


United States of America 美国



中 文 名 保罗·卡达尔

外 文 名 Paul Cardall

出生日期 1973年4月24日

职    业 钢琴家、作曲家


Paul Cardall,1973年4月24日出生于犹他州的盐湖城,是美国著名的钢琴家、作曲家。

Paul Cardall出生于犹他州的盐湖城。出生体检的时候,医生发现他有严重的先天性心脏病:心脏只有一个心室。医生认为他只有数着天数生活,但他的父母没有放弃希望而是对他进行一系列的心脏的手术。因此伴随他童年的是无数的外科手术与其带来的疼痛,这种情况一直持很长时间,直到他进行心脏移植手术。

他8岁开始学习钢琴,学习了几个月后他就退出了,因为无尽的病痛和沮丧的生活。直至高中,他最好的朋友死于车祸,悲伤的 Paul Cardall 谱写了一首曲子《Dave's Farewell》以作哀敬,并一发不可收拾,陆续写几首歌曲,后来制作成第一张专辑:《Sign of Affection》。朋友的死激发了他的音乐天赋,接下来的几年他每天都花两三小时进行钢琴练习,跟钢琴家Craig Kaelin学习作曲和编写曲谱。

大学的时候,Paul Cardall忙着学习,同时也在盐湖城的一些高级餐厅做钢琴伴奏。很多人听过他的钢琴之后,纷纷寻问他的个人专辑。于是在1994年,他自己录制了第一张专辑《Sign of Affection》,并销售他的专辑。当时纽约时报的畅销作家Richard Paul Evans购买Paul Cardall专辑之后,被他的音乐深深折服,马上联系Paul Cardall为他的新书《The Christmas Box》谱曲,随后与书同步发行,推出后立即获得了白金唱片殊荣。同年,发生了美国著名的“俄克拉荷马城惨案”,在悼念亡灵的音乐会,Paul Cardall受邀出场演奏钢琴。Paul Cardall曾经说这是他一生中最难忘的时刻。

1999年,Paul Cardall签约美国著名的唱片公司Narada,随后发行了个人第三张专辑《The Looking Glass》,其灵感来自Richard Paul Evans的畅销书《The Looking Glass》,这也是Paul Cardall和Richard Paul Evans的第二次合作。Narada对Paul Cardall第二专辑《The Christmas Box》重新采样后推出,也得到热烈反响。芝加哥太阳时报称赞Cardall的歌曲“非常动人并具感染力”。

2002年,Paul Cardall发行了两张新专辑《Daily Devotions》和《Miracles: A Journey of Hope and Healing》,受到广大乐迷的赞誉,被评为2002年最受欢迎的钢琴家之一。

2005年,Paul Cardall成立了自己的唱片公司:“Stone Angel Music”。唱片公司陆续签约了Steven Sharp Nelson、Ryan Stewart、Jake White等多位艺术家,并发行了很多的唱片。同年Paul Cardall发行了新专辑《Primary Worship》。

2008年,Paul Cardall被医生告知他的心脏严重衰竭,如果不在一年之内找到替补心脏并移植,他就会衰竭而死。医生同时担忧Paul Cardall的年龄大大曾加了手术成功的难度。虽然如此,Paul Cardall却没有畏惧,他发起一次活动:“如果你被告知你的生命只有一年时间,你会做什么?”,结果得到了很多人的响应。

2009年9月9日,医生终于找到了比配的心脏,并成功移植给Paul Cardall。所有的乐迷都为他欢呼。

2010年,心脏移植手术一年后,Paul Cardall发行了个人自传和同名专辑:《Before My Heart Stops: A Memoir》,随后鼓励艺术家举办了慈善音乐会和拍卖会以帮助那些有先天心脏病的儿童。他和妻子Lynnette在Salt Lake Community College建立了一个奖学金计划,帮助那些谁被先天心脏病影响学业的学生。

2011年,专辑《New Life》发行。

2013年2月发行单曲《Passing Time》和《Scarborough Fair》,4月发行原声带《Ephraim's Rescue》。

2014年3月发行单曲《Be Calm: Brain Healthy Music》,11月发行录音室专辑《Saving Tiny Hearts》。

2015年4月发行录音室专辑《40 Hymns for Forty Days》。

2016年5月,他与艺人David Archuleta出现在Slovenian Opera Theatre表演。

Life and career

Paul Layton Cardall (born April 24, 1973) is an American pianist known for his original compositions and arrangements of various hymns. His music is frequently categorized as New Age, Classical, and Religious.

Paul’s soothing, melodic style is born out of his compassion to help others endure hardship and connect to the strength of the soul. The passion he exudes during his performances is rooted in personal experience because the pianist has endured difficult challenges. He was born with essentially half a functioning heart, which required immediate surgery when Paul was less than a day old. His life-threatening congenital heart disease and a series of difficult surgeries throughout his life, including a heart transplant, has given Paul wisdom, depth and understanding that only music could express to heal hearts and minds of people all over the world.

Based in Salt Lake City, Paul has built a loyal – and ever growing – audience around the world through several social media channels. From Cairo to Chicago, Sydney to Madrid, Paul’s fans live in more than 100 nations. He ads 200 new listeners per day, reaches more than 600,000 Facebook users per week and garners more than 15 million subscribers to his Pandora Radio station.

In addition to his recording career, Paul founded Stone Angel Music in 1999, which owns a catalogue of recordings by other similar artists. He launched cellist Steven Sharp Nelson’s (The Piano Guys) recording career releasing three recordings which debuted on Billboard classical charts. As part of Stone Ange Music, Paul built one of Salt Lake City’s premier recording studios.

In 2011, Utah State Board of Regents awarded Paul with an honorary doctorate because of his community service. As an executive board member of the Saving tiny Hearts Society 501(c)3, Paul actively promotes congenital heart disease medical research. Shortly after receiving a heart transplant in 2009, Paul established an endowment at Salt Lake Community College that awards annual scholarships for students affected by congenital heart disease. In addition to volunteer service related to healing hearts, Paul is an ordained lay-minister in his Christian faith and speaks and performs regularly to non-denominational congregations world-wide.

In 2015 Cardall’s album ‘40 Hymns for Forty Days’ (2015), also debuted as the number one Billboard New Age album in March 2014. ‘40 Hymns for Forty Days’ held its high rank in the top 10 albums for more than 50 weeks.

Musical artists singer David Archuleta and pianist Paul Cardall performed Friday, May 13 2016, in the Slovenian Opera Theatre at the invitation of the Slovenian Heart Foundation for the group’s sold-out 25th anniversary charity concert celebration.

