


#迷幻摇滚 #自赏 #噪音摇滚
United States of America 美国


Alpine Decline 是一支由鼓和吉他组成的双人乐队,成立于洛杉矶,后被北京充盈的地下音乐场景所吸引,2010年迁至北京。他们的音乐总能勾起乐迷对迷幻,自赏,噪音摇滚,及90年代独立音乐甜丝丝的怀念,却在听觉上与这些音乐风格了无相似之处。他们2016年的新专辑《生于喘息》由乐队的多年密友及制作人杨海崧担任录音师和贝斯手。而这张专辑的构思源于他们合作录音棚及现场演出项目。

这几年,Alpine Decline 以相同队名发起了另一个分支项目。在这个音乐项目中乐队中心二人通过他们日益完善的Eurorack 模块合成器系统探索声音的设计与毁灭。仅通过操作合成器发出令人难以忘怀声音,Alpine Decline用嗡嗡的声响出探索完全不同的声音领域,当你坐下体验,会感觉到全身的毛孔都被深层洁净了一般。

Alpine Decline are a two piece rock band buried beneath a hundred feet of snow. A caustic guitar with rippling delay rides on expansive, tidal drumming. Their eponymous first record, the follow up “VISUALIZATIONS” and soon-to-be-released “DISAPPEARANCE” unwinds with trickling melodies with lyrics like glimpses into some lost film or yellowed manuscript. Live, the pair push off each other and throw heavy punches, channeling their sounds through layers of tape. Alpine Decline continue to write and record.

Washed in flickering 8mm film light, Alpine Decline appeared in 2010 in East LA spinning up their machines and spinning out a web made of quarter inch tape. The duo crash echoed vivid vocal melodies with pulse pumping guitars and drums, all within a cloud of cinematic atmosphere. In less than a year they recorded three full length albums and then promptly vanished, spirited to China and vanishing along the disintegrating edge of east Beijing.

After one year, Alpine Decline return with their fourth album, "Night of the Long Knives". Descending from the high altitude visions of their previous records, the duo walks us gassed out and head numb through chaos and time sickness, deep into the ruins of ancient alleyways and naked skyscrapers.

This time under the expansive sonics of producer Yang Haisong, "Night of the Long Knives" is Alpine Decline surfacing from the Beijing haze at the height of their powers, crafting songs with the ghost-memory quality of myths and guiding a twelve song trip deep into the cinematic and stereoscopic landscape of their world, real and apocryphal.

"Night of the Long Knives" will be released late 2012. Visit www.alpinedecline.com to stream the first three albums: "Alpine Decline", "Visualizations", and "消失/Disappearance". Alpine Decline continue their relentless pursuit of the zero in Beijing, with performances in 2012-2013 throughout Asia, Europe, and the US.

