


#原声 #电影原声
Germany 德国



姓   名:Hans Zimmer汉斯·季默

国   籍:德国

出 生 地:法兰克福

职   业:作曲家、电影配乐家


Hans Zimmer是近年来堀起速度十分惊人的电影配乐家,在电子合成器和传统器乐的结合上,每每展现令人震撼的个人风格,也屡次缔造令人激赏的配乐成绩,特别是在动作电影配乐方面,他独特的音乐型式已经蔚为风尚,揉合了电子乐的炫丽紧凑,和交响乐的磅礴气魄,几乎是近年来,典型好莱坞英雄主义动作电影不可或缺的“标准配备”。

Hans Zimmer生于德国,成长过程中,足迹几乎遍布全欧洲,在移居伦敦后,与Trevor Horn,Geoff Downes组成了名为“The Buggles”的音乐工作团体,最初Hans Zimmer是一名电子合成乐的工程师,主要的工作是替他人的音乐作品做合成混音的工作,后来Hans Zimmer开始写自己的音乐,并且为一些广告片作曲,直到遇到了电影配乐家Stanely Myers(“越战猎鹿人”),在Stanely Myers的耐心指导下,Hans Zimmer开始走入电影配乐的领域,Hans Zimmer与Stanely Myers合作过很多电影配乐,比较正确的说法,或许应该说Hans Zimmer跟着Stanely Myers做了许多电影配乐,Hans Zimmer就像Stanely Myers身边的实习生,他说,Stanely Myers不爱做飞车追逐,所以那样的音乐自然全交给我了!Stanely Myers是Hans Zimmer的良师,Hans Zimmer说:“我所知道关于电影配乐工作的一切细节,都拜Stanely Myers所赐。” 他们在伦敦成立了“Lillie Yard Studio”,Hans Zimmer一方面开始开拓电子音乐与交响器乐结合的音乐构想,并且和多位音乐工作者合作完成了许多电影配乐,其中国内观众比较熟悉的,应该是1986 年,奥斯卡金像奖最佳电影音乐的得主《末代皇帝》,不过严格说起来,《末代皇帝》并不是Hans Zimmer的作品,因为虽然Hans Zimmer参与了《末代皇帝》的制作,但是《末代皇帝》的作者应该是阪本龙一,David Byrne以及苏聪,其中阪本龙一的音乐扮演了十分重要的角色,但国内观众最熟悉的序曲则是David Byrne的作品。

Hans Zimmer早期在英国所创作的电影音乐多半是和许多人一起完成的,而且多少带了一些玩票性质,但其中也有一些独立配乐创作的尝试,《分离世界-A World Apart》是Hans Zimmer第一部独力完成的电影配乐,这部电影在坎城影展上大出风头,Hans Zimmer自然也受到瞩目,尤其吸引了一位女士的注意,她就是导演Barry Levinson的夫人,Barry Levinson本人可能并没有看过《分离世界》,但Levinson太太可把这部电影看了八九遍之多,而且还买了原声带的CD和录音带,Barry Levinson也因此注意到Hans Zimmer的音乐,进而促成Hans Zimmer为Barry Levinson的《雨人》担任配乐,《雨人》是Hans Zimmer第一部好莱坞电影配乐,并且初试啼声即一鸣惊人,成为他个人第一部入围奥斯卡金像奖的作品,隔年的《温馨接送情》虽然被金像奖忽略,但却获得葛莱美音乐奖的提名,是Hans Zimmer温馨小品音乐的代表作,接着与导演雷利史考特合作的《黑雨〉,则展现了Hans Zimmer充满能量与爆发力的电子动作乐风,令许多影人留下深刻的印象. 90年以后Hans Zimmer揉合了电子乐与交响乐成一体的音乐渐受青睐,成功打入好莱坞电影圈,许多知名导演都陆续与他合作.除了有火热的动作电子音乐作品如《双面女蝎星》,《霹雳男儿》外,也有不少温馨优美的抒情作品如《绿卡》。1991年Hans Zimmer和导演朗霍华合作的《浴火赤子情》,展示了十分成熟的音乐技巧。在这部作品中,也可以窥见Hans Zimmer日后动作音乐风格的雏型,这样的音乐风格果然在1995年的《赤色风暴》中大鸣大放,在这部配乐中,Hans Zimmer将凛冽紧凑的电子节奏,深沉宏伟的人声,以及悲壮澎湃的管弦器乐,融合成豪情凛然的壮阔乐章,为Hans Zimmer赢得了一座葛莱美音乐奖最佳电影配乐,不仅成为Hans Zimmer作品中的一个转折点,也成为动作电影配乐中一部独领风骚的经典示范。不论是不是Hans Zimmer本人的作品,Hans Zimmer的风格和影响都处处可见,由于以动作派音乐大领风骚,动作音乐成为一般乐迷对Hans Zimmer的主要印象,不过对Hans Zimmer本人来说,做有深厚情感的音乐其实比做动作音乐更有意思,Hans Zimmer甚至说:一个音乐家一辈子大概只能写出两场最棒的飞车追逐音乐吧!照这种说法的话,Hans Zimmer的动作音乐产量恐怕老早就超出这种极限了,而且Hans Zimmer式的动作音乐在大量生产下,出现许多雷同的作品,渐渐不免也招致一些批评,认为这类音乐已渐无新意,沦为另一种制式罐头音乐,不过Hans Zimmer其实也尝试许多不同的音乐风格,如温馨的《怀胎九月》,可以算是Hans Zimmer献给自己女儿的作品,而《红色警戒》的省思与《爱在心里口难开》的明媚甜美,都是让人耳目一新的佳作,Hans Zimmer或许被贴上“电子动作音乐”的卷标,不过他并不是一个只善长写电子音乐的音乐家。 Hans Zimmer出身自一群深具挑战与实验精神的音乐玩家,而他的配乐成品也常是和这些出色的音乐工作者,包括了交响编曲,演奏,计算机合成剪辑以及指挥家等各种人才,分工合成,协力完成,近年他们甚至组成了工作团体Media Ventures,以充满创新和领先魅力的音乐风格,掳获了不少乐迷的心,成为当代电影音乐的一股新势力,而这种团队合作,群策群力的电影配乐组合,似乎也将成为一种潮流。

Hans Zimmer的配乐是一种充满现代气息的音乐,虽然他仍然运用管弦乐团作为音乐的主体构成,但是非常强调如架子鼓等打击乐器的作用,并把管弦乐与电子合成器结合起来,使得音乐自始至终被鲜明的节奏所充斥、包围,这样的音乐运用在动作片中烘托紧张的气氛是再合适不过了。另外,他善于表现铜管与弦乐气势恢宏、宽广壮阔的一面,善于表现宏大的电影场面。

2015年,第57届格兰美颁奖典礼上,郎朗携手同为索尼旗下艺人的菲董Pharrell Williams跨界激情表演2014年风靡全球的热歌、电影《神偷奶爸2》中的主题曲《Happy》,整个表演由交响乐大师Hans Zimmer操刀制作,以“一个世界,世界和平(One World, World Peace)”为主题,独特新颖的呈现形式、古典流行的重磅跨界,将现场嘉宾的情绪点燃,也将整个格莱美颁奖礼推向了高潮。


by Jason Ankeny

Composer Hans Zimmer was born September 12, 1957 in Frankfurt, Germany; after relocating to London as a teen, he later wrote advertising jingles for Air-Edel Associates, and in 1980 collaborated with the Buggles on their LP The Age of Plastic and its accompanying hit "Video Killed the Radio Star." A stint with Ultravox followed before Zimmer next surfaced with the Italian avant-garde group Krisma; he then formed a partnership with film composer Stanley Myers, and together they founded the London-based Lillie Yard recording studio. Zimmer and Myers' movie work of the period, which included material for pictures including Moonlighting, Success Is the Best Revenge, Insignificance, and the acclaimed My Beautiful Launderette, made significant strides in fusing the traditional orchestral aesthetic of film composition with state-of-the-art electronics, and proved highly influential on countless soundtracks to follow.

In 1986 Zimmer joined David Byrne and Ryuichi Sakamoto on their Oscar-winning score to The Last Emperor; his work on the apartheid drama A World Apart was his first major solo credit, and led to his Academy Award-nominated score for 1988's Best Picture-winning smash Rain Man. The following year Zimmer again composed the soundtrack for a Best Picture winner, this time Bruce Beresford's Driving Miss Daisy; a remarkably prolific writer, by the time the '90s dawned his music was a Hollywood staple, with a list of hits including Black Rain, Backdraft, Thelma & Louise, A League of Their Own, and Days of Thunder. Zimmer scored his biggest commercial hit in 1994 with his work on Disney's The Lion King; the film's soundtrack garnered countless awards, including an Oscar, a Golden Globe, and two Grammys. Later adapted for the Broadway stage, The Lion King took home the 1998 Tony for Best Musical as well.

In 1995, Zimmer also earned a Grammy for his work on Crimson Tide, which was honored as Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture. Another Academy Award nomination followed for 1996's The Preacher's Wife; that same year, he earned BMI's prestigious Richard Kirk Award for lifetime achievement. 1997 saw Zimmer earn another Oscar nom for his work on the James L. Brooks comedy As Good as It Gets, repeating the feat for the third consecutive year in 1998 with his score for the Terence Malick masterpiece The Thin Red Line. His contributions to The Prince of Egypt also earned a Golden Globe bid earlier that same year.

The 2000s marked an auspicious time in the composer's career, as he continued scoring the biggest A-list films of the season, averaging two or three blockbusters a year, including Hannibal, Gladiator, The Last Samurai, Batman Begins, and The Da Vinci Code. In 2007, Silva Screen Records released Film Music of Hans Zimmer, a double-disc set highlighting his achievements as a movie-music maker. Later in 2007, he reworked Alf Clausen's zany Simpsons theme into a traditional symphonic film score on The Simpsons Movie.

In December 2010, Zimmer received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He dedicated the award to his publicist and long term friend Ronni Chasen, who had been shot and killed in Beverly Hills the previous month.

In 2012, Zimmer composed and produced the music for the 84th Academy Awards with Pharrell Williams of The Neptunes.He also composed a new version of the theme music for ABC World News

Zimmer composed the music for the 2014 film The Amazing Spider-Man 2 alongside "The Magnificent Six", which consisted of Pharrell Williams, Johnny Marr, Michael Einziger, Junkie XL, Andrew Kawczynski, and Steve Mazzaro. Zimmer also composed the music for Christopher Nolan's 2014 film Interstellar, which earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Score.He partnered with Junkie XL to compose the music for the 2016 film Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. In an interview with BBC News in March 2016, Zimmer said that he was retiring from composing the music for superhero films, saying of Batman V Superman "This one was very hard for me to do, to try to find new language".

