


#民谣流行 #当代民谣 #独立民谣
Australia 澳大利亚


来自地球的南端、当今全球最受欢迎澳洲新生代流行乐团二人组,安格斯和茱莉亚(Angus & Julia Stone)是由一对澳洲姊弟所组成的双主唱乐团;姊姊-茱莉亚.史东(Julia Stone)出生于1984年,茱莉亚清新慧詰、甜美瑰丽,有著温柔纯净的梦幻嗓音、彷彿女孩般天真稚嫩的独特呢喃唱腔,脸上永远带著一抹浅 浅的微笑;弟弟-安格斯.史东(Angus Stone)出生于1986年,安格斯腼腆忧郁、俊秀有型,有著触动心灵的细腻嗓音,温暖感性的歌声中透露些许桀傲不羈的音乐人文特质。

居住在雪梨北方的著名海滩景点Newport,安格斯和茱莉亚出生于音乐世家、父亲带领一个当地的流行乐团,两姊弟跟著父母从小就聆听60年代~80年代各 式流行摇滚与民谣音乐、并学习多种乐器;原本各有各的工作,2005年茱莉亚说服安格斯一齐到雪梨当地的pub演唱,两人独特优美的嗓音与优异的音乐表现 得到许多赞赏,进而发行第一张EP销售荣登金唱片。

为了音乐上更大的表现与发展空间,2006年两姊弟移居伦敦、认识了英国摇滚天团「崔维斯合唱团」(Travis)的主唱Fran Healy,两姊弟在Fran Healy家中现场表演了几首创作曲,让Fran Healy惊为天人,自愿提供家里的古董钢琴与录音室供安格斯和茱莉亚录制两人第二张EP,这张EP在英澳两地都得到极大的回响,茱莉亚并为「崔维斯合唱团」2007年专辑担任幕后配唱作为感谢。

随著在澳洲与英国越来越高涨的人气,安格斯和茱莉亚在2007年推出首张大碟,除了由长期合作伙伴、澳洲摇滚乐团「美丽女子」(The Beautiful Girl)的两位团员Mitchell Connelly担任鼓手与Clay MacDonald担任贝斯手,安格斯和茱莉亚两姊弟包办专辑中全部的词曲创作编曲与大部分的乐器演奏,并担任MV的导演。

首张专辑除了销售荣登白金唱片,并获得2008年澳洲ARIA Awards六项大奖提名、是年度表现最优异亮眼的新人团体,主打曲「Just A Boy」的MV同时获得2008年Inside Films Awards【最佳音乐录影带】奖项;此外,安格斯和茱莉亚两人清新梦幻契合心灵的流行音乐风格深获眾多影片的欣赏,除了最爱使用他们歌曲的美国畅销影集 「实习医生」,此外还有「口红丛林」、「飞越比佛利」、「大器晚成」...等多部知名影集都使用他们的歌曲作为剧中的插曲或配乐;安格斯和茱莉亚2005 年在澳洲成团,他们不凡脱俗的当代原声艺文风格,短短三年间在欧美造成一股炫风,目前已是全球最受欢迎的新生代流行乐团之一。

by Jody Macgregor

Angus & Julia Stone are a brother-and-sister performing team, aided by Mitch Connelly on percussion (he also doubles as their official photographer). Growing up in Sydney's Northern Beaches, they were taught the history of pop music from an early age by their father, who played in a cover band. At first, they thought the Beatles' songs he played were his own compositions. In 2005, Julia Stone began teaching trumpet lessons while her brother Angus worked as a laborer. She convinced him to test his musical talents by performing locally, and he responded by bringing her on-stage with him as a backing musician. At first, the two played separately billed shows, but each would support the other on-stage to the point where it made sense to share billing credits. The duo released an EP of early material, Chocolates & Cigarettes, before moving to London in 2006, where the siblings met Fran Healy of the band Travis. Healy was impressed by their songs, inviting them to his house to use his piano. The band eventually recorded its entire second EP, Heart Full of Wine, at Healy's home. In return, Julia Stone provided backing vocals on the Travis song "Battleships," from the record The Boy with No Name. Angus & Julia Stone's debut album, A Book Like This, was released in 2007, and charted well in the bandmates' native Australia. An international release followed in March 2008.

