


#室内流行 #艺术流行
France 法国


Woodkid原名Yoann Lemoine(生于1983.3.16),是一位法国MV导演、平面设计师及音乐家。他目前最著名的作品包括为以下音乐导演制作的MV:Katy Perry的《Teenage Dream》、Taylor Swift的单曲《Back to December》、Lana Del Rey的《Born to Die》and Mystery Jets的《Dreaming of Another World》。 Lemoine同时也是一名独立音乐家,并取艺名为我们熟知的Woodkid,他的首张EP唱片《Iron EP》于2011年3月28日发布。woodkid的首张录音室专辑《The Golden Age》在2013年3月18号发行。

Yoann Lemoine生于法国东北部城市兰斯,波兰裔,于Emile Cohl学习插图与动画,他以优异的成绩完成了学业。之后又动身前往伦敦于斯温顿学院学习丝网印刷。2004年Yoann来到巴黎。在一家名为“H5”的公司工作一段时间后,他加入了法国导演吕克·贝松的队伍,为《亚瑟与迷你王国》项目工作了一年,在2006年他又为 Sofia Coppola的《绝代艳后|MarieAntoinette》导演了一系列作品.

2010年6月,Woodkid在戛纳国际广告节上因他的抗击艾滋病公益广告——涂鸦(Graffiti)收获5项大奖。 Lemoine的影片由Iconoclast拍摄制作。

2012年,Lemoine在洛杉矶举行的 MVPA Awards上取得年度最佳导演奖,他为 Lana Del Rey、Drake和 Rihanna导演的影片获得6项MTV音乐影片奖项提名。

Woodkid是著名法国导演和摄影师Yoann Lemoine。他在开始用Woodkid这个艺名做音乐之前,还曾经为Katy Perry,Taylor Swift和Lana del Rey拍过音乐视频(Lana del Rey跟纹身肉骨男亲热,最后出车祸死掉的那个就是他拍的)。

到了最近几年,他开始喜欢上木吉他加电音的流行乐。一切都在几年前开始:他那会儿在曼哈顿下东城的Ludlow Guitars吉他店拍Richie Havens的时候,他说他想学尤克里里。结果拍摄完成了之后,Richie Havens就给了他一把班卓琴,还在上面签了名,写着“Yoann,永远的朋友”。Woodkid从此诞生了。


为了以Woodkid之名走向音乐道路,Yoann还请来了多位法国流行乐名人助阵,包Julian Delfaud(Phoenix,Herman Dune),Revolver(乐队),还有同厂牌艺人the Shoes(他之前已经帮过他们拍视频)。每一位新成员都为他的音乐理念带来独特的影响。

2011年3月28日,Iron EP发布,为了拍摄其中的单曲《Iron》的MV,他与英国名模 Agyness Deyn合作。同时这首单曲在育碧的《刺客信条:启示录》预告片和电影《希区柯克》的预告片中被采用。

2011年10月15日,他与 Lana Del Rey在纽约同台演唱,并为她的《Born To Die》创作音乐录影带。

法国时装品牌迪奥·桀傲(Dior Homme)的2013年秋冬作品展示上"A Soldier On My Own"的灵感是受《Iron》歌词的启发,这首音乐同时也被用于这场展示会。

Woodkid, aka Yoann Lemoine, was originally known as a music video director : from The Shoes Wastin’ Time, to Yelle, Moby, Mystery Jets, Katy Perry or more recently Lana Del Rey Born To Die and Blue Jeans, and even Drake featuring Rihanna in Take Care. It has been reported that during a video shoot in the U.S., Woodkid received a banjo straight from the American guitarist Richie Havens’ hands, after which he stopped playing the piano and started playing the banjo for a while. Without neglecting his activity as a director, Woodkid decided to devote himself to make his own music. Woodkid released the Iron EP on March 28, 2011. On Iron music video, he starred, among others, models Willy Cartier and Agyness Deyn. The song was synced in a trailer for Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed: Revelations. The French couture brand Dior Homme's Fall-Winter 2013 collection "A Soldier On My Own" was inspired by Woodkid's "Iron", and named after the lyrics of the song. The song was used as soundtrack of the fashion show. On October 15, 2011 he sang on stage with Lana Del Rey in New York City. 2012 began with a very private parisian live show at The Eiffel Tower, broadcasted worldwide on Vice US’s platform, Noisey.com Woodkid also made a special appearance during The Shoes liveshow at the Olympia (Paris) on June 13, 2012. Woodkid is a whole creative project where every aspects is treated, from music to image. Thus, on May 21, 2012, the Run Boy Run EP was released with a music video, as "Iron"’s sequel and a second step into the Woodkid's white and black aesthetic. His debut album, The Golden Age, is expected in 2013.

