


#人声爵士 #巴萨诺瓦 #欧美流行
Sweden 瑞典



中 文 名 丽莎 爱克妲

外 文 名 Lisa Ekdahl

出 生 地 瑞典

出生日期 1971年7月29日


Lisa Ekdahl(丽莎 爱克妲)1971年7月29日生于瑞典的斯德哥尔摩。是瑞典流行歌手、作曲人、作词人和唱片艺术家。

瑞典创作型歌手,丽莎·爱克妲(Lisa Ekdahl)出生于1971 (July 29th),成长于瑞典一个叫Mariefred的小镇.莉萨.爱克妲1980年进入音乐高中,毕业后曾在爵士俱乐部里驻唱.1994年出版的首张专辑《Vem Vet》里头,展现了词曲的创作功力,以及弹奏、演唱的才华,忽然间Lisa Ekdahl一炮而红,而且在瑞典十分受瞩目.之后又连续出了几张瑞典文专辑,包括《Med Kroppen mot jorden》(1996), 《Bortom Det Bl?》 (1997) .但由于都是瑞典文创作,所以除北欧地区外,她彷佛不曾存在过.

直到与之前爵士伙伴Peter Nordahl三重奏(Peter Nordahl Trio)灌录了2张英文爵士专辑,《when did you leave heaven》,《back to earth》,及BMG的发行,转而南向(西欧)扩展,被喻为"北欧精灵"的柔美女声才逐渐跨出了斯坎地那维亚,且在法国爵士乐界受到瞩目。

瑞典爵士歌手莉萨爱克妲崛起于一九九四年,当时二十三岁的她,靠着一张流行歌曲专辑《Vem Vet》(谁知道),拿下了五十万张的畅销纪录,这让她一举成为瑞典的流行天后,但很少人知道,她其实早在一九九零年,就开始和瑞典的爵士钢琴手Peter Nordahl合作爵士演唱。在九四年的佳绩之后,她被唱片公司发掘,持续灌录流行乐专辑,采用瑞典文演唱,但她在九六年,却以英文发行了《何时离开天堂When Did You Leave Heaven》专辑,回归她原来的爵士演唱,这让她在法国和瑞典都大受欢迎,也开始在亚洲和美国等地区受到讨论,她那种纤细而带点小女孩般的嗓音,受到广大的乐迷喜爱,却在美国被认为太过甜美,和爵士乐的本质不符,但是对于大部份乐迷而言,这并不重要,他们喜爱她诠释爵士歌曲的风格,以及她选择歌曲的方向,一九九九年发行了《重返人间Back to Earth》专辑,再度选唱了许多爵士经典老歌,这张专辑光在法国一地,就卖出了四万张的专辑,她在英国的巡回演唱,更是场场爆满,大受乐评称赞。

2000年发行了《拂晓时分Lisa Ekadhl sings Salvadore Poe》专辑,其曲风有了大幅的转变,这次她与美国作曲家萨瓦托雷波(Salvarotre Poe)合作,采用新的爵士风格创作,两人更因此相恋,进而结婚,婚后爱克妲搬到纽约。尔后将她带往芭莎诺瓦演唱的风格,正好适合她那种纤细甜美的嗓音,这张专辑在法国和北欧各地大受欢迎,在发行不到一年的时间,专辑就在这些地区卖出超过十二万张的成绩。

2002年发行精选集《Heaven, Earth and Beyond》。

2003年发行精选集《En samling sånger》。


2006年发行录音室专辑《Pärlor av glas》。

2009年发行录音室专辑《Give Me That Slow Knowing Smile》。

2011年发行现场专辑《At the Olympia Paris》。

2014年发行录音室专辑《Look To Your Own Heart》。

2015年,她的热门单曲《Vem Vet》作为韩剧《Love Rain》的原声带。


Life and career

Lisa Ekdahl (born July 29, 1971 in Hägersten, Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish singer and song writer in popular music. She has so far released 10 albums, most of them in the Swedish language but some entirely in English. Her voice has been described as "child-like" and "soft, supple and smooth". Her Swedish lyrics have been praised.

In 1994, at the age of 23, Ekdahl became famous overnight in Sweden with her self-titled debut album and the #1 hit single "Vem vet (Who Knows?)".

She signed with EMI Records, but later recorded two pop albums with RCA/BMG: "Med Kroppen Mot Jorden" and "Bortom Det Blå" in 1996 and 1997. In 1998, she recorded the English language album "When Did You Leave Heaven", which contained jazz standards.

Her following album, "Back To Earth" (1999), was again full of jazz standards and, like her jazz debut, recorded with the Peter Nordahl Trio. In France alone, it sold over 40,000 copies. She received positive reviews for her live appearances in Great Britain from ‘The Daily Telegraph’ and ‘The Guardian’.

Lisa Ekdahl's sixth album, "Lisa Ekdahl sings Salvadore Poe" (2000), signaled a new direction and critical esteem.As the new album's title indicates, Ekdahl exclusively sings songs written by her husband, also known as Paul DiBartolo, guitarist in New York glam metal band Spread Eagle (band),primarily in the bossa nova style. Her fragile and childish voice seems to be made for this type of music. Their album was a great success in France and Scandinavia,where it sold over 120,000 copies by early 2001.

She has continued to record in both Swedish and English, most recently touring Scandinavia with an acoustic tour.Her voice is variously compared to Blossom Dearie, Diana Krall, and perhaps most accurately, Astrud Gilberto.

Album ’En samling sånger’ was released in 2003.

Album ‘Olyckssyster’ was released on September 2004.

Album ‘Pärlor av glas’ was released on January 2006.

Studio album ‘Give Me That Slow Knowing Smile’ was released on March 2009.

Live album ‘At the Olympia Paris’ was released on April 2011.

Studio album ‘Look To Your Own Heart’ was released on October 2014.

In 2015,her hit song "Vem Vet" was in the soundtrack of the Korean drama ‘Love Rain’.

She expressed her sadness on Facebook page after Prince’s death on April 2016.

