


#爵士流行 #人声爵士
Canada 加拿大


Matt Dusk (1978- ) ﹐来自加拿大多伦多﹐7 岁时开始在St. Michael’s Choir School待了11年﹐演唱的都是歌剧与古典音乐。可是17岁时听过 Tony Bennett及 Sarah Vaughan的唱片后﹐瞬间被他们的歌曲吸引﹐而转唱 Standard。本来他需要承接家族生意﹐所以念大学时攻读经济﹐然而一年后﹐他仍未能忘怀他喜爱的音乐﹐随即改修爵士音乐。早期他灌录过四张专辑﹐可是大多未经正式发行﹐只以MP3格式流行于网络上﹐直到2003年签约 Decca唱片﹐即于翌年发行首张正式发行的专辑 Two Shots。首张专辑中部份歌曲于英国 Abbey Road Studio灌录﹐并由Royal Philharmonic Orchestra的42位乐师组成的 String Section伴奏﹐主打歌曲Two Shots of Happy, One Shot of Sad更由 U2乐团成员 Bono及 The Edge负责创作﹐制作阵容庞大﹐受到唱片公司力捧。专辑虽然只在加拿大得到金唱片﹐但在美国已引起相当大的回响。

2005年推出了耶诞 EP “Peace On Earth” 后﹐即着手到Los Angeles灌录新专辑 Back In Time。新专辑除了旧歌新唱外﹐也选来新创作﹐在英国于2006年发行后﹐又于2007年在美国推出不同选曲的美国版。Matt Dusk专程到 Capitol Studio灌录歌曲﹐务求为新专辑带来 Frank Sinatra﹑Bobby Darin当年黄金年代的感觉﹐而且这一次由58人乐团伴奏﹐连编曲都极富50/60年代气息。

by James Christopher Monger

Few artists manage to secure a 42-piece string section for their debut recording, but Canadian Matt Dusk is no stranger to big bands. The York University Oscar Peterson scholarship winner released four independent records while simultaneously performing with his own eight-piece outfit, playing nearly 20 shows a month in the clubs of Toronto. Seemingly predestined for a career in classical and opera, Dusk changed his tune at the age of 18 after hearing Tony Bennett and Sarah Vaughan. His newfound passion for vocal music earned him the top spot in 1998's Canadian National Exhibition Rising Star Competition, beating out 654 contestants. He went on to study with John Gittens and Bob Fenton, as well as Peterson, resulting in a B.F.A. in music. He eventually signed to Decca, releasing the album Two Shots, a collection of standards and original compositions, in June 2004. The Christmas-themed Peace on Earth saw release a year later, with Dusk's sophomore studio effort, Back in Town, following in 2006.

