


#硬摇滚 #流行摇滚
United Kingdom 英国



外 文 名 Def Leppard

中 文 名 威豹乐队

成立地点 英国谢菲尔德

成立时间 1977年

类    型 乐队


Def Leppard(威豹乐队)是一支1977年在英国谢菲尔德成立的硬摇滚乐队,现有贝斯手萨维奇、主音歌手埃利奥特、鼓手阿伦、主音吉他手科伦和吉他手坎贝尔五名成员。该乐队是英国重金属新浪潮的代表性乐队之一,也是1980年代欧洲最成功的重金属乐队之一,其在全球销售专辑超过6500万张。


早期 (1977–1979)

1977年,同为南约克郡谢菲尔德Tapton中学的学生Rick Savage, Pete Willis和Tony Kenning组建了乐队Atomic Mass。乐队原始成员为 Willis on guitar, Savage on bass (原本弹吉他的), Kenning on drums。他们的第一次演出是在Mosborough的Westfield School的食堂A区。此后不久,他们采纳了Elliott在英语课上虚构摇滚乐队时想出的名字"Deaf Leopard"( 至少部分参考Led Zeppelin)。在Kenning的提议下,乐队将拼写略作修改,以使名称看起来像一个朋克乐队。在1978年1月,Steve Clark 加入了乐队。据Joe Elliott所说,他通过演奏Lynyrd Skynyrd的"Free Bird" 成功入围。十一月,在乐队发行包含三首歌的Def Leppard EP之前,Kenning离开了乐队,后来他组建了Cairo乐队。Frank Noon接替了他的位置。月底,只有15岁的全职鼓手Rick Allen加入。在整个1979年,乐队在英国硬摇滚和重金属迷中培养了一批忠实的追随者,甚至最初被认为是英国重金属新浪潮的核心乐队(后来被认为是铁娘子)。乐队日益壮大的知名度,使得他们与知名唱片品牌Phonogram/Vertigo (Mercury Records in the US)签约。


乐队的首张专辑《On Through the Night》于1980年3月14日发行,虽然这张专辑在英国排到前15名,但许多歌迷因为认为乐队努力录制像"Hello America"这样的歌曲并在美国巡回演出(包括Pat Travers, AC/DC, 和Ted Nugent)以迎合美国歌迷而不买账。8月的Reading Festival(Iron Maiden也参与演出)上,乐队的演出因为观众投掷啤酒罐而被迫取消。

后来,乐队引起了AC/DC 制作人Robert John "Mutt" Lange的关注,他同意制作他们的第二张专辑。1981年7月11日《High 'n' Dry》发行,尽管专辑的销售数字不起眼,但专辑中的主打单曲《Bringin On the Heartbreak》成为1982年最先在MTV中播放的金属MV之一。随后乐队进行了欧洲巡演,为Ozzy Osbourne和Blackfoot暖场。

由于在工作中过量饮酒,1982年7月11日Pete Willis被开除,前glam乐队Girl的吉他手Phil Collen加入。这次人员变动发生在他们录制第三张专辑《Pyromania》期间,这张专辑仍然由Lange制作,于1983年1月20日发行。主打曲《Photograph》使乐队家喻户晓,也取代迈克尔杰克逊的《Beat it》成为MTV中最受欢迎的音乐视频,并成为摇滚电台主打歌曲,占据美国摇滚专辑排行榜第一长达六周之久。

在《Photograph》和随后的单曲《Rock of Ages》和《Foolin》的推动下,《Pyromania》接着在1983年卖出600万份(在这一年每星期的销量超过10万份)。3月份,乐队为推广《Pyromania》在美国巡演中为Billy Squier暖场并举行美国巡演,9月份他们在San Diego的Jack Murphy Stadiumin在55000名观众面前表演,结束了巡演。在1984年美国盖洛普民意测验中DEF LEPPARD作为最喜爱的摇滚乐队获得票数超过同类乐队比如The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, 和Journey。


因为税务原因,乐队在1984年2月搬到都柏林。Lange最初参与歌曲制作,但随后因劳累而返回。 Jim Steinman代替他加入。1984年12月31日,鼓手Rick Allen在Sheffield郊外的一场交通事故中失去了他的左臂,当时他的Corvette车在通过一个急转弯时撞到了墙上。尽管事故很严重,里克仍继续致力于他在DEF LEPPARD中鼓手的角色,并意识到,他可以用他的腿代替以前用手臂参与打鼓。乐队的其他成员的支持艾伦的恢复工作而从未要求更换鼓手。在此期间,Mutt Lange作为制作人返回乐队。1986 Donington Monsters of Rock 音乐节上,当Joe Elliott介绍Allen时,观众们为他的胜利复出迸发出了充满激情的欢呼声。

4年之后的1987年8月3日,乐队的第四张专辑《Hysteria》发行,在英国,专辑的第一首歌《Animal》第一次入围Top 10,在英国单曲榜中位列第六。在其发行后的第一周,专辑就做到了英国专辑榜的第一位。1988年7月专辑也在美国Billboard200榜上排行第一。《Pour Some Sugar on Me》的mv在Dial MTV 中创纪录地连续73天排名第一,这首歌也被认为是乐队的标志性歌曲。1988年10月,柔情歌曲《Love Bites》成为了乐队第一个也是唯一一个在the Billboard Hot 100排名第一的单曲。1989 MTV Video Music Awards上乐队表演了《Tear It Down》 。在1989 American Music Awards上,def leppard赢得了Favorite Heavy Metal/Hard Rock Artist和Favorite Heavy Metal/Hard Rock Album (for Hysteria).

Hysteria是屈指可数的几个有7首或更多单曲排名US Hot 100的专辑之一【 "Women" (#80), "Animal" (#19), "Hysteria" (#10), "Pour Some Sugar on Me" (#2), "Love Bites" (#1), "Armageddon It" (#3), "Rocket" (#12). 】同样成功的是随后的为期15个月的巡演。


Hysteria专辑发行之后,乐队便开始着手第五张专辑的制作。Steve Clark酗酒恶化到不断去康复中心接受治疗的地步,专辑的制作因此收到了干扰。在1990年中期,Steve获准离开乐队6个月。Clark于1991年1月8日在他伦敦的家中因意外的处方药和酒精混合而去世。DEF LEPPARD的第五张专辑,《Adrenalize》,终于于1992年3月31日发行。这张专辑同时进入英国和美国专辑排行榜并位列第一,更在美国榜上停留了5个星期。专辑的第一首单曲 《Let's Get Rocked》红极一时,其MV后来在1992年MTV音乐录影带大奖获得年度最佳影片提名。DEF LEPPARD在1992年4月参与了向Freddie Mercury致敬的演唱会,表演了三首歌曲 《Animal》, 《Let's Get Rocked》,还和皇后乐队吉他手Brian May共同表演了《Now I'm Here》。1992年,前Dio和Whitesnake乐队吉他手Vivian Campbell加入乐队后,乐队又举行了全球巡演。但乐队的命运开始受到日益壮大的alternative rock和grunge的影响。

1993年10月,乐队发行了Retro Active专辑,它由b-side和一些1984年至1993年未曾发行的歌曲所组成。 《Two Steps Behind》 (来自施瓦辛格的电影Last Action Hero)获得了巨大的成功,另外一首单曲《Miss You In A Heartbeat》打入加拿大排行榜前5名,该专辑售出了300万张。两年之后,Def Leppard 发行了他们的首张精选《Vault: Def Leppard Greatest Hits (1980–1995)》, 在全球卖出1100万张。


Slang专辑于1996年5月发布。美国歌迷对该专辑的态度与10年之前相比要冷淡很多,但是Q Magazine仍然将其列为1996年十大专辑之一。


Songs from the Sparkle Lounge于2008年4月28日发行,随后乐队于2008年3月27日开始在北卡罗来纳州格林斯博罗进行巡演。乐队还参加了一些欧洲的摇滚音乐节。6月,乐队与Whitesnake合作展开了英国巡演,后来还去日本,澳大利亚和新西兰进行演出。Whitesnake也随行参加了印度和日本的演出。2009年年中,乐队与Whitesnake和ZZ Top一起在Download Festival上进行表演。

在2008年10月Def Leppard和Taylor Swift一起参与田纳西州纳什维尔的名叫CMT Crossroads: Def Leppard and Taylor Swift的演出。

2009年10月,乐队宣布因“不可预知的个人事务”,他们将取消2009年的北美巡演,否认了有关解散的传言。Joe Elliott告诉英国的Metro说乐队将休息一年,目前新的巡演已经开始。

2011年,乐队发行了现场专辑《Mirrorball: Live & More》。

DEF LEPPARD在2011年夏天开始了为期两个月的美国之行。之后是澳大利亚和日本巡演以及和Motley Crue. Steel Panther一同在英国本土演出。

2013年发行EP《Hysteria 2013 (Re-Recorded Version)》。3月22日在美国拉斯维加斯重新演绎1987年的第4张专辑《Hysteria》演唱会。

2015年发行专辑《Def Leppard》。

2016年1月,在High Seas concert 的“MSC Divina”号游轮上演绎《Hysteria》。

Def Leppard are an English rock band formed in 1977 in Sheffield as part of the new wave of British heavy metal movement. Since 1992, the band has consisted of Joe Elliott (lead vocals), Rick Savage (bassist, backing vocals), Rick Allen (drums, backing vocals), Phil Collen (guitar, backing vocals), and Vivian Campbell (guitar, backing vocals). This is the band's longest-standing line-up.

The band's strongest commercial success came between the early 1980s and the early 1990s. Their 1981 album, ‘High 'n' Dry’, was produced by Robert John "Mutt" Lange, who helped them begin to define their style, and the album's standout track "Bringin' On the Heartbreak" became one of the first rock videos played on MTV in 1982. The band's next studio album, ‘Pyromania’ in January 1983, with "Photograph" as the lead single, turned Def Leppard into a household name. In the U.S., Pyromania was certified Diamond (10× Platinum). In 2003, the album ranked number 384 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.

Def Leppard's fourth album ‘Hysteria’, released in August 1987, topped the UK and U.S. album charts. As of 2009, it has reached beyond the success of ‘Pyromania’, having been certified 12× Platinum for sales of over 12 million in the U.S. and has gone on to sell over 25 million copies worldwide.The album spawned seven hit singles, including the U.S. ‘Billboard’ Hot 100 number one "Love Bites", alongside "Pour Some Sugar on Me", "Hysteria", "Armageddon It", "Animal", "Rocket", and "Women". Their next studio album, ‘Adrenalize’ (the first following the death of guitarist Steve Clark), reached number one in the UK and U.S. charts in 1992, and contained several hits, including "Let's Get Rocked" and "Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad". Their 1993 album, ‘Retro Active’, contained the acoustic hit song "Two Steps Behind", while their greatest-hits album ‘Vault’, released in 1995, featured the UK hit "When Love & Hate Collide".

As one of the world's best-selling music artists, Def Leppard have sold more than 100 million records worldwide,and have two albums with RIAA Diamond certification, ‘Pyromania’ and ‘Hysteria’.They are one of only five rock bands with two original studio albums selling over 10 million copies in the U.S.The band were ranked No. 31 in VH1's "100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock"and ranked No. 70 in "100 Greatest Artists of All Time".

After taking a year off from touring in 2010, the band announced on 22 February 2011 that they would be releasing their first live album in the summer. ‘Mirror Ball – Live & More’, a two-disc live album, with three new studio tracks, was released in parts of Europe on 3 June, the rest of Europe on 6 June, and on 7 June in the US; it was announced at the same time that Def Leppard would perform at the Download Festival on 10 June 2011. Of the three new studio tracks, two were released as singles, the first single being "Undefeated" released in April 2011, followed by "It's All About Believin'" released over a year later in May 2012.

Def Leppard embarked on a two-month U.S. tour in the summer of 2011, with Heart., as well as another seven shows in Australia in October with The Choirboys and Heart,two shows in Japan in November,and six shows in the United Kingdom in December with Steel Panther and Mötley Crüe.The following year, they then toured with Poison and Lita Ford in the US during the summer of 2012 from 20 June through 15 September, dubbed the "Rock Of Ages 2012 Tour".

The year after, Def Leppard played an eleven show residency at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada from 22 March through 13 April 2013. The residency, referred to as ‘Viva! Hysteria’, featured a two part show, with the first half featuring Def Leppard opening for themselves, under the alias "Ded Flatbird", (jokingly called the best Def Leppard cover band in the world), when they would then play songs they very rarely play live, going all the way back to "Good Morning Freedom", a b-side from the single "Hello America" released in February 1980, an era usually left untouched by the band. The opening set varied each night, from playing the best hits from albums like ‘On Through the Night’, ‘Slang’, and ‘Euphoria’, to being the entire first half of ‘High 'n' Dry’. The second half, and "main event" was Def Leppard, as themselves playing their best-selling album, ‘Hysteria’, from start to finish. A live album, also titled ‘Viva! Hysteria’ was released on 22 October 2013. This was the first time the band has played an album live from start to finish.

The band has re-recorded several hits and even the entire album ‘Hysteria’ in an effort to circumvent their record label from future royalties, though of these re-recordings, only "Rock Of Ages", "Pour Some Sugar On Me", and "Hysteria" have actually been released.

In June 2013, Vivian Campbell announced that he had developed Hodgkin's lymphoma, a malignant form of cancer that affects the Reed-Sternberg cells, located in the lymph nodes. He continued performing with Def Leppard, and no shows were cancelled or rescheduled. The sole idea of cancelling any shows and not doing anything disgusted Vivian, believing performing would be the best way to remain optimistic. In November 2013, he announced he was in remission. However, the cancer has since reemerged, and he is now receiving chemotherapy once again. Should the cancer once again enter remission, he will undergo a stem-cell transplant.

On 11 February 2014, the band released a remastered deluxe edition of their 1996 album ‘Slang’ after much delay. The album, still coveted by many loyal fans of the band, now features 30 tracks including demos, B-sides, and unreleased material. From 23 June 2014 to 31 August 2014, Def Leppard and Kiss toured 42 cities, with a dollar per ticket donated to such military charities as Wounded Warrior Project.Def Leppard contributed one song Helen Wheels to the Paul McCartney tribute album The Art of McCartney released on 18 November 2014. Joe Elliott also contributed another track Hi Hi Hi.

At certain recent points in time, the band had projects, such as a cartoon and a documentary in development. However, these projects seem to be shelved indefinitely. The band had originally planned to do another residency in Las Vegas, this time in honour of ‘Pyromania’ (called Viva! Pyromania), but due to the "Heroes 2014" tour with Kiss, and an upcoming, unnamed studio album, the project has been pushed back indefinitely. The new album was originally planned to be an EP, but the set-list increased to 15 songs by June 2014. The album is planned to be released in 2015 with a tour to follow.

In December 2014, the band announced a 13-date Canadian tour in April and May 2015.This was followed in February 2015 with the announcement of a 2015 US summer tour with Styx and Tesla from June to October 2015.The tour has been extended to include dates in Japan and Australia throughout November, and a tour of the UK and Ireland with Whitesnake in December. Def Leppard will also return to North America with Styx and Tesla in early 2016.

An eleventh studio album, titled ‘Def Leppard’, was recorded in 2014 and 2015, and released on 30 October 2015.The band released the lead single from their self-titled album on 15 September 2015, titled "Let's Go", with a music video for the song being released on 30 October.The 14 track album debuted at number 10 on the ‘Billboard’ 200 in the U.S.

During the break following their 2015 tour, Def Leppard led the ‘Hysteria’ on the High Seas concert cruise aboard the ‘MSC Divina’ in January 2016. Originally supposed to be a cruise just for the concert goers, cabins were later opened up to others due to low sales. Everything aboard the cruise didn't go exactly as planned either when the cruise was not able to dock at the private island due to inclement weather. The problems continued as Joe Elliott became ill with laryngitis on the night of their cruise performance. This led to the band performing without Elliott for the first time in their history. Vivian Campbell and Phil Collen sang lead vocals on two songs of the shortened seven song set in addition to two songs with vocals by Andrew Freeman and two more with Eric Martin and Kip Winger. Further than that, Campbell and Freeman's Last in Line bandmate Jimmy Bain, former bassist of Dio died of lung cancer aboard the ship the same night, causing Last in Line to cancel their show the following day. Back on land, Elliott struggled through the first concert of the 2016 tour, resulting in Tesla's Jeff Keith joining Elliott on lead. The following day's concert was also postponed "due to illness", with Rick Allen reporting on Twitter "The Doctor basically said that if Joe continues to sing without resting his throat for a month he might do permanent damage.." By July, the band were performing regularly again and intended to complete 48 dates.

