


#波普 #冷爵士 #后波普 #硬波普
United States of America 美国



虽然Shelly Manne已经离世20多年了,然而他那谦逊,热情而优雅的形象却仍然可以通过他所参与过的录音中生动地显现出来。和同时代的许多著名爵士乐鼓手不同,作为伴奏乐手,Shelly Manne总是能够使那些一起演奏的管乐手受益无穷,因为在音乐中Manne很少上演炫技的大片即兴来获得特别的关注,而总是以一种最富效率,洞察力和想象力的方式引导著乐曲的前进又不失优雅摇摆的个性,这正是Shelly Manne演奏中最伟大的闪光点。

Shelly Manne是50年代兴起的以洛杉磯为中心的西海岸爵士乐的核心音乐家,然而出生于纽约鼓手世家的Shelly Manne却早在30年代就在纽约52大街两旁林立的俱乐部裏开始演奏者这种当时美国最流行的音乐,当40年代波谱运动开始改变爵士乐的时候,他又有幸成为了Charlie Parker以及Dizzy Gillespie的鼓手,不过在接下来Woody Herman以及Stan Kenton乐团中的经历,Shelly Manne确定了他那注重音色和感觉的演奏风格,才真正成为了一名明星乐手。50年代初,Shelly Manne和妻子离开了繁华喧嚣的纽约,前往西海岸洛杉磯僻壤的乡下,在他人生接下来的30多年时间裏经营牧场,过著养马演奏的双重生活。

从这时候开始,Shelly Manne开始成为了所谓"西海岸爵士乐"最重要的乐手之一,以他的年龄和声望来说,Shelly Manne是其中的灵魂人物。许多人会把50年代兴起的以Dave Brubeck四重奏为最具代表性的酷派爵士("Cool Jazz")与西海岸爵士乐等同起来,而爵士乐字典裏所描述的酷派爵士其实只是西海岸爵士乐的某一面而已,在当时也并无这样的称呼,或许后来是为了同东海岸纽约的硬波谱(Hard Bop)对应起来的缘故吧。那个时候的西海岸洛杉磯群星闪耀,确实是纽约之外另一片绚烂的天空,在Shelly Manne长期演奏生涯中一起合作过的乐手包括Shorty Rogers, Hampton Hawes, Red Mitchell, Art Pepper, Russ Freeman, Frank Rosolino, Chet Baker, Zoot Sims, Bob Gordon, Conte Candoli, Sonny Criss等常年在西海岸生活和演奏的音乐家,他们演奏的波谱爵士乐,展示了西海岸特有的阳光,沙滩以及太平洋暖湿海风熏陶的风味。

by Scott Yanow

Shelly Manne made a countless number of records from the 1940s into the 1980s but is best-known as a good-humored bandleader who never hogged the spotlight. Originally a saxophonist, Manne switched to drums when he was 18 and started working almost immediately. He was with Joe Marsalas band (making his recording debut in 1941), played briefly in the big bands of Will Bradley, Raymond Scott and Les Brown and was on drums for Coleman Hawkinss classic The Man I Love session of late 1943. Manne worked on and off with Stan Kenton during 1946-52, also touring with Jazz at the Philharmonic (1948-49) and gigging with Woody Herman (1949). After leaving Kenton, Manne moved to Los Angeles where he became the most in-demand of all jazz drummers. He began recording as a leader (his first session was cut in Chicago in 1951) on a regular basis starting in 1953 when he first put together the quintet Shelly Manne and His Men. Among the sidemen who were in his band during their long string of Contemporary recordings (1955-62) were Stu Williamson, Conte Candoli, Joe Gordan, Bob Enevoldsen, Joe Maini, Charlie Mariano, Herb Geller, Bill Holman, Jimmy Giuffre, Richie Kamuca, Victor Feldman, Russ Freeman, Ralph Pena, Leroy Vinnegar and Monty Budwig. Manne, who had the good fortune to be the leader of a date by the Andre Previn Trio that resulted in a major seller (jazz versions of tunes from My Fair Lady), always had an open musical mind and he recorded some fairly free pieces on The Three and the Two (trios with Shorty Rogers and Jimmy Giuffre that did not have a piano or bass along with duets with Russ Freeman) and enjoyed playing on an early session with Ornette Coleman. In addition to his jazz work, Manne appeared on many film soundtracks and even acted in The Man with the Golden Arm. He ran the popular club Shellys Manne-Hole during 1960-74, kept his music open to freer sounds (featuring trumpeter Gary Barone and tenor-saxophonist John Gross during 1969-72), played with the L.A. Four in the mid-70s and was very active up until his death. Throughout his career Shelly Manne recorded as a leader for Savoy, Interlude, Contemporary, Jazz Groove, Impulse, Verve, Capitol, Atlantic, Concord, Mainstream, Flying Dutchman, Discovery, Galaxy, Pausa, Trend, and Jazziz in addition to a few Japanese labels.
