





Bessie Smith(1894。4。15~1937。9。26)是爵士乐历史上的一位悲剧性的人物。她在音乐上的出色成就是公认的,可以毫不夸张地说,她是第一位主要录制唱片的布鲁斯歌手和爵士歌手,对于这两种音乐形式的发展都作出了巨大的贡献。从整个爵士乐和布鲁斯的历史来看,她也可以被认为是最有魅力和力量的歌手之一。



Bessie成长在田纳西州纳什维尔市贫民窟中,她童年的经历极为不幸。1912年当时只有18岁的Bessie Smith被 Ma Rainey 发现,并吸收到自己的乐队之中,Bessie成为了她演出的伙伴,受到她的保护和指导。某种程度上,Bessie的音乐成就除了她的天才之外,同 Rainey 的教导也是分不开的。尽管在 Rainey 的演唱生涯中,也取得了辉煌的成就,成为了第一位主要的黑人女歌手,但从一开始,Bessie Smith 就注定了将超越她的前辈。

1920年,已经羽翼丰满的Bessie Smith独立演出,她的首演之地是新泽西州的大西洋城。三年之后,她迁居到爵士乐的中心城市纽约。她的才华很快就引起了录音界的注意,慧眼识才的哥伦比亚唱片公司和她签订了合同。她在不久之后就推出了自己的首张唱片,由 Alberta Hunter 作曲的《Downhearted Blues》,这张唱片一发行,Bessie Smith就成为了歌唱界的名人。在整个二十年代,Bessie Smith成为了美国最红的歌手,她有机会录音、演出,她有了充分的资格选择自己的伴奏者。


终于在1929年,由于大萧条时期的到来,布鲁斯成为过时的音乐,Bessie Smith在歌坛的如日中天的地位受到了动摇,并且直线下降。一切都是来得那么的突然,年仅三十五岁的Smith正处于事业的高峰,她对此突如其来的打击感到不解。在这一年,她参加了电影《St. Louis Blues》的拍摄。这是一部低成本的影片,而且非常短,其中保存下了Smith至今为止唯一的一组镜头,但是拍电影也未能给Smith带来好运。

1931年,与她合作多年的哥伦比亚唱片公司解除了她的合同。原因很简单,因为没有人愿意在伤心的岁月听忧伤的歌曲,人们需要快乐的节奏,、即便是低俗的音乐也有市场,艺术首先要让位于利润,效益和金钱,即使是 Bessie Smith 也难以逃脱厄运。1934年Bessie录制了她最后的四首曲子的演唱唱片。她依然坚持工作,对于她来说,演唱就是生活,就是她的一切;放弃了歌唱就是放弃了她的生活。在1935年她在阿波罗歌舞厅演唱过,她还在一场《Stars over Broadway》演出中担任了后来倔起的 Billie Holiday 的候补角色。这次机会对于久已陌生了舞台的 Smiths 来说,实在是太珍贵了,她把得以卷土重来的希望全都寄托在这次演出上。人们重新看到了他们久已忘记了的,甚至已经陌生了的Bessie Smith。他们似乎是重新发现了新大陆,重新见到了长久未见到的天才歌手,重新听到了富于情感的声音,他们为之欢呼。

终于,Bessie来到了音乐家的殿堂——卡内基音乐厅,参加了 John Hammond 的《From Spirituals to Swing》的演出,一起似乎都好了起来,Bessie又找到了成功的感觉,她的命运似乎从此而逆转。然而命运似乎总是以捉弄人为乐。Bessie在南方的密西西比遭遇车祸,据说本来她的伤势并非致命,然而在种族歧视盛行的南方,一位黑人是不会受到白人公正的对待的,她的伤势被耽误了,终于因此而失去了生命,她的许许多多的愿望都为完成。否则在爵士乐结盛的时代谁又能说Smith不会再度创造新的奇迹呢?

1967年,Bessie Smith入选Down Beat爵士名人堂。

by Scott Yanow!

The first major blues and jazz singer on record and one of the most powerful of all time, Bessie Smith rightly earned the title of The Empress of the Blues. Even on her first records in 1923, her passionate voice overcame the primitive recording quality of the day and still communicates easily to todays listeners (which is not true of any other singer from that early period). At a time when the blues were in and most vocalists (particularly vaudevillians) were being dubbed blues singers, Bessie Smith simply had no competition.

Back in 1912, Bessie Smith sang in the same show as Ma Rainey, who took her under her wing and coached her. Although Rainey would achieve a measure of fame throughout her career, she was soon surpassed by her protégée. In 1920, Smith had her own show in Atlantic City and, in 1923, she moved to New York. She was soon signed by Columbia and her first recording (Alberta Hunters Downhearted Blues) made her famous. Bessie Smith worked and recorded steadily throughout the decade, using many top musicians as sidemen on sessions including Louis Armstrong, Joe Smith (her favorite cornetist), James P. Johnson, and Charlie Green. Her summer tent show Harlem Frolics was a big success during 1925-1927, and Mississippi Days in 1928 kept the momentum going.

However, by 1929 the blues were out-of-fashion and Bessie Smiths career was declining despite being at the peak of her powers (and still only 35). She appeared in St. Louis Blues that year (a low-budget movie short that contains the only footage of her), but her hit recording of Nobody Knows You When Youre Down and Out predicted her leaner Depression years. Although she was dropped by Columbia in 1931 and made her final recordings on a four-song session in 1933, Bessie Smith kept on working. She played the Apollo in 1935 and substituted for Billie Holiday in the show Stars Over Broadway. The chances are very good that she would have made a comeback, starting with a Carnegie Hall appearance at John Hammonds upcoming From Spirituals to Swing concert, but she was killed in a car crash in Mississippi. Columbia has reissued all of her recordings, first in five two-LP sets and more recently on five two-CD box sets that also contain her five alternate takes, the soundtrack of St. Louis Blues, and an interview with her niece Ruby Smith. The Empress of the Blues, based on her recordings, will never have to abdicate her throne.

