


United States of America 美国


1989年8月著名的Revenant(幽灵)乐团的吉它手John McEntee和Paul Ledney准备离开乐团,组建一支乐团来实现自己渎神的愿望,他们再也受不了Revenant的保守概念,准备创造一种更加蛮横的音乐! INCANTATION受到像早期Sodom(所多玛城)和早期Napalm Death(死亡汽油弹),以及Hellhammer(地狱之锤),Necrophagia(食尸,俄亥俄州),Possessed(着魔)以及 Sarcophago(石棺)这样一些传奇乐团的深刻影响,从此诞生了美国死亡金属历史上最伟大的一支乐队。

在INCANTATION的发展历史上,最显著的特征就是不停地更换乐手,以前整个乐团在九十年代除John以外,乐团数度易人。实际上乐团正在用这种方式影响着美国地下音乐圈甚至全世界的地下极端金属乐团。还有就是乐团进行的大量演出,看过他们现场的人都说其精彩程度甚于其他任何一支,一支颇具争议的最重量级的金属乐团,INCANTATION在世界范围内广为巡回。从阿根廷到欧洲,从中美洲到其它国家,就是黑暗十字军在不断推进战线,在不停影响着数以千计的新一代乐迷。INCANTATION不但曾经和一些知名的老牌乐团象Cannibal Corpse(食人者之尸),Immolation(献祭),Repulsion(厌恶),Suffocation(窒息),Unleashed(被释)等乐团同台,更为许多乐团提供了第一次在美国演出的机会。这些乐团有Nile,Absu,Pungent Stench,Kataklysm(大变动)和Dying Fetus(死胎)以及世界其它角落的乐团,如挪威的Enslaved,巴西的Krisiun(危险期),和日本的Defiled(受污损),这些乐队有的已经在世界舞台上颇有自己的地位,但是相信这些乐团对自己的同道INCANTATION必定都存有一份感激之情。


by Alex Henderson

Not to be confused with other acts that are called Incantation (including a group that specializes in South American music), the band profiled in this bio is a ferocious, mercilessly brutal outfit that is known for death metal, black metal and grindcore. The words &pop& and &mainstream& are not in the vocabulary of this Incantation, which has never come even remotely close to receiving acceptance in the mainstream pop market. Nonetheless, Incantation has enjoyed a small underground cult following since the early ‘90s, and the band's followers (both American and European) love the fact that Incantation's extreme metal is so far from the mainstream. Incantation has all of the ingredients that death metal and grindcore enthusiasts crave: insanely fast tempos, an obsession with Satanism and the Occult, and choked, grunting, evil-sounding vocals--in other words, everything that is guaranteed to intimidate mainstream audiences and frighten them away. However, metalheads have been quick to point out that Incantation isn't the sort of band that has played at an ultra-fast tempo 100% of the time. While some death metal/black metal and grindcore bands never slow things down, Incantation has been willing to change tempos a lot. But whether the Pennsylvanians are playing fast, slow or somewhere in between, their work never ceases to be blistering--Incantation is about as subtle as a sledgehammer.

Incantation was founded by guitarist John McEntee in Western Pennsylvania in 1990; that year, McEntee assembled the band's original lineup and hired Will Rahmer (founder of the death metal unit Mortician) as lead vocalist. Rahmer was featured on Incantation's debut EP, Entrapment of Evil, which was released on the tiny Seraphic Decay label. It wasn't long before Rahmer was replaced by Craig Pillard, who stayed with the band for several years. After signing with Relapse in 1991, Incantation recorded their second EP, Deliverance of Horrific Prophecies, before providing their first full-length album, Onward to Golgotha (which employed Pillard on vocals and Jim &Eno& Roe on drums) in 1992. Incantation's subsequent Relapse albums included Mortal Throne of Nazarene in 1994, Upon the Throne of Apocalypse in 1996, Forsaken Mourning of Angelic Anguish in 1997 and Diabolical Conquest in 1998. After 2000's Infernal Storm, Incantation left @Relapse and signed with Necropolis in 2001; their first Necropolis album, Blasphemy, was recorded in 2001 and released in 2002.

Over the years, Incantation has had more than their share of personnel changes--like a lot of death metal bands, Incantation can be a revolving door. But McEntee (who is the only remaining member of Incantation's original 1990 lineup) has always held down the fort as the band's leader, guitarist and main lyricist. Former members include, among others, Rahmer, Roe, PILLARD),|SINGER/GUITPillard), singer/guitarist/bassist ,|Daniel Corchado, bassist |AND|DRUMDan Kamp and drummer |(WHODave Culross (who is also a graduate of Malevolent Creation and $|1SUFFOCATION).|SUFFOCATION).|ISuffocation). |CELEBIncantation celebrated their 12th anniversary in 2002, when the band's lineup included ,|VOCALISTMcEntee, vocalist $Mike Saez, drummer $Kyle Severn and bassist $Joe Lombard.

