已经与导演Sergio Leone和意大利西部片紧紧联系在一起,他也与世界各地的众多导演有过合作。制作磅礴宏大的交响乐和动人心魄的主旋律对Morricone不算什么难事,他创作的旋律轻易让人印象深刻。在这个阶段,他的作品也开始受到当时电子乐和混音的影响,有了一些现代成分。 时间并没有减慢Morricone前进的步伐,从八十、九十年代一直到现在,他一直处于创作巅峰状态,他的作品在商业上取得成功的同时,评论对给他的评价也有所改观。1986年《教会》(The Mission)原声带;1987年《义胆雄心》(UNTOUCHABLES)电影原声带……他多次获得奥斯卡提名。虽然最后与小金人失之交臂,但无庸置疑他作品的分量。他与意大利导演Tornatore合作的7部影片当中,诞生了等众多经典配乐1994年,他荣获美国Society for Preservation of Film Music的终身成就奖,是唯一得到这个奖项的非美国电影音乐家; 1999年,他的作品《海上钢琴师》(THE LEGEND OF 1900)原声带获得了金球奖。他作品的产量是惊人的,甚至有在一年曾经替二十七部电影完成主题音乐的纪录。 英文简介 Ennio Morricone is probably the most famous film composer of the 20th century. He is also one of the most prolific composers working in any medium. No exact figure is available, but he's scored several hundred films over the past several decades, perhaps as many as 500. While these have been in almost every imaginable musical style (and for almost every imaginable kind of movie), he is most identified with the "spaghetti Western" style of soundtracks, which he pioneered when providing the musical backdrop for the films of director Sergio Leone. Morricone's palette is extraordinarily diverse, drawing from classical, jazz, pop, rock, electronic, avant-garde, and Italian music, among other styles. Esteemed by such important figures in modern music as John Zorn (not to mention contemporary directors like Martin Scorsese), he is increasingly placed among not just the finest soundtrack composers, but the most important contemporary composers of any sort. Morricone began studying music at Rome's Conservatory of Santa Cecilia at the age of 12. Urged to concentrate on composition by his instructors, he supported himself by playing trumpet in jazz bands, and then worked for Italy's national radio network after graduating from the conservatory. He didn't begin scoring films until the early '60s, and didn't begin attracting international notice until he began collaborating with Leone, starting with A Fistful of Dollars in the mid-'60s. (Morricone had previously worked on other Italian Westerns with other directors.) The spaghetti Westerns only comprised a phase of Morricone's career, but for many his work in this field remains his best and most innovative. Morricone amplified the film's plots and drama through ingenious use of diverse arrangements and instrumentation. Jew's harps, dissonant harmonicas, dancing piccolos, bombastic church organs, eerie whistling, thundering trumpets, oddly sung gunfighter ballads, and ghostly vocal choruses — all became trademarks of the Morricone-Leone productions, then of the spaghetti Western genre as a whole. The influence of rock & roll was felt in the low, ominous twanging guitars, which reflected (intentionally or unintentionally) the sound of contemporary recordings by the Ventures, Duane Eddy, the Shadows, and John Barry. Morricone's most famous composition, the theme to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, made number two in the U.S. when it was covered by Hugo Montenegro. Even while he was busy with collaborations with Leone, Morricone found time for various other film projects, such as the agitprop classic Battle of Algiers and Burn! By the 1970s, Morricone was winding down his involvement with both Leone and the spaghetti Western, working with numerous other directors all over the world. Grand orchestration and memorable motifs were commonplace in Morricone's work; Warren Beatty, for instance, once told the Los Angeles Times that "there's nobody better than Ennio to create a haunting theme." His scores also began to utilize more contemporary electronic influences, with mixed results. Age has not slowed Morricone in the least. In fact, the 1980s, '90s, and 2000s saw his commercial success and widespread recognition at an all-time peak. He garnered an Academy Award nomination for The Mission in 1986. Since then he's worked for such top directors as Pedro Almodovar, Brian DePalma, Roman Polanski, Mike Nichols, Oliver Stone, and Barry Levinson. Cinema Paradiso is probably the most renowned of his recent scores. With such an abundance of recordings, collecting Morricone remains a daunting proposition. It's doubtful that anyone will collect all of his soundtracks under one roof; after all, the composer himself doesn't even remember how many films he's worked on. RCA's The Legendary Italian Westerns, Virgin's two Film Music volumes, and Rhino's Anthology are useful collections, and the DRG label has reissued other noteworthy compilations of his work.

