


#当代民谣 #独立民谣
United Kingdom 英国



Tom Baxter出生于英格兰东部的 Suffolk,但他却在英格兰西南端的Cornwall长大。Tom Baxter的双亲是当地知名民谣乐手,他自小便常常与父母四处巡回演出,兄弟俩在耳濡目染之下,也分别学了鼓、吉他等不同乐器,并以玩票心态自行组团练唱。19岁时Tom Baxter前往伦敦,在当地音乐学院求学,毕业后他放弃稳定的工作机会,选择四处驻唱表演,从中磨炼自己的台风与创作,虽然辛苦,他却乐在其中甘之如饴。2004年5月他发表个人首张同名EP,作品赢得一致好评,获得主流唱片公司青睐的他,进而在同年10月发表首张正式专辑《Feather and Stone》。首张专辑虽然没有取得巨大的商业成就,但透过乐迷口耳相传的力量,Tom Baxter这个名字,已成为部份耳尖乐迷搜罗私藏的目标。2007年他与原唱片公司解约,再次以独立乐手的姿态,在自行创立的厂牌Sylvan Records下,着手录制个人第二张专辑。最后Tom Baxter选择了EMI集团旗下子公司Charisma,决定借助EMI发达的全球营销通路,发表他个人第二张创作大碟《Skybound》。当中首支主打单曲〈Better〉,在2007年12月抢先面市,除了被众多乐评誉为近年少见的优质情歌,并且成功跨海打入美国市场。美国经典喜剧影集《六人行 Friends》主角戴维薛莫(David Schwimmer),首部执导的电影作品《求爱马拉松 Run, Fatboy, Run 》,便在其电影原声带中特别收录这首作品。

Tom Baxter emerged in 2004 as one of London's premier underground singer/songwriters. Steadily rising in popularity since that time Baxter soon became a major force in Britain's independent and live music scenes. Born in Suffolk to a pair of well-traveled folk musicians, Baxter was surrounded by songwriting from an early age. Under his parents' apprenticeship and the guidance of their musical friends, Baxter learned the building blocks of songcraft. During his teen years Baxter's parents bought an old hotel and opened up a club on the ground floor called Charlie's Bar. It was in that bar that Baxter and his brother learned the ins and outs of live performance, eventually assembling a house band. At 19, Baxter moved to London for music school. He soon began performing in bars throughout London, earning money playing covers while developing his original repertoire. Baxter earned a loyal following through regular performance, building up the steam necessary to release his debut record, Feather and Stone, which emerged in 2004. Regional touring and Baxter's constantly evolving catalog of material kept his audiences enthusiastic and ever-growing. Singles like "Better", released in 2007, whet listener's appetites for Baxter's much anticipated follow-up release, Skybound, to be released in January of 2008. When the pre-release fell into the hands of actor and producer David Schwimmer, the Friends veteran decided to include some of Baxter's material in his film Run, Fat Boy, Run.
