


#轻摇滚 #流行摇滚 #欧美流行
Denmark 丹麦



中 文 名 迈克学摇滚

外 文 名 Michael Learns To Rock

别    名 MLTR

国    籍 丹麦

出 生 地 丹麦

职    业 音乐团队

代表作品 that's why you go away 、Take Me To Your Heart

主要成就 CCTV年度最佳外国歌手奖项

语    言 英语


迈克学摇滚(Michael Learns To Rock),始建于1987年,曾被形容是斯堪的纳维亚音乐传统与西洋流行音乐的相遇,绝非「丹麦团」三个字就可以解释。他们全球千万张惊人的销售量是一般乐团少有的,迈克学摇滚深入慢摇音乐情感层面并从中精确掌握音符组构成果的能力,使得他们成为丹麦音乐史上最成功的团体之一。迈克学摇滚在家乡已经有超过五十万张唱片的销售,但更惊人的是他们在全球的销售数字更是高达千万张之高!其中在亚洲更是掀起一阵狂潮。

1987年,在丹麦的Aringrhus,JASCHA RICHTER 成立了一只小型乐队。其中包括后来的两位MLTR乐队成员:KARE WANSCHER 和 MIKKEL LENTZ。尽管年龄都不大,但他们都从童年时代就开始接触摇滚音乐,且都有在其他乐队演出的经历。

1988年5月,乐队正式以“MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK”之名参加了一个在 Ahrus举行的名为“Dansk Rock Grand Prix”的音乐大赛,最终赢得了冠军。这次成功使得他们在 Ahrus 地区已小有名气。同年8 月,在一个偶然的场合,乐队遇到了后来的老板兼经纪人JP ANDERSEN。Andersen 意识到这个年轻的乐队将大有前途,便开始为他们“制造机会”。在其后的两年中,乐队在Andersen的帮助下出现在各种音乐节、俱乐部等场合。


在丹麦制作人Jens Hofman以及Oli Poulsen的协助下,MLTR在录音室中花费了几个月的时间,潜心制作他们的首张同名专辑《MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK》,并于1991年9月1日正式发行。1992年1月,该专辑成为丹麦的销量冠军,停留时间达5周之久。其中的单曲THE ACTOR在1992年1月成为丹麦电台流行榜的冠军,其后这首作品迅速登上挪威、瑞典、新加坡、马来西亚等国的流行榜首。

乐队广受欢迎的一个难以避免的负面影响就是大量盗版的出现,而在东南亚国家尤为猖獗。为了对付这个问题,MLTR特意在1996年向东南亚地区推出一张含金量极高的专辑——《PAINT MY LOVE》。

在向乐迷推广《PAINT MY LOVE》的同时,MLTR第四张专辑的灌录工作也在密锣紧鼓地进行着。1997年9月,上一张专辑的热潮仍旧持续,《NOTHING TO LOSE》就已正式发行。包括NOTHING TO LOSE、SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW、MAGIC在内的多首单曲相继登上各国流行榜的冠军位置。这已是MLTR连续第三张销量过百万的专辑了。

他们没有选择和外国善于“造星”的知名制作人合作,而是和丹麦本土的音乐制作人Boe Larsen合作。这张名为《BLUE NIGHT》的全新专辑已于2000年末发行。

2004年4月让乐迷等待四年之久的MLTR推出了全新专辑《Take Me To Your Heart》。新专辑中的《Don’t Have To Lose》成为法国电影《两小无猜》(Love Me If You Dare)的英文主题曲。而另一首歌则是将张学友的吻别填上英文歌词的《Take Me To Your Heart》,这首歌将亚洲情歌推向了世界,同时也成为了MLTR在中国最受欢迎的歌曲之一。

2005年9月,MLTR在中国推出精选集,《All The Best Of MLTR》。而当年10月MLTR也来到上海参加F1赛场演出,并用一个和莱科宁,阿隆索等著名车手共同演出的激情四溢的F1之夜使中国观众更进一步领略到MLTR的风采, 随后,MLTR又到印度,柬埔寨,马来西亚等东南亚国家继续他们的这次亚洲循回演出之行。

07年3月MLTR终于推出了自己的首张live版专辑,“best of live”在南非和丹麦发行,包括2首新歌“It's only love”与“Traffic and Stars”以及16首05年在印度演唱会的现场版歌曲,年初而6月MLTR又来到香港,台湾,新加坡等地,并演唱了又一首神秘的翻唱中文歌曲“I walk this road alone”。

08年MLTR的最新专集《ETERNITY》十月二十七日在欧洲正式发行!次日,MLTR又推出了他们的这张专集的第二首主打歌曲SWEETEST SURPRISE,并在丹麦的各大广播台打榜.新歌SWEETEST SURPRISE延续了MLTR 一贯的抒情风格,仿佛又回到了十几年前的MLTR。

2012年1月,Michael Learns To Rock 受邀参加了北京环球春晚,再次成功翻唱了由中国音乐人李健创作,王菲翻唱成名的歌曲《传奇》,受到中国观众的热烈欢迎。

2012年9月,Michael Learns To Rock 受邀参加了南宁国际民歌艺术节,演唱了歌曲《传奇》,还有老歌take me to your heart,受到中国观众的热烈欢迎。


MLTR于2014年11月推出新专辑《25》及新歌《Silent Times》。

MLTR在2015年11月6日发行新单曲《I'll Wait For You》。

MLTR在2016年2月5日发行新单曲《We Shared the Night》。

Michael Learns to Rock (also known as MLTR) is a Danish pop/soft rock band, composed of Jascha Richter, Mikkel Lentz, and Kåre Wanscher. The band was formed in 1988 and have sold over 11 million records over the course of their career, with the majority sold in Asia. Despite being Danish, the band performs songs in English. The band has attributed its success in Asia to their clean-living image and to singing in English as a second language.

MLTR has earned Gold and Platinum status for records in many countries and won many awards, including the Gold Preis Award from RSH, Germany and "The Best Performing Act of the Year" at the SEA Grammy Awards in Singapore. In addition, their song "Take Me To Your Heart" was awarded "most downloaded single of the year 2006" had 6 million or more paid downloads.The band has recorded eight studio albums as well as a number of live and greatest hits albums.

During the peak of their popularity in the mid-1990s, MLTR was described by critics as being "as good (if not better) a band as any current big name group out of America or the UK."According to the band's record label releases, their sound is "the perfect balance of a Scandinavian glow and the international pop song that has been instrumental in forming the compelling sound of the band",although the lead singer and songwriter, Jascha Richter, disagrees with this, maintaining that the music defies geographical categorization.

Michael Learns to Rock completed touring their home-country Denmark, having played unplugged concerts in February and March 2010 with fair success. In June 2010, the band undertook a three-city promotional tour of India playing shows at Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore to promote the latest album "Eternity". More Unplugged shows followed in Denmark in late 2010. The band also did a short promotional tour of China and Macau from 27 September to 1 October 2010 for their upcoming China concerts in December 2010 and to give a preview of their Chinese Tour Compilation CD. This was followed up with their first ever international Unplugged concerts at Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in December 2010. Also the track, Fairy Tale, an English cover version of a song originally performed by singer Li Jian, and later popularized by Hong Kong pop diva Faye Wong, was released in conjunction with the CD release.Following this, the band is scheduled to play another Unplugged tour in Denmark in spring 2011.

On 19 November 2011, Michael Learns To Rock unveiled the song Any Way You Want It from the forthcoming album at a live concert in Kathmandu produced and organized by ODC Network (P)LTD. The band also shot footage in and around Kathmandu and during the performance of the song, to include it on the music video for the same track. The video of the song was then released formally on 11 June 2012 by the band on YouTube first, and soon after started airing on TV in India and Nepal.

The studio album Scandinavia was released on 11 June 2012 in India digitally by Virgin Records on Nokia Music. Subsequently, release of the physical CD of album took place in many Asian countries, namely India (30 June 2012), Malaysia (2 July), Singapore (4 July), Thailand (12 July), Korea (12 July), Taiwan (13 July), Hong Kong (17 July), Philippines (19 July) and Indonesia (15 August), with the release in China to follow soon. The album is released in Denmark by Sony Music Denmark on 3 September 2012. The album is also available in Asia on iTunes. As in the case of the previous album Eternity, the album Scandinavia has also been solely produced by Mikkel Lentz.

In 2014, the group released 25: The Complete Singles in commemoration of the band's 25 year anniversary, released on October 25, 2014. It includes two new studio recordings, The first single, Silent Times was released on September 16, 2014. followed by Call on Love released on December 18, 2014. the group also recorded Eternal Love, the theme song of a Korean drama called Healer. The song was written by Lee Sang Joon, Denzil “DR” Remedios, and Ryan Jhun Sewon.In 2015, the group released their new single called I'll Wait For You released on November 6, 2015. In 2016, they released their new single We Shared the Night, released on February 5, 2016, their Valentine's Day gift to their fans.

