这是PROJEKT旗下一支元老级组合,93年便在SAM门下发表了首张专辑Eating the Sea,它用电吉他,电鼓及大量的合成器雕琢起一座心灵囚笼,充满深邃的绝望。95年的Everyone will eventually leave you则如灰暗天空中的浮云,空旷缥缈却又无比哀伤。97年Michael于SAM合作推出了Pyewackit,淡化了作品中的失落情怀换之以寥远,无垠的空间营造,其中呼之欲出的是那SLOWDIVE般的吉他。随着98年充满痛苦的Hope Was双CD的出品,SOUL WHIRLING SOMEWHERE沉寂了整整3年。
by Jason Ankeny
The ethereal goth-rock project Soul Whirling Somewhere was essentially the solo vehicle of singer/songwriter Michael Plaster. Upon signing to the Projekt label, Soul Whirling Somewhere debuted in 1995 with the bleak Eating the Sea, followed in 1997 by both the full-length Everyone Will Eventually Leave You and the EP Pyewackit. The two-disc Hope Was appeared a year later.