


#根源唱作人 #英伦摇滚 #室内流行
United Kingdom 英国



本名Brett Lewis Anderson,1967年9月29日出生于Haywards Heath—一个介于London 及Brighton间的小镇,Brett曾经形容它是:一个暗藏着暴力的可怕地方。—他曾像其它孩子一样加入帮派,不过后来退出了。他的父亲是位出租车司机,而母亲则是一位不成功的艺术家;多年后死于癌症。Brett从未学开车,因为他害怕将来和他父亲一样当出租车司机。Brett有一个姊姊,Blandina,〝她很漂亮,和我一点也不像。〞Brett说道。他姊姊在16岁时就搬出去住了。1986年,Brett和Mat搬到伦敦去,Mat就读于LSE(London School ofEconomics)而Brett则在Manchester的大学学习城镇与国家设计(Town&CountryPlanning),两个月后退学。Brett留在Manchester以担任DJ维生,〝那是一间很破的小pub,时常会有人打断我,并且要求点Spandau Ballet的‵True′,我拒绝了!这时就会有一堆酒瓶砸向我。〞 接下来那一年,他搬到伦敦,就读于Bartlett School,part of UniversityCollege,学习城镇与国家设计(Town&Country Planning),Brett 在数学、物理、化学三个C他就是在这里遇到Justine Firschmann。Justine 的父亲是一名建筑师及营造师,曾经建造了Centre Point, 一栋坐落在 London中央的摩天大楼。Justine曾有一段时间是suede的吉他手,目前是Elastica的主唱。现在,Brett和她的女朋友Samantha (Sam)住在Ladbrok Grove in Highgate ,London。Brett曾写了一首歌曲Sam给他的女朋友;收在‵Beautiful One′这支单曲的B-side中。Brett写了suede的大部分的歌曲,他最喜欢由‵S′开头的字,例如‵Sam′‵ Sadie′ ‵She′ sexual and savage. Brett在舞台上表演时,很喜欢旋转麦克风线,据说Richard曾经因此被麦克风打到送去医院。平常会听Sheryl Crow 和 REM的歌,且是early springsteen, Kate Bush, and Prince的歌迷,有时候还会听听Snoopy Doggy Dog的歌。他是一个素食者,不过对香菇是过敏的。Blur曾经写了一首歌曲〝Charmless Man〞来形容Brett,对于Brett,DamonAlbern(blur)说道:〝我讨厌毒品,而我知道Brett Anderson有在使用heroin。〞Brett在压力之下戒掉了,并宣称他对针有恐惧。在1999年3月于Norwegian TV的一个电视访问中,Brett说道:〝毒品是有害的,我再也不使用他们了。毒品是给失败者的,我承认我曾经嗑过药,但是现在都过去了。〞

by Michael Sutton

Suede When Suede released their self-titled debut album in 1993, vocalist Brett Anderson endeared himself to U.K. critics longing for another David Bowie or Morrissey. Born in Haywards Heath, England on September 29, 1967, Anderson was named after the character Lord Brett Sinclair from the TV series The Persuaders. Anderson spent much of his childhood playing sports but fantasized about becoming a rock star. In his teens, he played guitar for garage bands such as the Pigs and Geoff, the latter featuring future Suede bassist Mat Osman. Anderson then formed Suede with Osman and guitarists Bernard Butler and Justine Frischmann, Anderson's girlfriend. Drummer Simon Gilbert joined Suede in 1991, but Frischmann quit the group a year later to front the band Elastica. Even before Suede's first album appeared in stores, Anderson's vague confessions about his sexuality stirred controversy in the British press. In 1993, Suede hit number one on the U.K. charts. Combining Morrissey's homoerotic posturing with Bowie's glam theatrics, Anderson achieved instant fame in England. America, however, was still spellbound by the grunge revolution and Anderson's melancholic, over-the-top vocals clashed with the raw anger of Nirvana's Kurt Cobain and Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder. Although the departure of songwriting partner Butler in 1994 led many to fear Suede's eventual demise, the band continued to release critically and commercially successful albums in the U.K.

A New MorningSuede split in the wake of 2002's A New Morning and Anderson unexpectedly reunited with Butler for the Tears, releasing an album -- Here Come the Tears -- in 2005. This reunion was short-lived, and Anderson launched a solo career afterward, releasing three progressively quieter albums in the next three years: Brett Anderson in 2007, Wilderness in 2008 and Slow Attack in 2009. He returned to rock in a big way in the new decade, reuniting Suede in 2010 and touring the band into the next year. In 2011, he released Black Rainbows, his hardest-rocking solo album to date, in the fall.

