


#另类摇滚 #垃圾摇滚 #朋克
United States of America 美国



L7乐队简介 Donita Sparks:吉他手/主唱 (1963年4月8日生于芝加哥) Suzi Gardner:吉他手/主唱(1960年8月1日生于加利福尼亚) Jennifer Finch:贝司手(1966年8月5日生于洛杉矶l) "Dee" Plakas:鼓手 (1960年11月9日生于芝加哥) L7 乐队喧闹的、受朋克影响的套路式吉他音响,是一种 Ramones、Motorhead 和 Joan Jett 的混合物,而这也使他们在 90 年代初吸引了乐迷——而不是因为她们都是女性。 L7 乐队组建于 80 年代中期的洛杉矶。贝司手 Jennifer Finch 的早期合作者包括 Babes in Toyland 的 Kat Bjelland 和 Hole 的 Courtney Love,但对她影响最大的乐队则是一支只在当地俱乐部演出的 Frightwig 乐队。 1986 年,Finch、Donita Sparks(吉他手/主唱)、Suzi Gardner(吉他手/主唱)和 Anne Anderson(鼓手)创建 L7,并开始在当地俱乐部演出。她们的作品是金属化的,特别是《Bite the Wax Tadpole》和《Metal Stampede》。她们不可避免地被贴上了“女子团体”的标签,虽然乐队中有男性鼓手 Roy Kolltsky 。 Kolltsky 后被 Dee Plakas 取代,与此同时乐队由洛杉矶迁往西雅图。 L7 的首张专辑《L7》(1988),预示了一个宽广的未来。她们以长期巡演扩大影响。 1991 年,乐队在 Sub Pop 公司推出迷你专辑《Smell the Magic》,后又加入大公司 Slash(London 公司的一个分部),并与该公司旗下乐队 Faith No More 共同巡演。 在优秀制作人 Butch Vig(曾担任过 Nirvana、Sonic Youth 和 Smashing Pumpkins 等乐队的制作人)的帮助下,乐队于 1992 年推出专辑《Bricks Are Heavy》。它在能力上是一个惊人飞跃,加上恶毒与粗暴,使 L7 成为 90 年代早期一流的女性乐队,而她们绝不妥协的姿态使乐队成为摇滚女权发言人。单曲《Pretand We're Dead》打入英国榜前 30 名,在那里乐队比美国更受欢迎。令人啼笑皆非的是,那是首很美国化的歌曲,一个反对美国集权社会和可口可乐殖民主义的武器。 当然,政治并非全部。许多乐迷更被乐队声名狼藉的姿态所吸引,而非她们要传达的讯息。 Sparks 在英国电视节目上的即兴发言比任何节目都更受欢迎,而 L7 从未有任何温和些的迹象。在 1994 年专辑《Hungry for Stink 》中,她们依然强硬。同年,乐队参加了 Lollapalooza 巡演,专辑在英国榜升至第 26 名。至此,L7 仍以一支 90 年代一流的现场女子乐队著称。

Although often lumped in with the Seattle Movement of the early 90s (due to their sound, look, and attitude), the all-female punk band L7 hailed originally from Los Angeles. The seeds for L7 (whose name was taken from a slang term in the 50s that meant someone who was a square) were planted in 1985, when a pair of guitarists/singers, Suzi Gardner and Donita Sparks, decided to start a band. Over the next few years, the group extended its lineup to include bassist Jennifer Finch and drummer Dee Plakas, as their sound grew more and more metallic, yet never losing the attack and simplicity of punk. 1988 saw the group signed by the Epitaph label, which issued their self-titled debut the same year and the group spent the better part of the next few years touring the world. L7 issued Smell the Magic for the Sub Pop label in 1991, and the same year formed the Rock for Choice non-profit organization. Raising money and awareness for pro-rights, the organization put on several benefit shows over the years, featuring such noted performers as Nirvana, Hole, Pearl Jam, and Neil Young, among others.

With Nirvana finally bringing punk to the mainstream, bands such as L7 suddenly became en vogue as the quartet was signed to Slash/Reprise, issuing their best-known album with the Butch Vig-produced Bricks Are Heavy in April of 1992 (which spawned the popular MTV hit Pretend Were Dead). L7s follow-up, 1994s Hungry for Stink, failed to expand the groups following despite being part of the 1994 version of the traveling U.S. alt rock festival Lollapalooza. Bassist Finch left the group shortly thereafter (eventually replaced by former Belly bassist Gail Greenwood) and the group issued such further releases as 1997s The Beauty Process: Triple Platinum, 1998s Live: Omaha to Osaka, and 1999s Slap-Happy, while the group was also the subject of a 1998 concert film made by former Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic, also titled The Beauty Process. In 2000, a 12-track retrospective collection was issued, Best of L7: The Slash Years.

