


#流行舞曲 #青少年流行 #节奏布鲁斯 #欧美流行
United States of America 美国



中文名 贾斯汀·汀布莱克

外文名 Justin Timberlake

别    名 JT

国    籍 美国

民    族 美利坚民族

星    座 水瓶座

血    型 A型

身    高 183cm

体    重 78kg

出生地 美国田纳西州孟菲斯市

出生日期 1981年1月31日

职    业 歌手、演员、音乐制作人、主持人

毕业院校 E.E. Jeter Elementary School

经纪公司 RCA Records


歌曲:Cry Me A River、SexyBack、Mirrors






3首美国Billboard Hot100冠军单曲

3张Billboard 200冠军专辑







音乐风格 流行、舞曲、R&B

擅长乐器 键盘乐器,吉他,B-Boxing

宗教信仰 基督教


贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake),1981年1月31日出生于美国田纳西州孟菲斯市,美国男歌手、演员、音乐制作人、主持人,前男子演唱组合超级男孩成员。

童年时期,贾斯汀加盟热门电视节目“米老鼠俱乐部”后开始演艺生涯。1995年签约BMG Ariola唱片公司,加入超级男孩演唱组合,在歌坛发展。2002年组合解散,贾斯汀开始个人发展演艺事业,签约JIVE唱片公司,发行首张专辑《Justified》,获得第5届全英音乐奖最佳国际专辑、国际最佳男歌手奖与全美音乐奖最佳流行和摇滚专辑专辑奖,专辑歌曲《Cry Me A River》获得第46届格莱美最佳流行男歌手奖。2006年发行第二张专辑《Future Sex / Love Sounds》,获得第49届格莱美奖最佳舞曲唱片奖。2007年与Interscope Records唱片公司合资创立了一个音乐品牌“Tennman Records”上市。2008年凭借歌曲《What Goes Around...Comes Around》获得第50届格莱美最佳流行男歌手奖,歌曲《LoveStoned/I Think She Knows》获得最佳舞曲唱片奖。2010年参演电影《社交网络》,入围第14届好莱坞电影节最佳剧本、最佳剪辑、最佳群戏表演以及最具突破男演员在内的四个奖项。2013年3月发行第三张专辑《The 20/20 Experience》,专辑歌曲《Mirrors》入围第56届格莱美最佳流行歌手奖。


1981年1月31日,贾斯汀·汀布莱克出生在田纳西州的孟菲斯,父亲是Randy Timberlake,母亲是Lynn Harless,祖父Charles L. Timberlake是美国浸信会的一名牧师。贾斯汀的父母在1985年离婚,之后又都有再婚。他的母亲Lynn在贾斯汀5岁大的时候嫁给了Paul Harless,是一位银行家。他的生父是一位唱诗班的指挥元,在和Lisa结婚后又拥有两个孩子Jonathan和Stephen,贾斯汀原本有一个同父异母的妹妹Laura Katherine,可惜的是在1997年出生后不久便夭折了,贾斯汀还专门在超级男孩的首张专辑《*NSYNC》的感谢词中以"My Angel in Heaven"这个名字来称呼及怀念她。


1991年,10岁大的贾斯汀在Preteen Mr. America中胜出,翌年又成为Universal Charm Pageant有史以来首位获得冠军的男孩;同年他靠"Star Search"首次在电视上亮相。11岁时,贾斯汀以 "Justin Randall"的名字报名参加歌唱比赛,以演唱乡村歌曲为主,但在总决赛中落败,从那刻起,贾斯汀已变得和表演脱不了关系了。

1993年,贾斯汀和母亲离开了孟菲斯搬到奥兰多市,当地正好举办迪士尼频道的"米老鼠俱乐部"试音会,贾斯汀参与了此次试音,成功从5000多个孩子中脱颖而出,进入到迪士尼的"大家庭"。在那里他遇到布兰妮·斯皮尔斯、克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉与瑞恩·高斯林,还有JC Chasez组合。在俱乐部里贾斯汀有机会练习唱歌、跳舞甚至需要说唱的一些表演。



1995年,贾斯汀接到了一个电话,对方是一名在奥兰多环球影城的一个表演者Chris Kirpatrick,当时他正想组成一个乐队。通过一个代理人他找到了贾斯汀 ,并和他约谈相关事宜。贾斯汀抓住这个机遇推荐JC Chasez。说服了当时正在“Disney's Pleasure Island”的夜总会中表演的Joey Fatone,因此贾斯汀打电话给他在孟菲斯的前声乐教练,教练告诉他们应该去找在密西西比州的Lance Bass,共同组成了演唱组合“超级男孩”,与BMG唱片子公司签约,经纪人为Johnny Wright,在组合中贾斯汀和JC担任主唱。开始了“超级男孩”组合的歌坛之路,超级男孩出道后他们建立了歌迷群,出道后他们把目标定在德国,发行《Tearin’Up My Heart》与《I Want You Back》这两支单曲,在欧洲走红。在他们决定回美国发展前,“超级男孩”已经走遍了欧洲37个国家,举办了近300场演唱会。


1998年,“超级男孩”发行圣诞专辑《Home For Christmas》,在美国卖出270万张。

1999年,“超级男孩”遇到了很大的阻碍。因一些关于财务、法定自由、甚至有关他们名字的争论被迫卷入一场和他们唱片经理及唱片公司的官司中,后来获得该官司胜诉,与Jive唱片公司签约,他们的律师在忙于自己工作时,贾斯汀与其他成员回到录音室,在没有唱片合约的情况下,为“No Strings Attached”裁定曲目。

2000年3月21日,“超级男孩”的第三张专辑《No Strings Attached》正式发行,发行首日销量达到100万张,一周后卖出了2415859张,专辑歌曲《It's Gonna Be Me》成为美国公告牌的冠军单曲,歌曲《Bye Bye Bye》格莱美奖中获得通类奖项中的“年度唱片”提名。


2002年8月底,贾斯汀在2002年MTV音乐录影带大奖上首次以个人身份登台表演了他的全新单曲《Like I Love You》。


2003年6月,贾斯汀与美国歌手克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉举办的“Justified and Stripped”联合巡回演唱会;8月离开了克里斯蒂娜演唱会解体,单独进行“Justified”巡回演唱会。

2004年2月,贾斯汀凭借专辑《Justified》获得第5届全英音乐奖最佳国际专辑与国际最佳男歌手奖,专辑中的歌曲《Cry Me A River》在《滚石》杂志2010年评选的“史上最伟大的500首歌曲”名单中排名第484位。

2005年,贾斯汀首次主演电影《Edison》,他在剧中饰演”Joshua Pollack“。


2007年1月,贾斯汀开始了他的“FutureSex/LoveShow”巡回演唱会,同年他与InterscopeRecords唱片公司合资创立了一个音乐品牌“TennmanRecords”上市;同年9月9日,凭借歌曲《My Love》获得第24届MTV音乐录影带大奖最佳编舞奖,他也获得年度最佳男艺人与年度最全能艺人奖两个奖项。

2008年1月,贾斯汀获得第34届人民选择奖最受欢迎男歌手奖;同年2月在第50届格莱美音乐奖中,贾斯汀凭借歌曲《What Goes Around...Comes Around》获得最佳流行男歌手奖,歌曲《LoveStoned/I Think She Knows》获得最佳舞曲唱片奖;同年,他以配角演员参演了迈克·梅尔斯的喜剧《爱情导师》与导演迈克尔·梅雷迪斯的小成本公路电影《路路畅通》,他在影片中饰演”卡尔顿·加勒特“,已于2009年8月上映;同年与美国饶舌歌手T.I.合作歌曲 《Dead and Gone》,收入在后者的第六张专辑《Paper Trail》中, 作为单曲于2009年末作为专辑第四首单曲发行,入围第52届格莱美奖最佳说唱合作与最佳饶舌歌曲两项提名。




2013年1月,贾斯汀·汀布莱克在个人网站上发布了一段名为"I'm ready"的视频,重返乐坛;同年1月14日,贾斯汀时隔7年再一次出现于乐坛,他与美国歌手Jay-Z合作的单曲《Suit & Tie》在iTunes开始预售,在第55届格莱美奖颁奖典礼上表演该歌曲;同年3月19日,第三张专辑《The 20/20 Experience》正式发行,登上美国公告牌前200冠军,专辑入围第56届格莱美奖最佳流行专辑,专辑歌曲《Mirrors》入围第56届格莱美奖最佳流行歌手;同年7月12日,《The 20/20 Experience2 of 2》发行,美国公告牌前200冠军,启动”Legends of the Summer“的巡回演唱会;同年11月6日,在纽约正式启动”The 20/20 Experience“世界巡回演唱会首站。


Justin Randall Timberlake (born January 31, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, actor and record producer. Born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, he appeared on the television shows Star Search and The All-New Mickey Mouse Club as a child. In the late 1990s, Timberlake rose to prominence as one of the two lead vocalists and youngest member of NSYNC, which eventually became one of the best-selling boy bands of all time. During the group's hiatus, Timberlake released his debut solo album, the R&B-focused Justified (2002), which included the successful singles "Cry Me a River" and "Rock Your Body", and earned his first two Grammy Awards.

His critically acclaimed second album, FutureSex/LoveSounds (2006), characterized by its wide range of musical influences, debuted atop the US Billboard 200 and produced the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles "SexyBack", "My Love", and "What Goes Around... Comes Around". With his first two albums exceeding sales of 10 million copies worldwide, he was established as one of the most commercially successful singers of the decade. He also has collaborated with other artists, including "Give It to Me" (with Timbaland) and "4 Minutes" (with Madonna). From 2008 through 2012, Timberlake focused on his acting career, effectively putting his music career on hiatus; he held starring roles in the films The Social Network, Bad Teacher, In Time, and Friends with Benefits. Timberlake resumed his music career in 2013 with his third and fourth albums The 20/20 Experience and The 20/20 Experience – 2 of 2, exploring neo soul styles with the song structures of 1960s and 1970s rock. The former became the best-selling album of the year in the US with the largest sales week, and spawned the top-three singles "Suit & Tie" and "Mirrors", while the latter produced the top-ten song "Not a Bad Thing". In 2016, Timberlake will voice the lead character in DreamWorks Animation's Trolls, accompanied by the release of "Can't Stop the Feeling!", his fifth chart-topping single in the US.

Cemented as a touring solo artist, Timberlake plays several instruments in his live performances, accompanied by his band, The Tennessee Kids. Time named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2007 and 2013. Timberlake's work has earned him numerous awards and accolades, including nine Grammy Awards, three Brit Awards, ten Billboard Music Awards, and four Emmy Awards, the latter being for his appearances on Saturday Night Live. His other ventures include record label Tennman Records, fashion label William Rast, and the restaurants Destino and Southern Hospitality.

Timberlake will compose the soundtrack and serve as music supervisor for the upcoming 2016 film The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea which his wife Jessica Biel will produce and have a role in.Entertainment Weekly has reported Timberlake and director Jonathan Demme are making a concert film together showcasing his 20/20 Experience World Tour.

Timberlake has shared photos with Timbaland, Pharrell Williams,and Little Big Town in the recording studio through social media. Talking about his fifth studio album, he stated: "It's so in its infancy right now that I couldn't say. And plus I won't talk about that shit right now. Just because, there may be a longer length of time that this stuff that we're working on right now needs, and then when it comes out it may turn into something completely different."Timberlake will voice the lead character in DreamWorks Animation's musical comedy Trolls opposite Anna Kendrick. The film is set to be released in November 2016. Billboard has reported Timberlake has also signed on to write and perform original music for the film. The lead single, "Can't Stop the Feeling!", was released on May 6, 2016.Timberlake was invited by Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Television (SVT), to perform his song "Can't Stop the Feeling" live during the interval act at the grand finale of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 on May 14, 2016.The single debuted at No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100,and reached the top spot in other twelve countries. It became his eighth U.S. Mainstream Top 40 number-one song, the most among male artists.Timberlake ended up contributing vocals to Little Big Town's song "C'mon" along with Pharrell Williams on their seventh studio album Wanderlust, which was released in June 2016.

