


#民谣流行 #根源唱作人
Sweden 瑞典



姓    名:Sophie Zelmani苏菲·珊曼妮

国    籍:瑞典

星    座:水瓶座

出 生 地:瑞典斯德哥尔摩


职    业:歌手、作曲家



1995年,苏菲签约索尼音乐,发行了第一张单曲《Always You》, 随后她推出了个人首张同名录音室专辑《Sophie Zelmani》,专辑打入流行榜单第四名。而中国国内的人知道Sophie Zelmani这个名字,则是因为王菲的《乘客》,经过林夕填词和郭亮的编曲,随着《乘客》在华语乐坛的走红,原作《Going Home》的演唱者苏菲·珊曼妮也被越来越多的人认识。

1996年,苏菲·珊曼妮获得了瑞典格莱美最佳新人奖。截止1997年,专辑《Sophie Zelmani》在欧洲和亚太地区共售出了200000张。

1998年,她创作了第二张专辑《Precious Burden》。前两张专辑由Halapi录音并且负责制作和演奏大部分乐器。

1999年,苏菲的第三张专辑《Time To Kill》发行。

2002年,第四张专辑《Sing And Dance》发行。

2011年,苏菲推出专辑《Soul》,其中的一首《for you》和瑞典歌手Daniel Lemma合唱。



2015年7月,发行录音室专辑《Bright Eyes》。


从1995年以一曲《Always You》开始,来自瑞典这个北方国度的甜美清新邻家女孩Sophie Zelmani,便以其生活化、发自内心真诚的诗意词句,简单干净透澈却能直接触摸隐藏在心灵深处纤纤情感的音乐,而征服了瑞典、欧陆乃至亚洲的广大歌迷。苏菲·珊曼妮的音乐之所以能像她的人一样,情感纤细、纯净亲切而动人,那是因为她的歌直接纪录了她的成长心路历程。从收录《Always You》、《A Thousand Times》等单曲,甜美羞涩的首张同名专辑,到走红之后面对漫长的巡回演出与数不尽的访谈而感到痛苦,继而使其创作呈现出苦涩与深沉黑暗气氛的第二张专辑《Precious Burden》,再到即将迎向曙光、向伤感告别的第三张专辑《Time To Kill》,以及第四张专辑《Sing And Dance》——彷佛用音乐来回忆着过去那个在情感或生理上正要愈合,然而一旦触碰到还是会带来疼痛的伤口。苏菲·珊曼妮就像个挚友般分享著她的情感与心情变化,唯一不变的是她的音乐表现方式,依然是清脆的吉他合弦衬托着她温暖甜美的歌声,恰如其分不喧宾夺主的鼓与贝斯,陪衬上彷如远方传来的萨克司风及逐渐贴近的长笛或小提琴悠扬旋律,传递出彷佛在冷飕飕的秋天夜晚漫步走在瑞典已然结霜的路上,脚底还不时传出嘎吱细碎声响,那沁凉萧瑟绝美的意境,让人愈听愈沉醉其中难以自拔。(21CN音乐评)

Early life and career

Zelmani was born in the suburbs of Stockholm in 1972. Her father bought the family a guitar when Zelmani was 14.Despite no professional music training,Zelmani became a songwriter and recorded some songs at a local studio. After she mailed the demos to three record companies, Zelmani was offered a record deal by Sony Music Sweden.

Sophie Zelmani recorded her debut, eponymous album with Sony in 1995. The album was produced and arranged by Lars Halapi and co-produced by Patrik Sventelius, who also played guitar. She described the process of making the album: "In the beginning Lars and I spent a few months in the studio. We had fun and then picked the musicians. We recorded in two weeks but the whole thing took half a year."By 1997, Zelmani's debut album had sold 200,000 copies in Europe and Asia Pacific, before moving to the US market, distributed by Columbia Records.Zelmani said, "I had no ambitions to go abroad. I knew I wanted to make a record. That's all I wanted."Columbia's marketing campaign included CD sampler giveaways, consumer press, and rotation on Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) flights between Scandinavia and the US.

Zelmani has continued to record albums while making only a small number of public appearances due to shyness.She won a best newcomer award in Sweden's Grammy awards in 1996.

In 1998,she wrote her second album Precious Burden.

In 1999,the third album Time To Kill.

In 2002,released the forth album Sing And Dance.

In 2011,released Soul.One of the single “for you”,she sang with Daniel Lemma.

On August,2013,she first came to China to join a music festival.

Zelmani has also contributed music to the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dawson's Creek. Her cover of Bob Dylan's "Most Of The Time" appears on the soundtrack to Masked and Anonymous.

Her song "Stand By" appeared in the film Independence Day (1996). Her song "Always You" appeared in the film My Best Friend's Wedding (1997).

Zelmani's "Going Home" from Sing and Dance was covered in Mandarin Chinese as "Passenger" by Faye Wong on To Love.

Going Home and Everywhere was released in 2014.

Bright Eyes is released in 2015.

