


#硬核说唱 #流行说唱 #意识说唱 #蹦啪说唱
United States of America 美国



姓    名:Eminem埃米纳姆

国    籍:美国

星    座:天秤座

出 生 地:美国密苏里州







阿姆从小家境贫寒,6个月大时父亲便和母亲离婚,他至今不知道父亲是谁,母亲带他奔波于底特律和堪萨斯城,他转过二十多所学校。他从小营养不良,长得比同龄人瘦小,常常成同学欺负、凌辱对象,所以在他幼小心灵里看到这个世界就是暴力。阿姆开始喜欢说唱乐,他喜欢2 Live Crew和N.W.A.这两支爱惹事生非的说唱乐组合。据美国有关部门作的调查统计,90%左右的说唱乐歌曲都含有性、暴力等不良内容,埃米纳姆就是在这类说唱乐熏陶下畸形成长。他最好的朋友都是黑人,是黑人音乐给了他信心和出路,但这个恨透了白人的明星仍是不停地把“黑鬼”一词挂在嘴边,在他新专辑中“黑鬼”一词就出现过24次。他歌中的暴力足以让每个人震惊,但他对别人横竖看不过:“《拯救大兵瑞恩》可能是我看到的最病态、最恶心的电影,我没有看到一个人去批评其中的暴力。”没受过多少教育的他在很多方面不辨是非。他口无遮拦,言辞刻薄,连英国首相布莱尔也逃不过他的羞辱。

“我的母亲就没给我留下什么好印象。”埃米纳姆说。神经质、絮絮叨叨、爱钱如命、嗜毒成瘾,这是阿姆眼中的母亲。《杀死你》这首歌就是写他母亲的:“当我还是小孩子/我妈妈就常常告诉我些疯狂的事/他常常讲我爸爸是个恶魔/我大了一点才认识到她是个疯狂的人……”在这首歌中,埃米纳姆恨不得把他母亲一口吃掉。当他长大,认识他现在的前妻金•斯科特,这个女人也不个省油的灯,从他们认识那天起,他们的世界就没太平过,有人这样形容他们:“痛苦、神秘和戏剧性--这就像他们爱恨交织一样激发了这个艺术家的灵感。”他在《金》这首歌中幻想杀死妻子的全部过程,歌曲整个过程伴随斯科特的惨叫,恐怖残忍至极。没有母爱、甚至没有妻子的爱,使他产生痛恨妇女的变态心理,在他的词典里,“婊子”就是妇女唯一代名词,让他认可的女人只有加拿大歌星阿兰妮丝•莫里塞特(Alanis Morissette )。



1997年,埃米纳姆他首以个人身份推出专辑《Infinite》。同年,埃米纳姆赢得Rap电台节目《Wake Up Shou》的1997年年度最佳自由式表演者,并最终获得在洛山矶举行的饶舌奥运会的自由式比赛的亚军。

1998年,埃米纳姆的《The Slim Shady EP》发行。他凭借单曲《Just Don't Give A Fuck》的演艺受邀在MC Shabaam Sahddeq的单曲《Five Star Generals》和Kid Rock的专辑《Devil Without A Cause》中和这些艺人合作。随后,埃米纳姆被Aftermath唱片公司签下,后推出专辑《The Slim Shady LP》。

2000年2月,埃米纳姆凭借专辑《The Slim Shady LP》获得第42届格莱美最佳Rap歌手和最佳Rap专辑。埃米纳姆除了蝉联这两大奖项外,和Dr.Dre共同演唱的歌曲《Forgot About Dre》亦获最佳说唱组合表演奖。在由Music Television Network组织的MTV大奖颁奖礼上,埃米纳姆凭借MV《The Real Slim Shady》囊括年度最佳MV奖和最佳MV男歌手奖。他的专辑《The Marshall Mathers LP》于2000年发行。

2001年2月21日,埃米纳姆凭借专辑《The Marshall Mathers LP》获得第43届格莱美最佳Rap歌手、最佳Rap组合和最佳Rap专辑。

2002年,埃米纳姆出演了个人第一部好莱坞电影《8英里》,并在影片《8英里》中演唱了《迷失自我》(Lose Yourself),获得奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖。同年,阿姆推出了个人第三张专辑 《The Eminem Show》,他的《The Eminem Show》是那年Billboard 200专辑榜年终排行的冠军。

2003年2月23日,埃米纳姆凭借专辑《The Eminem Show》获得第45届格莱美最佳Rap专辑奖。

2004年2月,埃米纳姆凭借歌曲《Lose Yourself》获得第46届格莱美最佳Rap歌手和最佳Rap歌曲。

2005年2月9日,埃米纳姆获得第25届全英音乐大奖“最佳国际男艺人”奖。2005年,他自爆患有睡眠性药物依赖综合症,不得不暂停将在欧洲举办的十场巡演。同年,他的《Encore》在当年Billboard 200专辑年终排行榜中获得亚军,首周销量为44万1千张。


2008年10月,埃米纳姆的自传《这就是我》上市,而他的第六张专辑《旧病复发》(Relapse)在年底发行。《Relapse》是埃米纳姆连续第五张在上榜首周就获得Billboard 200专辑榜冠军的唱片。

2010年2月,埃米纳姆凭借《Crack A Bottle》与Dr. Dre & 50 Cent获得第52届格莱美最佳说唱组合,凭借专辑《Relapse》获得第52届格莱美最佳说唱专辑。

2011年12月,第53届格莱美奖的提名名单中,埃米纳姆以10项提名领跑。在埃米纳姆收获的十个奖项提名中包括最佳专辑、最佳说唱专辑,他与蕾哈娜合作的《Love the Way You Lie》还拿到了年度最佳歌曲、年度最佳制作。

2011年2月,第53届格莱美颁奖礼在美国洛杉矶举行,埃米纳姆凭借《Not Afraid》获得最佳说唱歌手,凭借《Recovery》获得最佳说唱专辑。

2013年11月3日晚,首届YouTube音乐奖颁奖盛典在纽约举行,埃米纳姆被评为年度最佳艺人。11月,埃米纳姆录音室大碟《The Marshall Mathers LP 2》 在上榜首周获得冠军,这是埃米纳姆连续第七张在英国榜中夺冠的唱片。

2014年6月,埃米纳姆成为了美国唱片业协会(RIAA)历史上第一位获得两项数字单曲钻石大奖的音乐人,他的作品数字销量和网络流量成功超过了一千万大关。埃米纳姆创造历史的这两首单曲均出自2010年的专辑《Recovery》,一首是《Not Afraid》,另外一首是他和蕾哈娜合作的11白金单曲《Love the Way You Lie》。

2015年2月,埃米纳姆凭借《The Marshall Mathers LP2》获得第57届格莱美最佳说唱专辑,凭借与蕾哈娜合作的单曲《Monster》获得了格莱美最佳说唱表演奖。






1972-1991 Early life

Mathers was born on October 17, 1972, in St. Joseph, Missouri. During his childhood Eminem and Debbie shuttled between Missouri and Michigan, rarely staying in one house for more than a year or two and living primarily with family members. In Missouri they lived in several places, including Saint Joseph, Savannah and Kansas City. As a teenager, Eminem wrote letters to his father; according to Debbie, all came back marked "Return to sender."Friends and family remember Eminem as a happy child, but "a bit of a loner" who was often bullied. One bully, De'Angelo Bailey, severely injured Eminem in the head; Debbie Nelson filed a lawsuit against the school in 1982, which was dismissed the following year.Eminem spent much of his youth in a lower-middle-class, primarily Black Detroit neighborhood.He and Debbie were one of three white households on their block, and Eminem was beaten by Black youths several times.As a child he was interested in storytelling, aspiring to be a comic-book artist before discovering hip hop.

At age 14, he began rapping with high-school friend Mike Ruby; they adopted the names "Manix" and "M&M," the latter of which evolved into "Eminem".Eminem snuck into neighboring Osborn High School with friend and fellow rapper Proof for lunchroom freestyle rap battles.On Saturdays they attended open-mic contests at the Hip-Hop Shop on West 7 Mile, considered ground-zero for the Detroit rap scene.Struggling to succeed in a predominantly Black industry, Eminem was appreciated by underground hip hop audiences.When he wrote verses, he wanted most of the words to rhyme; he wrote long words or phrases on paper and, underneath, worked on rhymes for each syllable.Although the words often made little sense, the drill helped Eminem practice sounds and rhymes.

1992-1999 Early career,Infinite,and The Slim Shady LP

As Eminem's reputation grew, he was recruited by several rap groups; the first was the New Jacks. After they disbanded he joined Soul Intent, who released a single on their 1995 self-titled EP featuring Proof.Eminem and Proof then teamed up with four other rappers to form The Dirty Dozen (D12), who released their first album Devil's Night in 2001.

Eminem was soon signed to Jeff and Mark Bass's FBT Productions, and recorded his debut album Infinite for their independent Web Entertainment label.After the release of Infinite, his personal problems and substance abuse culminated in a suicide attempt.By March 1997 he was fired from Gilbert's Lodge for the last time, and lived in his mother's mobile home with Kim and Hailie.

In the spring of 1997 he recorded his debut EP, The Slim Shady EP, which was released that winter by Web Entertainment.The EP, with frequent references to drug use, sexual acts, mental instability and violence, also explored the more-serious themes of dealing with poverty and marital and family difficulties and revealed his direct, self-deprecating response to criticism.Hip-hop magazine The Source featured Eminem in its "Unsigned Hype" column in March 1998.

Eminem released The Slim Shady LP in February 1999. Although it was one of the year's most popular albums (certified triple platinum by the end of the year),he was accused of imitating the style and subject matter of underground rapper Cage.The album's popularity was accompanied by controversy over its lyrics; in "'97 Bonnie and Clyde" Eminem describes a trip with his infant daughter when he disposes of his wife's body, and in "Guilty Conscience" which encourages a man to murder his wife and her lover.

2000-2002 The Marshall Mathers LP and The Eminem Show

The Marshall Mathers LP was released in May 2000. It sold 1,760,000 copies in its first week, breaking US records held by Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle for fastest-selling hip hop album and Britney Spears' ...Baby One More Time for fastest-selling solo album.

In July 2000, Eminem was the first white artist to appear on the cover of The Source magazine.The Marshall Mathers LP has been certified 11× platinum by the RIAA.

Eminem performed with Elton John at the 43rd Grammy Awards ceremony in 2001, with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD, an organization which considered Eminem's lyrics homophobic) condemning John's decision to perform with Eminem.

On February 21, the day of the awards ceremony, GLAAD held a protest outside the Staples Center (the ceremony's venue).In 2001 Eminem appeared in the Up in Smoke Tour with rappers Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Xzibit and Ice Cube and the Family Values Tour with Limp Bizkit,headlining the Anger Management Tour with Papa Roach, Ludacris and Xzibit.

The Eminem Show was released in May 2002. It was another success, reaching number one on the charts and selling over 1.332 million copies during its first full week.The Eminem Show was the best-selling album of 2002.

2003-2007 Encore and musical hiatus

Encore, released in 2004, was another success. Its sales were partially driven by the first single, "Just Lose It", which contained slurs about Michael Jackson. On October 12, 2004, a week after the release of "Just Lose It", Jackson phoned the Los Angeles-based Steve Harvey radio show to report his displeasure with its video (which parodies Jackson's child molestation trial, plastic surgery and the 1984 incident when Jackson's hair caught fire during the filming of a commercial).

On October 25, 2004, a week before the 2004 US Presidential election, Eminem released the video for "Mosh" on the Internet.

In 2005, industry insiders speculated that Eminem was considering ending his rapping career after six years and several multi-platinum albums.

In September 2007 Eminem called New York radio station WQHT during an interview with 50 Cent, saying that he was "in limbo" and "debating" about when (or if) he would release another album: "I'm always working – I'm always in the studio. It feels good right now, the energy of the label. For a while, I didn't want to go back to the studio ... I went through some personal things. I'm coming out of those personal things and it feels good."

2008-2009 Replapse and Refill

In December 2008 the rapper provided a few more details about the album, entitled Relapse: "Me and Dre are back in the lab like the old days, man. Dre will end up producing the majority of the tracks on 'Relapse'. We are up to our old mischievous ways ... let's just leave it at that."

According to a March 5, 2009 press release, Eminem would release two new albums that year. Relapse, the first, was released on May 19; its first single and music video, "We Made You", had been released on April 7.

During the 2009 MTV Movie Awards, Sacha Baron Cohen descended on the audience in an angel costume. On October 30 he headlined at the Voodoo Experience in New Orleans, his first full performance of the year.

2010-2011 Recovery and Bad Meets Evil reunion

On April 14, 2010, Eminem tweeted: "There is no Relapse 2". Although his followers thought he was not releasing an album, he had changed its title to Recovery and confirmed this by tweeting "RECOVERY" with a link to his website.

Billboard reported that it was the bestselling album of 2010, making Eminem the first artist in Nielsen SoundScan history with two year-end bestselling albums.Recovery is the bestselling digital album in history.Its first single, "Not Afraid", was released on April 29 and debuted atop the Billboard Hot 100; its music video was released on June 4."Not Afraid" was followed by "Love the Way You Lie", which debuted at number two before rising to the top.Although "Love the Way You Lie" was the bestselling 2010 single in the United Kingdom, it did not reach number one (the first time this has happened in the UK since 1969).

He opened the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on September 12, performing "Not Afraid" and "Love the Way You Lie" with Rihanna singing the choruses.Due to the success of Recovery and the Home & Home Tour, Eminem was named the 2010 Hottest MC in the Game by MTV and Emcee of the Year by the online magazine HipHopDX.He and Rihanna again collaborated on "Love the Way You Lie (Part II)", the sequel of their hit single. Unlike the original, Rihanna is the lead vocalist and it is sung from the female perspective.In December 2010, the "Great Eminem Recovery" was number one on Billboard's Top 25 Music Moments of 2010. He appeared at the 2011 Grammy Awards on February 13, performing "Love the Way You Lie (Part II)" with Rihanna and Adam Levine and "I Need a Doctor" with Dr. Dre and Skylar Grey.

In 2010, Eminem again began collaborating with Royce da 5'9" on their first EP as Bad Meets Evil; the duo formed in 1999. The EP, Hell: The Sequel, was released on June 14, 2011.

Eminem was featured on Royce da 5'9"'s "Writer's Block", released on April 8, 2011.On May 3 they released the lead single "Fast Lane" from their upcoming EP, and a music video was filmed.In March 2011, within days of each other, The Eminem Show and The Marshall Mathers LP were certified diamond by the RIAA; Eminem is the only rapper with two diamond-certified albums.

2012-2013 The Marshall Mathers LP 2

Eminem announced on May 24, 2012 that he was working on his next album,scheduled for release the following year.Without a title or release date, it was included on a number of "Most Anticipated Albums of 2013" lists (including MTV); Complex Magazine ranked it sixth, and XXL listed it fifth.

The Marshall Mathers LP 2 (following The Marshall Mathers LP) and was scheduled for release on November 5.The album was released on November 5 by Aftermath Entertainment, Shady Records and Interscope Records. Its standard version had 16 tracks, and the deluxe version included a second disc with five additional tracks. The Marshall Mathers LP 2 was Eminem's seventh album to debut atop the Billboard 200, and had the year's second-largest first-week sales.

In the United Kingdom The Marshall Mathers LP 2 debuted at number one on the UK Albums Chart. The first American artist with seven consecutive UK number-one albums, he is tied with The Beatles for second place for the most consecutive chart-topping UK albums.

2014-present Shady XV and Southpaw

According to an August 25 press release on Eminem's website, the hashtag was the name of an upcoming Shady Records compilation: Shady XV.

Shady XV, released on November 24 during Black Friday week,consists of one greatest-hits disc and one disc of new material by Shady Records artists such as D12, Slaughterhouse, Bad Meets Evil and Yelawolf. The album debuted at number three on the Billboard 200 chart, with first-week sales of 138,000 copies in the United States.

Eminem is the executive producer of the soundtrack on the sports drama Southpaw, with Shady Records. The first single from the soundtrack called 'Phenomenal' was released on June 2, 2015.Another single, "Kings Never Die" by Eminem featuring Gwen Stefani, was released on July 10, 2015 on YouTube via Eminem's Vevo account.

In June 2015, it was revealed that he will serve as the executive producer and music supervisor on the TV series Motor City whose premise will be based upon the 2002 film Narc.

