姓名:Edwin McCain
英文名:Edwin McCain
原名:Edwin McCain
歌手类型: 歌手
生日: 1970-01-20 学历
地区: 欧美
美国南卡罗来纳州除了鼎鼎大名的Hootie & The Blowfish外,还有一个走美国传统摇滚路线的同乡Edwin McCain也是不容忽视的狠角色。从接触乡村、灵魂乐开始,一直到青少年阶段才因为像Kiss、The Replacement的摇滚乐而真正拿起吉它玩音乐,而这条路对他来说,充满着许多意外,临时起意组了个团却因缘际会的靠着自制的作品《Solitude》而换来一张合约,自此走上音乐不归路。97年的第二张专辑《Misguided Roses》出了一首获得全美Top 10并驻留成人抒情榜逾15个月之久的“Ill Be“,也让他们终尝成名好滋味。 自99年的平稳之作《Messenger》后,2001年Edwin McCain Band推出了呕心沥血大作《Far From Over》,整团人马移师德州,在知名老牌乡村乐手Willie Nelson的录音室完成这张作品。也许因为这是他们首次全程参与制作,并请了Neil Young的录音工程师Greg Archilla来监制,不仅他们自己认为这张才是真正做出他们想要的完整成熟的作品,各网站杂志甚或乐迷的反应也是普遍盛赞这张作品比起旧作虽较为朴实,但音乐视野却更广更有深度。 对听不惯美国Trad/Folk Rock的年轻乐迷来说,刚听这张专辑会很容易忽视它,可是这是张耐听的东西,歌词浅显易懂,每一首歌的故事都让人感;“Letter To My Mother”是Edwin的真人真事,讲的是他爱养大他的妈妈也爱他从没见过的生母,亲身经历唱出的感觉真的让人动容;“Kentucky”描述新郎虽不是他但仍给与祝福的婚礼;“Write Me A Song”唱出未婚妈妈、迷途少女众多女性的寂寞,只愿有一首好歌让心灵升华;开场曲“Far From Over”和“Get Out Of This Town”是Edwin想仿效爱团AC/DC “Back In Black”的重口味摇;“Radio Star”灵感来自Goo Goo Dolls上电视时被恶整的过程,讽刺歌手上电视耍白痴只求唱片可多卖几张;值得注意的是“Hearts Fall”和“Write Me A Song”的幕后合音是葛莱美奖得主夏恩柯文(Shawn Colvin);“Sun Will Rise”是好听的乡村摇滚;“One Thing Left To Do”加了点Jazz讲的是男女想调情却产生拉锯战,好听也有趣;福音风“Jesus Loves Me”做结尾很恰当,整张专辑让人有倒吃甘蔗之感,Jesus Loves Edwin,让他可以看尽世事,替很多人也替自己写出好听动人的歌曲.
A rootsy singer/songwriter with ties to jazz and soul as well, Edwin McCain hails from Charleston, SC, and it was with the support of native sons Hootie & the Blowfish that McCain signed with Atlantic Records. Let it not be said that McCain never earned his contract: his touring schedule is among the most rigorous in music — 300-plus nights per year — and his dynamic band (guitarist Larry Chaney, bassist Scott Bannevich, drummer Dave Harrison, and saxophone player Craig Shields) gained respect and support slots for similarly minded artists like Hootie, Jewel, and even the Allman Brothers. Signed to Atlantics Lava subsidiary in 1995, the group debuted with Honor Among Thieves. The single Solitude gained support at VH1, prompting the release of 1997s Misguided Roses, which scored a mainstream hit in the song Ill Be. Messenger followed in 1999 with another love-themed success, I Could Not Ask for More, and Far from Over appeared two years later. McCain was dropped from Atlantic after the release of Far from Over, but he actually quickened his recording pace, releasing The Austin Sessions in 2003 and Scream & Whisper in 2004. Keeping up with his relentless tour schedule through the years, the live DVD Tinsel and Tap Shoes: Live at the House of Blues appeared in late 2004. McCains next studio effort, Lost in America, was issued in April 2006 on Vanguard. Nationwide tour dates continued through spring and summer.