


#民谣流行 #根源唱作人 #轻摇滚 #独立民谣
United States of America 美国


出生日期 / 地点:1975-05-18 / 美国夏威夷欧胡岛

杰克·强森(Jack Johnson)是一位来自美国夏威夷的歌手、影片制作人和音乐创作者,同时也是冲浪好手。他的音乐在商业方面获得巨大成功,在发行了第一张专辑《Brushfire Fairytales》之后就全心投入音乐创作与演唱。至今已发行了多张EP与专辑,并是轻柔摇滚乐的代表人物之一。

他是美国冲浪手,民谣歌手,导演。从小在夏威夷长大,Jack Johnson会走路的时候也会冲浪,17岁的时候他已经是冲浪界的天才,以最年轻的年纪扬名于世界级冲浪大赛(Pipeline Masters),正当体坛将他锁定成海滩明日之星,比赛后一个月,Jack Johnson在冲浪时发生严重意外,脸上缝了150针,让他整整三个月无法出门,却也给了他三个月抱着吉他、创作音乐的时光;但是Jack Johnson并没有一鼓作气成为创作歌手,18岁的他选择到加州大学念电影,99年导演并且担任电影配乐完成了冲浪电影《Thicker Than Water》,初执导演筒的他,赢得各影展最佳导演等大奖,眼见着Jack Johnson就要加入电影界,新的一波浪潮却迎面来袭;杰克自弹自唱的歌曲,早期就被冲浪巨星们作成卡带复制流传,2005年的今天,Jack Johnson,这个海滩男孩,不只是冲浪天才、不只是得奖导演、他是全球销量300万张的创作才子。


“Jack Johnson擅长创作清新而自然的音乐,简单的空心吉他搭配他温煦柔和的嗓音,让人感觉轻松而舒适,感觉像他的家乡夏威夷的阳光和沙滩一样……”权威音乐网站AMG这样推崇他的音乐风格。往返夏威夷与洛杉矶两地,Jack Johnson于2005年录制完成最新专辑《In Between Dreams》,有着大海般的歌声加上纯熟的吉他弹奏,创作出一首接一首轻松惬意、混融民谣、蓝调、雷鬼和Bossa Nova的清新作品。简单却完美的专辑创作,在没有商业广告的加持下,《In Between Dreams》却在美国发行首周,以23万张的惊人销售空降全美告示牌专辑榜第2名,在乐评、乐迷、以及电台DJ的热情支持下,《In Between Dreams》在不到2个月的发行后在全球默默卖出200万张。Radiohead的主唱曾对Jack Johnson说:“你真是天生的人型节奏组(human drum set),嘴巴就像钹,打开了就有切分音”;美国权威杂志评论杰克的歌词创作:是“21世纪的Bob Dylan”。Jack Johnson特殊的魅力,让世界上任何浪高于4英尺的地方,就有冲浪客聚集着聆听他的专辑;他的音乐会出现在伦敦顶级的时尚bar里,也会出现在曼谷的盗版摊上。但对杰克来说,他只是个冲浪家、喜欢电影、跟会唱歌的人,他不叫魔术Johnson,他是Jack Johnson。



在过去五年间,Jack Johnson已经从一个拍摄16厘米冲浪电影并且为其制作配乐的电影人成为一个知名的唱作人。

在夏威夷的欧胡岛长大, Johnson从会走路的时候就会冲浪了。家中两个哥哥和父亲都是冲浪好手,他的童年都是在水里度过的。前院就是传奇大浪Pipeline(夏威夷典型的浪,凶恶又富挑战性,可说是浪中王道),Johnson从12岁就开始与它搏斗,17岁时就受邀参加Pipe Masters大赛,在那的一个月后他因为一次冲浪意外而受伤,被迫离开海水3个月。虽然Johnson14岁就开始弹吉他,但正是在这段被迫留在陆地上的时间让他有机会精进自己的吉他技巧,并且从Cat Stevens到Fugazi各种不同音乐人身上找到互动。

18岁的Johnson 离开了夏威夷到了加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校学习电影制作,”97年毕业后Johnson和冲浪伙伴Chris与Emmett展开一段为期一年的冒险,环游世界。所带来的成果就是这部广受好评的16厘米冲浪电影《Thicker Than Water》,盛赞为回归早期冲浪电影的纯粹之作,而身兼摄影的Johnson是本片导演之一。为此片制作配乐期间,Johnson发现了自己的歌声;在 ’99年电影发行之前,Johnson深受蓝调、嘻哈乐种影响的民谣创作,早在全球各角落的冲浪者之间流传不止了。

那时Johnson遇到了冲浪的同好Garrett Dutton(aka G. Love),他在G. Love & Special Sauce的99年《Philadelphonic》专辑里录制了Johnson的创作“Rodeo Clowns”。这首歌在电台间迅速获得肯定,也让Johnson的音乐才气跨出了冲浪社群。尽管此时已有唱片邀约上门,Johnson选择逃到南太平洋去拍摄他的第二部冲浪电影《The September Sessions》,而那时他的前作《Thicker Than Water》已经被Surfer杂志选为《年度最佳电影》了,而后面这部作品也拿下ESPN电影展的《Adobe Highlight Award》。他的bootleg落入了音乐人Ben Harper与他的经纪人/制作人J.P. Plunier手中,而后者后来也成为Johnson的专辑制作人。

2001年1月Johnson的首张完整专辑《Brushfire Fairytales》在Enjoy Records发行,即是由专辑制作人J.P. Plunier与退休的A&R伙伴Andy Factor所自组的独立厂牌。《Brushfire Fairytales》从不同层级来检视都是一张亮眼的的首发专辑:从开场曲“Inaudible Melodies”将Johnson个人的生活哲学"Slow down everyone/You're moving too fast"转换成平易近人的副歌,到国歌般的“Flake”,《Brushfire Fairytales》让全美更多听众爱上Jack Johnson。为Ben Harper 2001年为期4个月的美/澳巡回担任暖场,《Brushfire Fairytales》在热情、重视音乐本质的Harper乐迷心中也像野火般延烧开来;直到秋季,Johnson偕同鼓手Adam Topol、贝斯手Merlo Podlewski才举办自己的演唱会(club shows),座无虚席。专辑发行不到一年即卖出10万张,到了2003年1月已经突破白金销

2003年5月, Johnson推出第二张《On and On》,由制作过Beastie Boys专辑的Mario Caldato Jr.担纲,其它乐手则依旧是《Brushfire Fairytales》的原班人马:Johnson唱歌/吉他、Adam Topol鼓手、Merlo Podlewski贝斯。《On and On》融合了触动心弦的欢心情歌、以及严肃的议题:资本主义、工业化、校园枪击事件、海洋原油钻探、还有战争。Johnson在第一张创作中即已显著的社会论述与内在真实,在《On and On》中更加成熟。

《On and On》则是由Johnson自己新创的厂牌Brushfire Records所发行,在一年内就突破100万销量。同年Johnson的多年好友G. Love与Donavon Frankreiter也加入了该厂牌,后者也是位职业冲浪者/音乐人;Brushfire还发行了Johnson两部冲浪电影的原声带。

从一开始在家人烤肉时或到远方冲浪的船顶上表演音乐,对Johnson来说,现在随着自己的乐团旅行全球、在电视台以及一票难求的体育场表演必是个超现实的体验。但事实就是Jack Johnson在过去几年内,已成为极致且出色的艺术家、电影工作者、音乐人,还有父亲。他的第三张专辑《In Between Dreams》借着一首首节奏轻快又容易朗朗上口的歌曲,忠实传递了他广受乐迷喜爱的温煦嗓音。


2001          Brushfire Fairytales

2003          On and On

2005          In Between Dreams

2008          Sleep Through the Static

2010          To The Sea

2013          From Here To Now To You

英文简介 (转自AllMusic)

Before Jack Johnson became the 21st century kingpin of beachside pop/rock, he was a champion surfer on the professional circuit. The sport was second nature to the Hawaiian native, who began chasing waves as a toddler and, by the age of 17, had become an outstanding athlete on the Banzai Pipeline. However, Johnson was also testing other creative outlets -- specifically film and music -- and a serious surfing accident during his first professional competition convinced him to devote more time to those landlocked hobbies. After studying cinematography in college, he turned his full attention to music, writing breezy pop songs punctuated by an unassuming voice and a mellow, beach-bum demeanor. The combination proved to be particularly commercial, as Johnson's first five major-label albums all climbed to platinum status.

Philadelphonic While studying film at the University of California in Santa Barbara, Johnson partnered with friends Chris Malloy and Emmett Malloy to produced a surfing documentary entitled Thicker Than Water. Although the project spotlighted Johnson's talent as a director, it also showcased his flair for songwriting, and the accompanying soundtrack featured several of his own tunes. Thicker Than Water was deemed 2000's Video of the Year by Surfer magazine and paved the way for a second surf flick, The September Sessions. Meanwhile, Johnson began receiving similar notice for his songs, one of which was covered by G. Love & Special Sauce on the band's 1999 album, Philadelphonic. Shortly thereafter, Johnson's demo material piqued the interest of J.P. Plunier, a French producer who had helped launch Ben Harper's career several years prior.

Brushfire Fairytales With Plunier's help, Johnson recorded and released Brushfire Fairytales in 2001. The debut album featured a cameo by Ben Harper, thus sparking a friendship between the two musicians. Moreover, its casually spun folk songs attracted an audience that stretched far beyond Johnson's own surfing community, and Brushfire Fairytales went platinum as a result. After touring throughout the early half of 2002, he returned to the studio and issued On and On one year later. Despite its musical similarity to Brushfire Fairytales, On and On found Johnson delving into social commentary, resulting in a number of songs that paired worldly, insightful lyrics with a sunny surf vibe.

In Between DreamsJack Johnson toured heavily in support of his growing catalog, taking frequent breaks to surf and spend time with his family. When it came time to return to the studio, he resumed his partnership with Mario Caldato, Jr., the same producer who had helmed On and On, and decamped to Mango Trees Studio in Hawaii. In Between Dreams was released in 2005, sporting a mango tree on the album's cover (in tribute to the studio) while offering a familiar mix of tropical songwriting and conscious commentary. The album peaked at number two, Johnson's highest chart position to date in America, and sold more than two million copies stateside. Oddly enough, it was Johnson's next project, the kids-oriented Sing-A-Longs and Lullabies for the Film Curious George, that finally sent him to the top of the charts. The soundtrack debuted at number one in February 2006, selling 149,000 copies during its first week and making Curious George the first animated film since Pocahontas to have a chart-topping soundtrack. Like the four albums before it, it climbed to platinum status.

Sleep Through the Static Despite such continued success, however, Johnson was dealt a sharp blow in 2007, when his cousin Danny Riley succumbed to brain cancer. That death, coupled with the decision to record outside of Hawaii's familiar environment, lent a moody ambience to Johnson's next record, 2008's Sleep Through the Static. Nonetheless, the bulk of the album retained a warm, sand-scrubbed feel, and Sleep Through the Static went platinum within five weeks. Johnson traveled throughout Europe that summer, playing some of his largest shows to date, and the resulting footage was captured for the 2009 CD/DVD release En Concert. Johnson released his fifth studio album, To the Sea, in June 2010. Covering a nine-year span, the Jack Johnson & Friends: The Best of Kokua Festival compilation appeared in 2012 and featured performances from Johnson's benefit concert for the nonprofit, environmental education organization the Kokua Hawaii Foundation. Johnson returned to his Mango Tree studio with Mario Caldato, Jr. -- who produced his 2005 release In Between Dreams -- to record his sixth studio album, From Here to Now to You. The album, which was scheduled for release in September 2013, was preceded by the single "I Got You."

